Economic and Technological Change (ECON)


Nkonya, E., M. Winslow, M.S. Reed, M. Mortimore and A. Mirzabaev.  2011.  Monitoring and assessing the influence of social, economic and policy factors on sustainable land management in drylands. Land Degradation & Development 22: 240–247.  .
Nkonya, E., N. Gerber, J. von Braun, and A. De Pinto.  2011.  Economics of land degradation - The costs of action versus inaction.  . IFPRI Issue Brief 68.   Further Information
Oskenbayev, Y., Yilmaz, M. and Chagirov, D..  2011.  The impact of macroeconomic indicators on stock exchange performance in Kazakhstan.  African Journal of Business Management, 5 (7)   : 2985-2991   . Further Information
S. Nuru and H. Seebens.  2011.  The Impact of Location on Crop Choice and Rural Livelihood: Evidences from Villages from Northern Ethiopia.  Ethiopian Journal of Economics, 20 (2)   . Further Information
Srichoochart, S. and K. Suriya.  2011.  Factors influencing the intention to purchase an innovative tourism service for learning Northern Thai intellectualities using a conditional Logit model.  In: Calkins, P. et al (eds.): Unifying Econometrics: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. CMSE Press.   233-238.  Download [PDF | 55.41KB]
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Suriya, K. and S. Srichoochart.  2011.  Binary Logit analysis of souvenir design preferences by international tourists to Northern Thailand.  In: Calkins, P. et al (eds.): Unifying Econometrics: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. CMSE Press.   239 - 246.  Download [PDF | 57.16KB]
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Further Information
Tsegai, D. and Q.B . Le..  2011.  District-level spatial anaylsis of migration flows in Ghana: Determinants and implications for policy.  Regional Science Policy and Practice, 3 (2)   : 87-100   . Further Information
Walter T., J. Kloos and D. Tsegai.  2011.  Options for improving water use efficiency under.  Water SA, 37 (3)   : 357-370   . Further Information


Abbas, F.  2010.  Pakistan: why the reforms need work.  Nature, 467   : 1047   .
Abebaw, D. F. Yibeltal and K. Belay.  2010.  The Impact of a Food Security Program on Household Food Consumption in Northwestern Ethiopia: A Matching Estimator Approach.  Food Policy, : 35(4): 286-293   .
Algieri, B..  2010.  Income and Price Elasticities of the Italian Exports in Tourism Services.  International Economics, Vol. 63, n. 4   : 381-405   .
Algieri, B..  2010.  Modelling export equations using an unobserved component model: the case of the Euro Area and its competitors.  Empirical Economics, : pp. 1-45.   .
Ali, S.N..  2010.  Education as a Means of Smooth Rural-Urban Migration: Some Evidences from Ethiopia.  Ethiopian Journal of Economics, 19 (1)   : 1-27   .
Basu, A. K., N. H. Chau and R. Kanbur.  2010.  Turning a Blind Eye: Costly Enforcement, Credible Commitment and Minimum Wage Laws.  Economic Journal, 120   : 244-269   .
Basu, A. K., N. H. Chau and R. Kanbur.  2010.  “Turning a Blind Eye: Costly Enforcement, Credible Commitment and Minimum Wage Laws”.  Economic Journal, 120   : pp 244-269   .
Bekchanov, M., A. Karimov and J. P. A. Lamers.  2010.  Impact of Water Availability on Land and Water Productivity: A Temporal and Spatial Analysis of the Case Study Region Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  Water, 2(3)   : 668-684   . Further Information
Bobojonov, I., J. Franz, E. Berg, J.P.A. Lamers and C. Maritus.  2010.  Improved policy making for sustainable farming: A case study on irrigated dryland.  Jounal of Sustainable Agriculture, 34 (7)   : 800-817   .
Brondízio, E.S. and F.W. Gatzweiler.  2010.  Chapter 4: Socio‐cultural context of ecosystem and biodiversity valuation.  In: Pushpam Kumar (eds.): The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Ecological and Economic Foundations. Earthscan, London and Washington.   Further Information
Dev, S. Mahendra, Jointly with N.Chandrasekhara Rao.  2010.  Biotechnology in Indian Agriculture: Potential, Performance and Concerns.  Academic Foundation.
Djanibekov, N., Lamers, J.P.A. and I. Bobojonov.  2010.  Land consolidation for increasing cotton production in Uzbekistan: Also adequate for triggering rural development?.  In: Labar, K., Petrick, M. and G. Buchenrieder (eds.): Challenges of Education and Innovation. IAMO Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe, 56, Halle (Saale).   140-149. 
Djanibekov, N., Rudenko, I., Lamers, J.P.A. and I. Bobojonov.  2010.  Pros and cons of cotton production in Uzbekistan. Case Study #7-9.  In: Pinstrup-Andersen, P. and F. Cheng (eds.): Food Policy for Developing Countries: Food Production and Supply Policies. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.   13.  Further Information
Franz, J., I. Bobojonov, I. and O. Egamberdiev.  2010.  Assessing the economic viability of organic cotton production in Uzbekistan: a first look.  Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 34(1)   : 99-119   .
Langen, N., Grebitus, C. and M. Hartmann.  2010.  Is there need for more transparency and efficiency in cause-related Marketing?.  International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 1 (4)   . Further Information
Muriithi, B. W., J. Mburu, and M. Ngigi M.  2010.  Constraints and Determinants of Compliance with EurepGap Standards: A Case of Smallholder French Bean Exporters in Kirinyaga District, Kenya. Agribusiness, 27, p.1-12..  27   : 1-12   . Further Information
Muriithi, B., W., J. Mburu and M. Ngigi.  2010.  Compliance with International Food Safety Standards: Determinants, costs and implications of EurepGap standards on profitability among smallholders’ horticultural exporters in Kenya.  LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. Germany . Further Information
Nketiah-Amponsah, E.  2010.  Mothers' Demand for Preventive Healthcare for Children aged Under-Five: The case of Utilization of Insecticide Treated Bednets in Ghana.  Journal of Sustainable Development, 3(2)   : 98-106   .
Nketiah-Amponsah, E.  2010.  Covariates of Under-Five Mortality: Application of Survival Analysis to a Cross Section of Ghanaian Children.  Indian Journal of Maternal and Child Health, 12(3)   .
Rayhan, Md. I. and U. Grote.  2010.  Crop Diversification to Mitigate Flood Vulnerability in Bangladesh: An Economic Approach.  Economics Bulletin, 30 (1)   : 597-604   .
Rudenko I..  2010.  Case Study #8-6, The Aral Sea: An ecological disaster. Food policy for developing countries: Case studies.  Ithaca, New York: Cornell University.
Rustagi, D., S. Engel, M. Kosfeld.  2010.  Conditional cooperation and costly monitoring explain success in forest commons ´management.  Science, 330   : 961-965   .
Subramanian, A., K. Kirwan, D. Pink, and M. Qaim.  2010.  GM crops and gender issues.  Nature Biotechnology, 28 (5)   : 404-406   .
Tsegai, D.W., T. Linz and J. Kloos..  2010.  Economic analysis of water supply cost structure in the middle Olifants sub-basin of South Africa.  Journal of European Economy, 9 (6)   : 367-384   . Further Information
Tsegay, D., S.R. Moe, P.O. Vedeld, E. Aynekulu.  2010.  Land-use/cover dynamics in arid and semi-arid rangelands of northern Afar, Ethiopia.  Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 139   : 174-180   .
Vyshpolsky, F., K. Mukhamedjanov, U. Bekbaev, S. Ibatullin, T. Yuldashev, A.D. Noble, A. Mirzabaev, A. Aw-Hassan and M. Qadir.  2010.  Optimizing the rate and timing of phosphogypsum application to magnesium-affected soils for crop yield and water productivity enhancement.  Agricultural Water Management, 97 (9)   : 1277   .
Whitman, T., Scholz, S.M., Lehmann, J..  2010.  Biochar projects for mitigating climate change: an investigation of critical methodology issues for carbon accounting.  Carbon Management, 1 (1)   : 89-107   .


Abebaw, D..  2009.  The Safetynet Role of Wild Coffee berries in Ethiopia: Linking Conservation to Development.  Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 7(2)   : 55-80   .
Admassie, A., Abebaw, D. and A. Delelegn.  2009.  Impact Evaluation of the Ethiopian Health Services Extension Program.  Journal of Development Effectiveness, 1(4)   : 430-449   .
Algieri, B. and A. Aquino.  2009.  Monetary Policy in the US and the European Union: The Role of Monetary Aggregates.  In: William N. Squires and Charles P. Burdock (eds.): Monetary Growth: Trends, Impacts and Policies . Nova Science Publisher New York, USA.   Further Information
Algieri, B. and S. Kanellopoulou.  2009.  Determinants of demand for exports of tourism: An unobserved component model.  Tourism and Hospitality Research, Volume 9, Issue 1   : 9-19   .
Algieri, B. and T. Bracke.  2009.  Patterns of current account adjustment.  Open Economies Review, 22 (3)   : 401-425   . Further Information

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