Economic and Technological Change (ECON)


Stein A.J., H.P.S. Sachdev and M. Qaim.  2007.  Genetic engineering for the poor: Golden Rice and public health in India.  World Development, 36 (1)   : 144-158   . Further Information
Stein, A.J., H.P.S. Sachdev and M. Qaim.  2007.  What we know and don't know about Golden Rice.  Nature Biotechnology, 25   : 624   . Further Information
Stein, A.J., P. Nestel, J.V. Meenakshi, M. Qaim, H.P.S. Sachdev and Z.A. Bhutta.  2007.  Plant breeding to control zinc deficiency in India: how cost-effective is biofortification?.  Public Health Nutrition, 10   : 492-501   . Further Information
Stein. A.J. and M. Qaim.  2007.  The human and economic cost of hidden hunger.  Food and Nutrition Bulletin, 28   : 125-134   . Further Information
Thurlow, J. and P. Wobst.  2007.  The Role of Agriculture in Pro-poor Growth: Lessons from Zambia.  In: Grimm, M. et al (eds.): Determinants of Pro-poor Growth: Analytical Issues and Findings from Country Cases. Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.  
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2006.  The Implications of Asset Ownership on Child Work in Rural Ethiopia.  Ethiopian Journal of Economics, 11 (2)   : 25 - 58   .
Abebaw, D., K. Holm-Müller and J. Mburu.  2006.  Understanding the Perceived Importance of Risk for Coffee Growers: Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 45,3   : 253-268   .
Afari-Sefa, V. and S. Bauer.  2006.  Export Horticulture and Pro-Poor Livelihood Linkages in Southern Ghana: Application of the Agricultural Household Model. In: Issues and Challenges in Rural Development - Compendium of Approaches for Socio-economic and Ecological Development (forthcoming).  Farming & Rural Systems Economics. Margraf Publishers, Weikersheim, Germany.  
Algieri, B.  2006.  International Tourism Specialisation of Small Countries.  International Journal of Tourism Research, 8 (1)   : 1-12   . Further Information
Algieri, B.  2006.  Human Capital in Russia.  The European Journal of Comparative Economics, 3 (1)   : 103-129   . Further Information
Algieri, B.  2006.  An Econometric Estimation of the Demand for Tourism: the Case of Russia.  Tourism Economics, 12 (1)   : 5-20   .
Asante, F.A., K. Asenso-Okyere, S. d’Almeida, G. Mwabu, and T. Okorosobo.  2006.  Economic Burden of Malaria in the African Region: Evidence from. Ghana.  Communicable Diseases Bulletin for the African Region, Vol. 2, No. 4   .
Asfaw, A.  2006.  The Effects of Obesity on Doctor-diagnosed Chronic Diseases in Africa: Empirical Results from Senegal and South Africa.  Journal of Public Health and Policy, 27(3)   : 250-264   .
Balint, B. and P. Wobst.  2006.  Institutional Factors and Market Participation by Individual Farmers: The Case of Romania.  Post-Communist Economies, 18 (1)   : 101-121   .
Basu, A.K., N.H. Chau and U. Grote.  2006.  Guaranteed Manufactured without Child Labor: The economics of consumer boycotts, social labeling and trade sanctions.  Review of Development Economics, 10(3)   : 466-491   .
Behera, B and S. Engel.  2006.  Institutional analysis of evolution of joint forest management in India: A new institutional economics approach.  Forest Policy and Economics, 8(4)   : 350-365   .
Behera, B. and S. Engel.  2006.  Institutional Analysis of Evolution of Joint Forest Management (JFM) in India: A New Institutional Economics (NIE) Approach.  Forest Policy and Economics, 8(4)   : 350-362   .
Bulte, E. and S. Engel.  2006.  Conservation of Tropical Forests: Addressing Market Failure.  In: López, R., J. Stiglitz and M. Toman (eds.): Sustainable Development: New Options and Policies. Oxford University Press, New York.  
Chakrabarty, S.  2006.  Do Social Labeling NGOs have any Influence on Child Labor? Empirical Evidence from Nepal.  In: Grote U., Basu A. and Chau N. (eds.): New Frontiers in Environmental and Social Labeling. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.   Download [PDF]
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Chau, N., Basu, A. and Grote, U..  2006.  Eco-labeling and Strategic Rivalry in Export Markets.  In: Arnab Basu, Nancy Chau and Ulrike Grote (eds.) (eds.): New Frontiers in Environmental and Social Labeling. New York: Physica Verlag.   111- 132. 
Chau, N., Basu, A. and Grote, U..  2006.  New Frontiers in Environmental and Social Labeling.  Phsyica Verlag, Heidelberg.
Chowdhury, S..  2006.  Implications of Access to Public Telephones: The Case of Rural Bangladesh.  In: Torero, M., J. Von Braun (eds.): Information and Communication Technology for Development and Poverty Reduction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.   267-276. 
Chowdhury, S. , A. Bayes.  2006.  Leadership from Nongovernmental Organizations: The Case of Bangladesh.  In: Torero, M., J. von Braun (eds.): Information and Communication Technology for Development and Poverty Reduction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.   110-122. 
Chowdhury, S. and S. Wolf.  2006.  Investment in ICT-Capital and Economic Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in East Africa.  Journal of International Development, 18 (4)   : 533-552   .
Chowdhury, S., A. Bedi and M. Torero.  2006.  Telecommunications Infrastructure and Economic Growth: A Cross-Country Analysis.  In: Torero, M., and J. von Braun (eds.): Information and Communication Technology for Development and Poverty Reduction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.   21-63. 
Dörr, A.C.; Marques, P.V.  2006.  Exigências dos consumidores europeus em relação à maçã gaúcha, na visão dos exportadores.  Organizações Rurais e Agroindustriais, 8 (1)   : 40-48   . Further Information
Edilegnaw, W..  2006.  What do farmers financially lose if they fail to use improved seed? Some econometric results for wheat and implications for agricultural extension policy in Ethiopia.  Ethiopian Journal of Economics, vol. 12 (2)   : 59-79   .
Edilegnaw, W. and J. Mburu.  2006.  An atttribute-based index of coffee diversity and implications for on farm conservation in Ethiopia.  In: Smale, M. (eds.): Valuing crop biodiversity: on-farm conservation, genetic resources, and economic change. Cabi Publishing, Wallingford: U.K..   48-62. 
Engel, S. and A. Zabel.  2006.  Book review of ‘Integrated Governance and Water Basin Management. Conditions for Regime Change and Sustainability.  In: H. Bressers and S. Kuks (eds.): Kluwer Academic Publishers. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture. 45 (4).  
Engel, S. and C. Palmer.  2006.  Designing Payments for Environmental Services with Weak Property rights and External Interests.  Natural Resource Management and Policy, 31   : 35-57   . Further Information
Engel, S. and C. Palmer.  2006.  Who owns the right? The determinants of community benefits from logging in Indonesia.  Forest Policy and Economics 8(4), : pp.434-446   .
Engel, S., López, R., und C. Palmer.  2006.  Community-industry contracting over natural resource use in a context of weak property rights: The case of Indonesia.  Environmental and Resource Economics, 33 (1)   : 73-98   .
Ferreira, P.A., Borges Junior, J.C.F., Hedden-Dunkhorst, B. and Andrade, C.L.T..  2006.  Modelo computacional para suporte à decisão em áreas irrigadas. Parte II: testes e aplicação (Computer model for decision support in irrigated areas. Part II: Tests and application).  Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, 1807-1929   : 783-791   . Download [PDF | 236.20KB]
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Further Information
Gatzweiler, F.W.  2006.  Organising a Public Ecosystem Service Economy.  Ecological Economics, 59(3)   : 296-304   . Download [PDF]
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Grote, U..  2006.  Konzepte des Globalen Handels.  In: Ihne, H. und J. Wilhelm (eds.): Einführung in die Entwicklungspolitik. Lit-Verlag, Bonn.  
Hein, L. and F. Gatzweiler.  2006.  The Economic Value of Coffee (Coffea arabica) Genetic Resources.  Ecological Economics, 60(1)   : 176-185   . Download [PDF]
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Kiiru, J. and Mburu, J..  2006.  User Costs of Joint Liability Borrowing and their Effects on Livelihood Assets for Rural Poor Households.  . Further Information
Konseiga, A..  2006.  Regionalism in West Africa: do polar countries reap the benefits?.  In: Dinello, N. and Aryeetey, E. (eds.): Testing Global Interdependence: Issues on Trade, Aid, Migration and Development. Edward Elga.  

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