Economic and Technological Change (ECON)


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Micevska M.  2006.  Information and Communication Technologies for Pro-Poor Provision of Public Goods and Services: A Focus on Health.  In: von Braun, J. and Torero, M. (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies for Development and Poverty Reduction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.   312-336. 
Msangi, S., C. Ringler, and M.W. Rosegrant.  2006.  Doing the right thing with water: combining market-based principles with policy intervention for the sustainable management of water in agriculture..  CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 1, No. 037   : 1-13   . Further Information
Müller-Falcke, D..  2006.  The Impact of ICT on Small Enterprises: The Case of Small-Scale Industry in India.  In: Torero, M. and von Braun, J (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies for Development and Poverty Reduction - The Potential of Telecommunications. Baltimore.   174-178. 
Müller-Falcke, D., Song, G..  2006.  The Economic Effects of ICT at Firm Levels.  In: Torero, M. and von Braun, J (eds.): Information and Communication Technologies for Development and Poverty Reduction – The Potential of Telecommunications. Baltimore.   166-174. 
Mushtaq, K, Faisal, A, Abedullah and Ghafoor, A..  2006.  Testing the law of one price: Rice market integration in Pakistan’s Punjab, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences Vol.43 No.3-4..  Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 43 (3-4)   .
Rayhan, Md. I. and M. S. H. Khan.  2006.  Factors Causing Malnutrition among under Five Children in Bangladesh.  Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 5 (6)   : 558-562   .
Ringler, C. and X. Cai.  2006.  Addressing the value of fisheries and wetlands using integrated economic-hydrologic modeling–A case study of the Mekong River Basin.  Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, Vol 132(6)   : 399-525   .
Rudenko I. and Sh. Safarbaev.  2006.  Structural changes – a path to success.  Journal of Agriculture of Uzbekistan, vol.2   .
Rudenko, I. and J.P.A. Lamers.  2006.  The comparative advantages of the present and future payment structure for agricultural producers in Uzbekistan.  Central Asian Journal of management, economics and social, 5(1-2)   : 106-125   . Download [DOC]
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Sauer, J., K. Frohberg and H. Hockmann.  2006.  Stochastic Efficiency Measurement: The Curse of Theoretical Consistency.  Journal of Applied Economics, Vol. 9, No. 1   : pp. 139-165   .
Stein, A.J., H.P.S. Sachdev and M. Qaim.  2006.  Potential impact and cost-effectiveness of Golden Rice.  Nature Biotechnology, 24   : 1200-1201   . Further Information
Streck, C. and S. M. Scholz.  2006.  The role of forests in global climate change: whence we come and where we go.  International Affairs, 82 (5)   : pp. 861-879   . Further Information
Torero, M. and J. von Braun.  2006.  Information and communication technologies for development and poverty reduction: The Potential of Telecommunications.  Baltimore, Maryland, USA: The Johns Hopkins University Press for IFPRI.
Tudor, M. and B. Balint.  2006.  Off-farm Employment and Agricultural Sales: Evidence from Romania.  Post-Communist Economies, 18 (2)   : 243-260   .
Wale, E. and J. Mburu.  2006.  Attribute-based Crop Diversity Index and its Implications for On-farm Conservation of Coffee Diversity in Ethiopia.  In: Smale, M. (eds.): Valuing Crop Biodiversity: On-farm Conservation, Genetic Resources and Economic Change. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.   in press. 
Waswa, F. and J. Mburu.  2006.  Potential of Dryland Farming in Kenya and Environmental Implications.  In: Waswa F., S. Otor and D. Mugendi (eds.): Environment and Sustainable Development: A Guide for Tertiary Education in Kenya, Volume 1. School of Environmental Studies and Human Science, Kenyatta University, Downtown Printing Works Ltd, Nairobi.   70-90 (ISBN: 9966-776-02-8). 
Woelcke, J.  2006.  Technological and policy options for sustainable agricultural intensification in eastern Uganda.  Agricultural Economics, 34   : 129-139   .
Woelcke, J., T. Berger and S. Park.  2006.  Sustainable Land Management and Technology Adoption in Eastern Uganda.  In: Pender, J., F. Place and S. Ehui (eds.): Strategies for Sustainable Land Management in the East African Highlands. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.   357-375. 
Wolf, S., V. Fuest and F. Asante.  2006.  Water and Energy Reforms in Ghana: Implications for Industry and Agriculture.  Journal of River Basin Management, 5(2)   : 1-11   .
Ziemek, S.  2006.  Economic Analysis of Volunteers' Motivations - A Cross-Country Study.  Journal of Socio-Economics, Vol. 35, Issue 3, : pp. 532-555   .


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Abbas, F., M.N. Sarwar and S. Hussain.  2005.  Microfinance Route to Income Generation and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from District Faisalabad, Pakistan.  Journal of Agriculture and Social Sciences, 1 (2)   : 144-147   .
Asante, F.A., K. Asenso-Okyere and A. Kusi.  2005.  The Economic Impact of the Burden of Malaria in Ghana.  Technical Publication No. 66. Social and Economic Research, University of Ghana,, .
Asfaw A. and J. von Braun.  2005.  Innovations in Health Care Financing: New Evidence on the Prospect of Community Health Insurance Schemes in the Rural Areas of Ethiopia.  International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics, 5   : 241-253   .
Balint, B..  2005.  Market Channels and Commercial Orientation in Romania.  In: Brosig, S. and H. Hockmann (eds.): How effective is the invisible hand? Agricultural and Food Markets in Central and Eastern Europe 31.   249-268. 
Bedi, A.S. and Gi-Soon Song.  2005.  Telecommunications Access, Use and Benefits in Rural Laos.  In: Torero, M., and J. von Braun (eds.): Information and Communication Technology for Development and Poverty Reduction, Chapter 5. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.   251-267. 
Bedi, A.S., Gi-Soon Song.  2005.  CT and Economic Effects at the Firm Level: The Case of Laos.  In: Torero, M., and J. von Braun (eds.): Information and Communication Technology for Development and Poverty Reduction. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, Chapter 4.   197-207. 
Chowdhury, S., A. Bedi and M. Torero.  2005.  Telecommunications and Economic Growth: Implications for India.  In: Saith,A., and M. Vijayabaskar (eds.): ICTs and Indian Economic Development: Economy, Work, Regulation. New Delhi: Sage Publications.   231-264. 
Gatzweiler, F.W.  2005.  Institutionalising Biodiversity Conservation - The Case of Ethiopian Coffee Forests.  Conservation and Society, 3 (1)   : 201-223   . Download [PDF | 806.79KB]
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Gockel, A., K. Sena, E.A. Codjoe and Nketiah-Amponsah, E.  2005.  Child Labour Productivity and wages: Case Study of Coastal Fishing and Local Restaurants in Ghana.  Legon Journal of International Affairs (LEJIA), 2(2)   : 89-115   .
Grote, U. and P. Wobst.  2005.  Development Aid and the Financing of Food Security Projects and Programs - Situation and Perspective.  In: Schulz, M. and U. Kracht (eds.): Food and Nutrition Security in the Process of Globalization and Urbanization. Lit-Publisher/Münster-Germany and Transaction/Rudgers University - USA, Series Development Processes in Society, Economics and Politics, Vol.84, pp. 618-634..  
Grote, U., E.T. Craswell and P.L.G. Vlek.  2005.  Nutrient flows in international trade: Ecology and policy issues.  Environmental Science & Policy, 8 (5)   : 439-451   .
Hiemenz, U.  2005.  New Approaches to Development Cooperation: A Critical Overview.  In: Freytag, A. (eds.): Weltwirtschaftlicher Strukturwandel, Nationale Wirtschaftspolitik und Politische Rationalitaet, Festschrift fuer Juergen B. Donges zum 65. Geburtstag.   238-251. 

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