Economic and Technological Change (ECON)


Dil Bahadur Rahut.  2012.  In Search of Prosperity: Analyzing the External Trade Policy of Bhutan.  Bhutan Journal of Research and Development. , 1 (1)   .
Djanibekov, N., Bobojonov, I. and J.P.A. Lamers.  2012.  Farm reform in Uzbekistan.  In: Martius, C., Rudenko, I., Lamers, J.P.A. and P.L.G. Vlek (eds.): Cotton, Water, Salts and Soums - Economic and Ecological Restructuring in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-94-007-1962-0.   95-112.  Further Information
Djanibekov, N., Hornidge, A.-K. and M. Ul-Hassan.  2012.  From joint experimentation to laissez-faire: transdisciplinary innovation research for the institutional strengthening of a water users association in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 18 (4)   : 409-423   . Further Information
Djanibekov, N., van Assche, K., Bobojonov, I. and J.P.A. Lamers.  2012.  Farm restructuring and land consolidation in Uzbekistan: New Farms with Old Barriers.  Europe-Asia Studies, 64 (6)   : 1101-1126   . Further Information
Djanibekov, U.  2012.  More than carbon price.  Nature Climate Change, 2   : 296. doi:10.1038/nclimate1470   . Further Information
Djanibekov, U., A. Khamzina, N. Djanibekov and J.P.A. Lamers.  2012.  How attractive are short-term CDM forestations in arid regions? The case of irrigated croplands in Uzbekistan.  Forest Policy And Economics, 21   : 108-117   . Further Information
Garcia-Yi, J.  2012.  onsumo y Demanda Interna de Ajies Nativos (Capsicum spp.) en Perú y Bolivia.  Revista de Agroecología, 27 (4)   : 7-38   .
Garcia-Yi, J..  2012.  Data Collection: Experiences and Lessons Learned Asking Sensitive.  Survey Methodology, 38 (2)   .
Gelan, A., and Muriithi, B. W.  2012.  Measuring and explaining technical efficiency of dairy farms: a case study of smallholder farms in East Africa.  Agrekon, 51(2)   : 53–74   . Further Information
Gerber, N. and Sommer, J.H.  2012.  Biological indicators – genetic.  In: Ian Spellerberg et al. (eds.): “Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability Vol. 6 - Measurements, Indicators, and Research Methods for Sustainability”. Berkshire Publishing Group, Great Barrington, USA..  
Guta, D.  2012.  Application of an almost ideal demand system (AIDS) to Ethiopian rural residential energy use:Panel data evidence.  Energy Policy, 50   : 528-539   . Further Information
Guta, D.  2012.  Assessment of Biomass fuel resource potential and Utilization in Ethiopia: Sourcing strategies for renewable energies.  International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, 2 (1)   : 132-139   . Further Information
Haile, Mekbib G. & Abebaw, D.  2012.  What factors determine the time allocation of agricultural extension agents on farmers' agricultural fields? Evidence from rural Ethiopia.  Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 4(10)   : 318-329   . Further Information
Ibragimov N, Djumaniyazova Y, Ruzimov J, Eshchanov R, Scheer C, Kienzler K, Lamers JPA, Bekchanov M.  2012.  Optimal irrigation and N-fertilizer management for sustainable winter wheat production in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  In: Martius C, Rudenko I, Lamers JPA, Vlek PLG (eds.): Cotton, water, salts and soums - economic and ecological restructuring in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Springer: Dordrecht/Heidelberg/London/New York.   171-180. 
Korf, B. and C. Schetter.  2012.  Räume des Ausnahmezustands. Carl Schmitts Raumphilosophie, Frontiers und Ungoverned Territories.  Peripherie, 132 (126/127)   : 147-170   .
Rahut, D.B., I. Velasquez Castellanos and P. Sahoo.  2012.  Performance Financial Institution in Bhutan.  Asia-Pacific Development Journal, 19 (1)   : 97-138   . Further Information
Sommer, R., Djanibekov, N., Mueller, M. and O. Salaev.  2012.  Economic-ecological optimization model of land and resource use at farm-aggregated level.  In: Martius, C., Rudenko, I., Lamers, J.P.A. and P.L.G. Vlek (eds.): Cotton, Water, Salts and Soums . Springer, Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, ISBN 978-94-007-1962-0.   267-283.  Further Information
Suriya, K..  2012.  Modeling the linkage between tourism and multiple dimensions of poverty reduction in Thailand.  The Empirical Econometrics and Quantitative Economics Letters, 1,1   : 17-38   . Download [PDF | 262.37KB]
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Suriya, K..  2012.  Sustainable Pro-poor Community-based Tourism in Thailand.  In: Huang, W. and P. Leeahtam (eds.): Asian Economic Reconstruction and Development under New Challenges. CMSE Press.   93-104.  Download [PDF | 74.39KB]
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Suriya, K. and C. Gruen.  2012.  Souvenir production in community-based tourism and poverty reduction in Thailand.  The Empirical Econometrics and Quantitative Economics Letters, 1,1   : 1-4   . Download [PDF | 177.95KB]
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Suriya, K. and J. Walde.  2012.  Artificial Neural Networks for Classification of Souvenir Designs.  International Journal of Innovative Management, Information and Production , 3,2   : 88-96   . Download [PDF | 255.68KB]
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Further Information
Tambo, J.A. and T. Abdoulaye.  2012.  Climate change and agricultural technology adoption: the case of drought tolerant maize in rural Nigeria.  Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change , 17 (3)   : 277-292   . Further Information
Van Assche, K. and N. Djanibekov.  2012.  Spatial planning as policy integration: The need for an evolutionary perspective. Lessons from Uzbekistan.  Land Use Policy, 29 (1)   : 179-186   . Further Information
von Braun, J. and N. Gerber.  2012.  The economics of land and soil degradation - toward an assessment of the costs of inaction.  In: Lal, R., K. Lorenz, R.F. Hüttl, B.U. Schneider and J. von Braun (Eds) (eds.): Recarbonization of the biosphere - ecosystems and the global carbon cycle. Springer.   pp 493-516. 


1. Thuo, M. W., Bravo-Ureta, B.E., I. Hathie and K. Obeng-Asiedu.  2011.  Adoption of Chemical Fertilizer by Smallholder Farmers in the Peanut Basin of Senegal.  The African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 6   : 1-17   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Abegaz, B. and A.K. Basu.  2011.  “The Elusive Productivity Effect of Trade Liberalization in the Manufacturing Industries of Emerging Economies”.  Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 47   : pp 23-45   .
Baumgartner, P., Berger, A., Brautigam, D..  2011.  Die Kritik an Chinas Entwicklungshilfe ist übertrieben.  Die ZEIT online, Aug 16, 2011   : 3   . Further Information
Chakrabarty, S., Grote, U. and Lüchters G.  2011.  Does social labelling encourage child schooling and discourage child labour in Nepal?.  International Journal of Educational Development, 31 (5)   : 483-489   . Further Information
Deneke, T.T., Mapedza, E., and Amede, T..  2011.  Institutional Implications of Governance of Local Common Pool Resources on Livestock Water Productivity in Ethiopia.  Experimental Agriculture 47 (S1), Suplement 1   : 99-111   . Further Information
Djanibekov, N., I. Bobojonov and U. Djanibekov.  2011.  Prospects of Agricultural Water Service Fees in the Irrigated Drylands Downstream of Amudarya.  In: Martius, C., I. Rudenko, J.P.A. Lamers and P.L.G. Vlek (eds.): Cotton, Water, Salts and Soums: Economic and Ecological Restructuring in Khorezm, Uzbekistan. Springer.   389-411.  Further Information
Djanibekov, U., N. Djanibekov, A. Khamzina and J.P.A. Lamers.  2011.  Afforestation on marginal croplands for enhancing the resilience of rural incomes to water scarcity in dry areas of Central Asia.  In: Hartebrodt, C. and K. Howard (eds.): Synergies and conflicts in social, ecological and economic interactions .  
Dörr, A. C. and U. Grote.  2011.  Marketing chain analysis: a case study of the melon sector in Rio Grande do Norte state in Brazil.  Organizações Rurais e Agroindustriais (UFLA).   377-388. 
Garcia-Yi, J..  2011.  eterogeneous motivations of households in coca growing regions: the case of an indigenous community in Peru..  Working Paper Series WP22.. Proceedings of the German Development Economics Conference.  
Gerber, N.  2011.  Biodiversity measures based on species-level dissimilarities: a methodology for assessment.  Ecological Economics, 70   : 2275-2281   .
Getaw Tadesse and Atle Guttormsen.  2011.  The Behaviour of Commodity Prices in Ethiopia.  Agricultural Economics , Vol 42 (1)   : 87-97   .
Guta, D.  2011.  Energy Demand in Rural Ethiopia from a Household Perspective: A Panel Data Analysis.  The Journal of Energy and Development Vol. 35, Nos. 1 & 2, : 195-213   . Further Information
Kienzler, K., Djanibekov, N. and J.P.A. Lamers.  2011.  An agronomic, economic and behavioral analysis of N application to cotton and wheat in post-Soviet Uzbekistan.  Agricultural Systems, 104 (5)   : 411-418   . Further Information
Langen, N..  2011.  Are ethical consumption and charitable giving substitutes or not? Insights into consumers’ coffee choice.  Food Quality and Preference, 22: 412–421.   . Further Information
Nancy Chau and Weiwen Zhang.  2011.  Harnessing the Forces of Urban Expansion: The Public Economics of Land Development Allowance.  Land Economics, 87   : 488-507   .
Nkonya, E., Gerber, N., Baumgartner, P., von Braun, J., De Pinto, A., Graw, V., Kato, E., Kloos, J. and Walter, T..  2011.  The Economics of Land Degradation: Toward an integrated global assessment..  Peter Lang GmbH.

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