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Webb, P. and K. Weinberger.  2001.  Women Farmers: Enhancing Rights, Recognition and Productivity.  Peter Lang. Frankfurt. Further Information
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Weinberger, K.  2001.  What determines micronutrient demand of the poor? - A case study from rural India.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, Vol. 40, No. 4, : pp. 343-358   .
Weinberger, K.  2001.  What Role does Bargaining Power play for Participation of Women? A Case Study in Rural Pakistan.  Journal of Entrepreneurship, Vol. 10, No. 2, : pp. 209-221   .
Weinberger, K. and J. Jütting.  2001.  Women's Participation in Local Organizations: Conditions and Constraints.  World Development, Vol. 29, no. 8, : pp. 1391-1404   . Download [PDF | 211.40KB]
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Jütting, J. P.  2000.  Social Security Systems in Low Income Countries: Concepts, Constraints, and the Need for Cooperation.  International Social Security Review, 53 (4)   : 3-25   .

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