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Stein, A.J., H.P.S. Sachdev and M. Qaim.  2008.  Genetic engineering for the poor: Golden Rice and public health in India..  World Development, 36   : 144-158   . Further Information
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Chau, N. and A. Basu.  2007.  An Exploration of the Worst Forms of Child Labor: Is Redemption a Viable Option?.  In: K. Anthony Appiah and M. Brunzl (eds.): Buying Freedom: The Ethics and Economics of Slave Redemption. Princeton University Press.   37-77.  Further Information
Edilegnaw, W. and D. Virchow.  2007.  Crop diversity derived from farmers' motives in Ethiopia: implications for on-farm conservation.  Ethiopian Journal of Agricultural Economics, .
Edilegnaw, W. and Y. Asmare.  2007.  Farmers' variety attribute preferences: implications for agricultural research priority setting and extension policy in Ethiopia.  African Development Review, 19 (2)   : 257-399   .
Engel, S. and A.M. Ibañez.  2007.  Displacement due to Violence in Colombia: Determinants and Effects at the Household Level.  Economic Development and Cultural Change, 55 (2)   .
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Huebeler, O., L. Menkhoff and C. Suwanaporn.  2007.  How Financial Liberalization Impacts Lending Behavior: Evidence from Thai Micro Data.  . Further Information
Jütting, J.  2007.  Health Insurance for the Poor in Developing Countries.  Ashgate Publishing. Oxon, UK.
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Mburu, J. and R. Birner.  2007.  Emergence, Adoption and Implementation of Collaborative Wildlife Management or Wildlife partnerships in Kenya: A look at Conditions for Success.  Society and Natural Resources, 20 (5)   : 379-395   .
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Palmer, C..  2007.  The Role of Leadership in the Collective Enforcement of Community Property Rights in Indonesia.  Society and Natural Resources, 20 (5)   : 397-413   .
Palmer, C., and S. Engel.  2007.  For better or for worse? Local impacts from the decentralization of Indonesia’s forest sector.  World Development, 35 (12)   : 2131-49   .
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Richerzhagen, C. and D. Virchow.  2007.  Sustainable Utilization of Crop Genetic Diversity through Property Rights Mechanisms: The Case of Coffee Genetic Resources in Ethiopia.  International Journal of Biotechnology (IJBT), Volume 9 - Issue 1   : 60-86   .
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Sauer, J., H. Tchale and P. Wobst.  2007.  Alternative Soil Fertility Management Options in Malawi – An Economic Analysis.  Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 29 (3)   : 29-53   . Further Information
Seyoum, A.  2007.  Economic Value of Afromontane Natural Forest in Shaka Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia: A Clue for Advocacy and Informed Decision Making.  In: Mesresha Fenta (eds.): Forests of Sheka: Multidisciplinary casestudies on impact of landuse/landcover change , Southwest Ethiopia. MELICA Mahiber.   183-218. 

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