Economic and Technological Change (ECON)


Howarth, R., Ramakrishna, K., Choi, E., Elmgren, R., Martinelli, L., Mendoza-Escalante, A., Moomaw, W., Palm, Ch., Roy, R., Scholes, M., and Zhao-Liang, Z.  2005.  Chapter 9 : Nutrient Management.  In: Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (eds.): Ecosystems and Human Well Being: Policy Responses Volume 3. Island Press, Washington, D.C., USA.  
Irungu, C., M. Zeller and J. Mburu.  2005.  Assessing NGDOs' Targeting Performance and Characteristics of Households Participating in Child Development Programmes in Rural Eastern Kenya.  J. of Agric. and Rural Dev. in Tropics and Subtropics, 106   : 119   .
Jiang, Y., and J. von Braun.  2005.  The Economic Costs of Illness and Coping Strategies of Rural Households in West China - An Empirical Study with Samples from Sichuan Province.  Chinese Rural Economy, 251 (11)   : 33-40   .
Konseiga, A.  2005.  New Patterns in the Human Migration in West Africa.  Vienna Journal of African Studies, 8, Special Issue: African migrations. Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Dynamics   . Download [PDF]
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Korf, B..  2005.  Rethinking the Greed-Grievance Nexus: Property Rights and the Political Economy of War in Sri Lanka.  Journal of Peace Research, 42(2)   : 201-217   .
Korf, B..  2005.  The Commons at War: Fuzzy Property Rights and Ethnicised Entitlements in Sri Lanka.  In: Cuasay, P and C. Vaddhanaphuti (eds.): Commonplaces and Comparisons: Remaking Eco-political Spaces in Southeast Asia. Chiang Mai: Regional Centre for Social Science and Sustainable Development (RCSD).   103-125. 
Kuhn, A.  2005.  A CGE Analysis of Trade Costs in the Russian Agro-Food Sector.  Agricultural Economics, 33   : 79-90   .
Kumwenda, I., J. Mduma, H. Tchale and P. Wobst.  2005.  Technical Efficiency of Smallholder Farmers in Malawi in the Post-reform Era: Which Policies matter most?.  Submitted to Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, . Download [PDF | 251.16KB]
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Further Information
Makoka, D.  2005.  The Emergence of Supermarkets in Malawi: Implications for Agrifood Markets and the Small Farmer.  In: Takane, T. (eds.): Agricultural and Rural Development in Malawi: Macro and Micro Perspectives, A.R. Series No.11/2005.   Download [PDF | 144.91KB]
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Micevska M.  2005.  Telecommunications, Public Health, and Demand for Health-Related Information and Infrastructure.  Information Technologies and International Development, 2(3)   : 57-72   .
Palmer, C..  2005.  The nature of corruption in forest management.  World Economics, Vol. 6 No. 2   : 1-10   .
Sauer, J.  2005.  Theory Matters! – Efficiency Measurement and Water Utilities.  Water Science and Technology: Water Supply Volume, 5 (6)   : 251-261   .
Sauer, J.  2005.  Economies of Scale and Firm Size Optimum in Rural Water Supply.  Water Resources Research, 41   : W11418   . Further Information
Sauer, J.  2005.  Theoretically Consistent Efficiency Analysis - Water Suppliers in Germany.  Review of Economics (JfW), 3   .
Sauer, J.  2005.  Efficiency Flooding - Black-Box Frontiers and Policy Implications.  International Journal of Applied Econometrics, 2 (1)   .
Sauer, J.  2005.  The Optimal Organisation of the Water Supplying Industry – An Economic Perspective.  Journal of Economics and Statistics (JNST), 2   .
Sauer, J.  2005.  Structural Inefficiency in the Water Sector - An Empirical Analysis.  Journal of Applied Social Sciences Studies (Schmollers Jahrbuch), 125   .
Scholz, S. and I. Noble.  2005.  Generation of Sequestration Credits under the CDM.  In: Freestone, D. and C. Streck (eds.): Legal Aspects of Implementing the Kyoto Protocol Mechanisms. Making Kyoto Work. Oxford University Press.   pp. 265-280.  Further Information
Tsekpo, A. and P. Woedem Aidam (ISSER).  2005.  Fiscal Development-The State of the Ghanaian Economy.  : 24-45   .
Wale, E.Z., J. Mburu, K. Holm-Müller and M. Zeller.  2005.  Economic analysis of farmers' preferences for coffee variety attributes: lessons for on-farm conservation and technology adoption in Ethiopia.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 44 (2)   : 121-139   .
Wehrheim, P. and P. Wobst.  2005.  The Economic Role of Russia's Subsistence Agriculture in the Transition Process.  Agricultural Economics, 33 (4)   : 91-105   . Download [PDF | 707.21KB]
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Wimmer, A.  2005.  Kultur als Prozess. Zur Dynamik des Aushandelns von Bedeutungen.  Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Wobst, P..  2005.  Growth Options and Poverty Reduction in Kenya: An Economy-wide Analysis for 2001-2015.  Nord-Sued aktuell, XIX(3/4)   : 322-332   .


Algieri, B.  2004.  Price and Income Elasticities of Russian Exports.  The European Journal of Comparative Economics, 2   : 175-193   . Further Information
Asfaw A. and A. Admassie.  2004.  The Role of Household Member's Education on the Adoption of Agricultural Inputs under Different Environments in Ethiopia.  Agricultural Economics, 30 (3)   : 215-228   .
Asfaw A., J. von Braun, A. Admassie and J. Jutting.  2004.  The Economic Costs of Illness in Low Income Countries: The Case of Rural Ethiopia.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 43 (3)   : 247- 266   .
Asfaw A., J. von Braun, A. Admassie, J Jutting.  2004.  New dimensions in measuring economic costs of illness: The case of rural Ethiopia.  Quaterly Journal of International Agriculture, 43 (3)   : 247-266   .
Asfaw, A. and Admassie, A..  2004.  The Role of education on the adoption of chemical fertiliser under different socioeconomic environments in Ethiopia.  Agricultural Economics, 30 (3)   : 215-228   .
Asfaw, A. and J. von Braun.  2004.  Can Community Health InsuranceSchemes Shield the Poor against the Downside Health Effects of Economic Reforms? The Case of Rural Ethiopia.  Health Policy, 70 (1)   : 97-108   .
Asfaw, A. and J. von Braun.  2004.  Is Consumption Insured Against Illness? Evidence on Vulnerability of Households to Health Shocks in Rural Ethiopia.  Economic Development and Cultural Change, 53 (1)   : 115-129   .
Asfaw, A., J. von Braun and S. Klasen.  2004.  How big is the Crowding out Effects of User fees in the Rural Areas of Ethiopia? Implications for Equity and Resource Mobilization.  World Development, 32(12)   : 2065-2081   .
Atkinson, G., B. Day, S. Mourato and C. Palmer.  2004.  'Amenity' or ‘eyesore’? Negative willingness to pay for options to replace electricity transmission towers.  Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 11, Number 4/15, : pp.203-208   . Further Information
Basu, A.K., N.H. Chau and U. Grote.  2004.  On Export Rivalry and the Greening of Agriculture: The Role of Eco-labels.  Agricultural Economics, Vol.31/2-3   : 135-147   .
Belay, K. and D. Abebaw.  2004.  Challenges facing agricultural Extension Agents: A case study from Southwestern Ethiopia.  African Development Review, 16 (1)   : 139-168   .
Chau, N. and A. Basu.  2004.  Exploitation of Child Labor and the Dynamics of Debt Bondage.  Journal of Economic Growth, 9   : 209-238   .
Chowdhury, S.  2004.  Search Cost and Rural Producers' Trading Choice between Middlemen and Consumers in Bangladesh.  Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 160(3), : pp 522-554   .
Chowdhury, S.  2004.  Attaining Universal Access in Rural Areas: Business-NGO Partnership in Bangladesh as a Case Study.  Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Volume XXV, no 2, .
Chowdhury, S.  2004.  The Effect of Democracy and Press Freedom on Corruption: An Empirical Test.  Economics Letters 85(1), : pp 93-101   .
Dorward, A., Fan, S., Kydd, J., Lofgren, H., Morrison, J., Poulton, C., Rao, N., Smith, L., Tchale, H., Thorat, S., Urey, I. and P. Wobst.  2004.  Institutions and Economic Policies for Pro-Poor Agricultural Growth. DSGD-PS 15, IFPRI, Washington D.C.  .   Download [PDF | 274.37KB]
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Dorward, A., H. Lofgren, J. Morrison, H. Tchale and P. Wobst.  2004.  Modelling Pro-Poor Growth Strategies in Malawi: Lessons for Policy and Analysis.  .   Download [PDF]
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