Economic and Technological Change (ECON)


Dorward, A., S. Fan, J. Kydd, H. Lofgren, J. Morrison, C. Poulton, N. Rao, L. Smith, H. Tchale, S. Thorat, I. Urey and P. Wobst.  2004.  Institutions and Policies for Pro-poor Agricultural Growth.  Development Policy Review, 22 (6)   : 611-622   .
Engel S..  2004.  Achieving Environmental Goals in a World of Trade and Hidden Action: The Role of Trade Policies and Eco-Labeling.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 48 (3)   : 1122-1145   .
Engel, S. and U. Grote.  2004.  Trade liberalization and environmental standards: Is there a race to the bottom for environmentalist reasons?.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 2 (4)   : 89-110   .
Grote, U., A.K. Basu and N. Chau.  2004.  On Export Rivalry and the Greening of Agriculture: The Role of Eco-labels.  Agricultural Economics, 31 (2-3)   : 135-147   .
Hudie, B., P. Asrat and A. Seyoum.  2004.  Barley Based Farming System in Gassera Area of Bale Highlands.  In: T. Zegeye, L. Dadi and D. Alemu (eds.): Agricultural System Analysis and Constraints Identification. Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization (EARO).  
Jütting, J. and R. Ahuya,.  2004.  Are the poor too poor to demand health insurance?.  Journal of Microfinance, Vol. 6, Number 1   : 1-21   .
Jütting, J.P.  2004.  Do Community-based Health Insurance Schemes Improve Poor People’s Access to Health Care? Evidence From Rural Senegal.  World Development, 32 (2)   : 273-288   .
Korf, B..  2004.  War, Livelihoods and Vulnerability in Sri Lanka.  Development and Change, 35 (2)   : 275-295   .
Korf, B..  2004.  Making Sense of Bottom-up in Rural Development.  In: Van Huylenbroeck, G., Verbeke, W. And L Lauwers (eds.): Role of Institutions in Rural Policies and Agricultural Markets. Amsterdam: Elsevier.   423-437. 
Müller, M., Wehrheim, P..  2004.  Russia's cereal markets: current trends, changes in net-trade position, and policy implications.  Agrarawirtschaft, No. 53, Vol. 4   .
Oskam, A., R. Komen, P. Wobst and A. Yalew.  2004.  Trade Policies and Development of Less-favored Areas: Evidence from the Literature.  Food Policy, 29 (4)   : 445-466   . Download [PDF | 208.13KB]
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Reddy, V. R. and B. Behera.  2004.  Integrating Institutional and Market Approaches: Collective Action Strategies for Water Management in South India.  .   Further Information
Ringler, C., J. von Braun, and M.W. Rosegrant.  2004.  Water policy analysis for the Mekong River Basin.  Water International, 29(1):   : 30–42   .
Weinberger, K.  2004.  Micronutrient intake and labor productivity: evidence from a consumption and income survey among Indian agricultural laborers.  Outlook on Agriculture, Vol. 33, No. 4   : pp. 255-260   . Download [PDF | 65.60KB]
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Wobst, P. and C. Arndt.  2004.  HIV/AIDS and Labor Force Upgrading in Tanzania.  World Development, 32 (11)   : 1831-1847   .
Wolf, S..  2004.  Tendencies of Private Sector Development in Ghana.  African Entrepreneurship and Private Sector Development - African Development Perspectives Yearbook 2002/2003. LIT Münster.  
Zimmermann, R. and M. Qaim.  2004.  Potential Health Benefits of Golden Rice: A Philippine Case Study.  Food Policy, 29   : 147-168   .
Zimmermann, R., A. Stein und M. Qaim.  2004.  Agrartechnologie zur Bekämpfung von Mikronährstoffmangel? Ein gesundheits-ökonomischer Bewertungsansatz.  Agrarwirtschaft, 53 (2)   : 67-76   .


Admassie A..  2003.  Child Labour and Schooling in the Context of a Subsistence Rural Economy: Can they be Compatible?.  nternational Journal of Educational Development, 23 (2)   .
Balint, B.  2003.  Determinanten kommerzieller Orientierung und nachhaltiger Agrarproduktion individueller Landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe in Rumänien.  In: Petrick, M., A. Balmann and A. Lissitsa (eds.): Beiträge des Doktorandenworkshops zur Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa, Discussion Paper No. 47. IAMO.   6-9.  Further Information
Bedi, A.S., Admassie, A.  2003.  Attending School, Two Rs and Child Work in Rural Ethiopia.  In: Squire, L. and J. Fanelli (eds.): Dimensions of Reform: Reach, Range, Reason. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.   Dimensions of Reform: Reach, Range, Reason.  Further Information
Cai, X., M.W. Rosegrant and C. Ringler.  2003.  Physical and economic efficiency of water use in the river basin: Implications for efficient water management.  Water Resources Research, 39(1), 1013, doi:10.1029/2001WR000748, 2003   .
Chau, N. and A. Basu.  2003.  Eco-Labeling and Stages of Development.  Review of Development Economics, 7(2)   : 228-247   .
Chau, N. and A. Basu.  2003.  Targeting Child Labor in Debt Bondage: Evidence, Theory and Policy.  World Bank Economic Review, 17   : 255-281   .
Gatzweiler, F.  2003.  The Changing Nature of Economic Value. Indigenous Forest Garden Values in Kalimantan, Indonesia.  Shaker. Aachen.
Grote U..  2003.  Führt internationale Konkurrenz im Agrarsektor zu niedrigeren Umweltstandards?.  In: Ahrens, H (eds.): Neuere Ansätze theoretischer und empirischer Entwicklungsforschung, Schriften des Vereins für Socialpolitik. Duncker & Humblot GmbH, Berlin.   323-348. 
Grote, U..  2003.  Regulations, standards and international trade.  agriculture and rural developmen, 10 (2)   : 28-31   .
Grote, U., A.K. Basu and N. Chau.  2003.  Eco-labeling and Stages of Development.  Review of Development Economics, 7 (2)   : 228-247   .
Iskandarani, Maria.  2003.  Household Water (In)Security in Jordan: Water for Poor Households.  In: Ünver, Olcay, Rajiv K. Gupta and Aysegül Kibarooglu (eds.): Water Development and Poverty Reduction. Natural Resource Management and Policy Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.  
Korf, B..  2003.  Geographien der Gewalt: Handlungsorientierte geographische Bürgerkriegsforschung in politisch-ökonomischer Perspektive.  Geographische Zeitschrift, 91 (1)   : 24-39   .
Korf, B..  2003.  Livelihoods at Risk: Coping Strategies of War-affected Communities in Sri Lanka.  ournal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, 104 (2)   : 129-141   .
Korf, B. and R. Singarayer.  2003.  Livelihoods, Food Security and Conflict in Trincomalee.  In: CEPA / IMCAP/ SLAAS (eds.): Poverty Issues in Sri Lanka. Towards New Empirical Insights. Colombo: Center for Poverty Analysis.   126-148. 
Lohlein, D., J. Juetting and P. Wehrheim.  2003.  Rural Russia in transition: What determines access to health care services?.  Post-Soviet Affairs, 19 (1)   : 80-95   .
Mburu, J., R. Birner and M. Zeller.  2003.  Relative Importance and Determinants of Landowners’ Transaction Costs in Collaborative wildlife management in Kenya: An empirical analysis.  Ecological Economics, 45 (1)   : 59-73   .
Müller-Falcke, D..  2003.  Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in Kleinunternehmen - eine Fallstudie in Indien.  In: Müller, K. and R. Paquin (eds.): Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in einer globalisierten Welt. Lohmar, Köln.  
Nasir, M.  2003.  Analysis of Growth and the Role of Capital and Labor in Indonesia.  Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Vol.2, No. 2, : pp. 173-207   .
Sawhney, P. and S. Engel.  2003.  Forest resource use by people in Protected Areas and its implications for biodiversity conservation: The case of Bandhavgarh National Park in India.  In: Gerold, G., M. Fremerey, E. Guhardja (eds.): Land use, nature conservation and the stability of rainforest margins in Southeast Asia. Springer, Berlin.  
Virchow, D.  2003.  Efficient Conservation of Crop Genetic Diversity: The Costs and Implications.  In: Virchow, D (eds.): Efficient Conservation of Crop Genetic Diversity: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Studies. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.   3-13. 
Virchow, D.  2003.  Financing the Conservation of Crop Genetic Resources.  In: Virchow, D. (eds.): Efficient Conservation of Crop Genetic Diversity: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Studies. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.   21-54. 
Virchow, D.  2003.  Current Expenditures on Crop Genetic Resources Activities.  In: Virchow, D. (eds.): Efficient Conservation of Crop Genetic Diversity: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Studies. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.   71-75. 

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