Economic and Technological Change (ECON)


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Chakrabarty S. and U. Grote.  2009.  Child Labor in Carpet Weaving: Impact of Social Labeling in India and Nepal.  World Development, 37 (10)   : 1683-1693   .
Dörr, A. C. and U. Grote.  2009.  IImpact of certification on fruit producers in the Sao Francisco Valley in Brazil.  In: The Annals of Dunarea de Jos University. Fascicle (eds.): Economics and Applied Informatics. v.XV.   5-16. 
Engel, S., T. Wünscher and S. Wunder.  2009.  Increasing the efficiency of forest conservation: The case of payments for environmental services in Costa Rica..  In: Palmer, C. S. Engel (eds.): Avoided Deforestation: Prospects for mitigating climate change. Oxford, Routledge.   314-328. 
Grote, U. and Stellmacher, T...  2009.  Coffee Certification in the International Trade.  Aroma Coffee Magazine 1/2009. Coffee Business Publications, Hamburg.   6-11. 
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Nketiah-Amponsah, E.  2009.  Demand for Health Insurance among Women in Ghana: Cross-Sectional Evidence.  International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 33   : 179-191   .
Nketiah-Amponsah, E.  2009.  Public Spending and Economic Growth: Evidence from Ghana (1970-2004).  Development Southern Africa, 26(3):477-497, .
Nketiah-Amponsah, E and J. Kihara Maguta.  2009.  Public Institutions and Natural Resource Conservation: Examples from Kenya and Ghana.  Legon Journal of International Affairs(LEJIA), 6(2)   : 1-23   .
Nketiah-Amponsah, E. and I. Sagoe-Moses,.  2009.  Expectant Mothers and the Demand for Institutional Delivery: Do household Income and Access to Health Information Matter?-some Insight from Ghana.  European Journal of Social Sciences, 8(3):469-482, .
Nketiah-Amponsah, E. and U. Hiemenz.  2009.  Determinants of Consumer Satisfaction of Health Care in Ghana:Does Choice of Health Care Provider Matter?.  Global Journal of Health Science, 1(2)   : 50-61   .
Randall Akee, Arnab Basu, Arjun Bedi, and Nancy Chau.  2009.  Combating Trafficking in Women and Children: A Review of International and National Legislation, Co-ordination Failures and Perverse Economic Incentives.  The Protection Project Journal of Human Rights and Civil Society, 2   : 1-24   .
Subramanian, A. and M. Qaim.  2009.  Village-wide Effects of Agricultural Biotechnology: The Case of Bt Cotton in India.  World Development, 37 (1)   : 256-267   . Further Information
Subramanian, A., Sadashivappa, P., and Qaim, M.  2009.  Commercialized GM crops and yield.  Nature Biotechnology, 27   : 803-804   . Further Information
Tsegai, D. W. and P. M. Kormawa.  2009.  Determinants of urban household demand for cassava and cassava products in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria: An application of AIDS model.  European Journal of Development Research, 21 (3)   . Further Information
Velásquez Iván.  2009.  Pobreza, desigualdad y crisis en Bolivia. En el “Informe de Milenio sobre la Economía.  No 26. Fundación Milenio Holding Editores. La Paz Bolivia. , .


Abebaw, D..  2008.  Determinants of Solid Waste Disposal Practices in Urban Areas of Ethiopia: A Household-Level Analysis.  Eastern Africa Social Science Review, 14 (1)   : 1-14   .
Algieri, B..  2008.  The Russian Economy: Growth Factors and Trade Flows, in Transition Economies: 21st Century Issues and Challenges.  .   99-128. 
Algieri, B..  2008.  The Russian Economy: Growth Factors and Trade Flows, in Transition Economies.  In: Gergõ M. Lakatos (eds.): 21st Century Issues and Challenges.   99-128.  Further Information
Behera, B..  2008.  Institutional Dynamics and Natural Resource Management: A study of JFM in Andhra Pradesh.  Journal of Rural Development, 27 (4)   : 575-600   .
BORGES JÚNIOR, João Carlos Ferreira; FERREIRA, Paulo Afonso; ANDRADE, Camilo de Lelis Teixeira de; DUNKHORST, Bettina Hedden.  2008.  Computational modeling for irrigated agriculture planning. Part I: general description and linear programming.  Engenharia Agrícola (Brazil - Agricultural Engineering), 3   : 471-482   . Further Information
BORGES JÚNIOR, João Carlos Ferreira; FERREIRA, Paulo Afonso; ANDRADE, Camilo de Lelis Teixeira de; HEDDEN-DUNKHORST, Bettina Hedden.  2008.  Computational modeling for irrigated agriculture planning. Part II: risk analysis.  Engenharia Agrícola (Brazil - Agricultural Engineering), 3   : 483-493   . Further Information
BORGES JÚNIOR, João Carlos Ferreira; FERREIRA, Paulo Afonso; HEDDEN-DUNKHORST, Bettina; ANDRADE, Camilo de Lelis Teixeira de.  2008.  Modelo computacional para suporte à decisão em áreas irrigadas. Parte I: Desenvolvimento e análise de sensibilidade (Computer model for decision support in irrigated areas. Part I: Development and sensitivity analysis).  Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, : 3-11   . Further Information
Djanibekov, N.  2008.  Introduction of water prices among agricultural producers in Khorezm, Uzbekistan: An economic analysis.  In: Jiaguo Qi., Evered, Kyle T. (eds.): Environmental Problems of Central Asia and their Economic, Social and Security Impacts. New-York: Springer-Verlag.   217-241.  Further Information
Djanibekov, N.  2008.  Model-based analysis of land and water use reforms in Khorezm: Effects on different types of agricultural producers.  In: Wehrheim, P., Schoeller-Schletter, A., and C. Martius (eds.): Continuity and Change: Land and Water Use Reforms in Rural Uzbekistan. Socio-economic and Legal Analyses for the Region Khorezm. Halle/Saale: IAMO.   41-61.  Further Information
Edilegnaw, W.  2008.  Computing opportunity costs of growing local varieties for on-farm conservation: the case of sorghum in Ethiopia.  Ecological Economics, 64 (3)   : 606-610   .
Engel, S., and C. Palmer.  2008.  Payments for environmental services as an alternative to logging under weak property rights: The case of Indonesia.  Ecological Economics, 65 (4)   : 799-809   .
Franz, J., C. Kirkpatrick.  2008.  Improving the quality of integrated policy analysis: Impact assessment for sustainable development in the European commission.  Evidence & Policy, 4(2)   : 171-185   .
Gatzweiler, F.  2008.  Beyond Economic Efficiency in Biodiversity Conservation.  Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 20   : 217-240   .
Gatzweiler, F.  2008.  Institutionalising Biodiversity Conservation: The Case of Ethiopian Coffee Forests.  Current Conservation, Issue 1.1   . Download [PDF | 168.92KB]
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Further Information
Grote, U., E.T. Craswell and P.L.G. Vlek.  2008.  Nutrient and virtual water flows in traded agricultural commodities.  In: A.K. Braimoh and P.L.G. Vlek (eds.): Land Use and Soil Resources. Springer Science 7 Business Media B.V. Dordrecht, The Netherlands.   121-143. 
Guthiga, P. M., J. Mburu, K. Holm-Mueller.  2008.  Factor Influencing Local Communities' Satisfaction Levels with Different Forest Management Approaches of Kakamega Forest, Kenya.  Environmental Management, 41(5)   : 696-706   .
Li, X.  2008.  Analysis on G Function and Modern Economics.  Journal of Shantou University(Humanities & Social Sciences Edition), 24(1),10-14.   . Further Information
Micevska. M. and Rahut D. B..  2008.  Rural Non-Farm Employment and Income in Eastern Himalayas, Economic Development and Cultural Change.  57   : 163–193   . Further Information
Müller, M..  2008.  Cotton, Agriculture, and the Uzbek Government.  In: Wehrheim, P., A. Schoeller-Schletter and C. Martius (eds.): Continuity and Change: Land and Water Use Reforms in Rural Uzbekistan. Stu­dies on the Agri­cul­tu­ral and Food Sec­tor in Cen­tral and Eas­tern Eu­ro­pe, Vol. 43, Hal­le (Saa­le).   183-203.  Further Information
Müller, M..  2008.  Where has all the Water gone?.  In: Wehrheim, P., A. Schoeller-Schletter and C. Martius (eds.): Continuity and Change: Land and Water Use Reforms in Rural Uzbekistan. Stu­dies on the Agri­cul­tu­ral and Food Sec­tor in Cen­tral and Eas­tern Eu­ro­pe, Vol. 43, Hal­le (Saa­le).   89-105.  Further Information

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