Economic and Technological Change (ECON)


Khonje, M.G., J. Ricker-Gilbert, M. Muyanga, M. Qaim.  2022.  Farm-Level Production Diversity and Child and Adolescent Nutrition in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: A Multicountry, Longitudinal Study.  Lancet Planetary Health, 6(5)   : e391-e399   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kieti, J., Waema, T.M., Baumüller, H., Ndemo, E.B. and Omwansaa, T.K.  2022.  What really impedes the scaling out of digital services for agriculture? A Kenyan users’ perspective.  Smart Agricultural Technology, 2   : 100034   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kovak, E., D. Blaustein-Rejto, M. Qaim.  2022.  Genetically Modified Crops Support Climate Change Mitigation.  Trends in Plant Science, 27   : 627-629   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Krishna. V.V., Keil, A., Jain, M., Zhou, W., Jose, M., Surendran-Padmaja, S., Barba-Escoto, L., Balwinder-Singh., Jat, M.L., and Erenstein, O..  2022.  Conservation Agriculture Benefits Indian Farmers, but Technology Targeting Needed for Greater Impacts.  Frontiers in Agronomy, 4   : 772732   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Mehraban, N. B.L. Debela, U. Kalsum, M. Qaim.  2022.  What About Her? Oil Palm Cultivation and Intra-Household Gender Roles.  Food Policy, 110   : 102276   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Mellon Bedi, S., C. Azzarri, B.H. Kotu, L. Kornher, J. von Braun.  2022.  Scaling-up agricultural technologies: who should be targeted?.  European Review of Agricultural Economics, : 1-19   . Further Information
Mellon Bedi, S., L. Kornher, J. von Braun, B.H. Kotu.  2022.  Stimulating Innovations for Sustainable Agricultural Practices among Smallholder Farmers: Persistence of Intervention Matters.  The Journal of Development Studies, 58, issue 9   : 1-17   . Further Information
Nguyen, T-T., Nguyen, T. T., Do, M. H., Nguyen, D. L., & Grote, U.  2022.  Shocks, agricultural productivity, and natural resource extraction in rural Southeast Asia.  World Development, 159, 106043   . Further Information
Nguyen, T. T., Nguyen, T-T & Grote, U.  2022.  Internet Use, Natural Resource Extraction and Poverty Reduction in Rural Thailand.  Ecological Economics, 196, 107417   . Further Information
Parlasca, M., C. Johnen, M. Qaim.  2022.  Use of Mobile Financial Services Among Farmers in Africa: Insights from Kenya.  Global Food Security, 32   : 100590   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Parlasca, M.C. & M. Qaim.  2022.  Meat Consumption and Sustainability.  Annual Review of Resource Economics, 14   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rajkhowa P. and M. Qaim.  2022.  Mobile phones, off-farm employment and household income in rural India.  Journal of Agricultural Economics, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rajkhowa, P. and L. Kornher.  2022.  COVID-19 and distortions in urban food market in India.  Indian Economic Review, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rajkhowa, P., M. Qaim.  2022.  Mobile phones, women's physical mobility, and contraceptive use in India.  Social Science & Medicine, 305   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ruml, A., C. Ragasa, M. Qaim.  2022.  Contract Farming, Contract Design, and Smallholder Livelihoods.  Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 66   : 24-43   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Sellare, J.  2022.  New insights on the use of the Fairtrade social premium and its implications for child education.  Journal of Rural Studies, 94   : 418-428   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Sellare, J., Börner, J., Brugger, F., Garrett, R., Günther, I., Meemken, E.-M., Pelli, E.M., Steinhübel, L. & Wuepper, D.  2022.  Six research priorities to support corporate due-diligence policies.  Nature, 606(7916)   : 861-863   . Further Information
Sibhatu K.T., L. Steinhübel, H. Siregar, M. Qaim, M. Wollni.  2022.  Spatial Heterogeneity in Smallholder Oil Palm Production.  Forest Policy and Economics, 139   : 102731   . Further Information
Tisler, T.R., F.Z. Teixeira and R.A.A. Nóbrega.  2022.  Conservation opportunities and challenges in Brazil’s roadless and railroad-less areas.  Science Advances, 8 (9)   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Abdallah, A., A. Abdul-Rahaman, G. Issahaku.  2021.  Sustainable agricultural practices, farm income and food security among rural households in Africa.  Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23   : 17668–17701   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Abdallah, AH., A. Abdul-Rahaman, A. and G. Issahaku.  2021.  Production and hidden hunger impacts of sustainable agricultural practices: evidence from rural households in Africa.  Agrekon, 4 (59)   : 440-458   . Further Information
Abdul-Rahaman, A, G. Issahaku and Y.A. Zereyesus.  2021.  Improved rice variety adoption and farm production efficiency: Accounting for unobservable selection bias and technology gaps among smallholder farmers in Ghana.  Technology in Society, 64   : 101471   . Further Information
Abdulai A.N., A. Abdul‑Rahaman and G. Issahaku.  2021.  Adoption and diffusion of conservation agriculture technology in Zambia: the role of social and institutional networks.  Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 23   : 761–780   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Abraham-Dukuma, M., M. Dioha, N.M. Emodi, O. Aholu, C. Ogbumgbada and A. Isah.  2021.  A marriage of convenience or necessity? Research and policy implications for electrifying upstream petroleum production systems with renewables.  Energy Research & Social Science, 80   . Further Information
Adong, A., L Kornher, O.K. Kirui, J. von Braun.  2021.  Conflict exposure and food consumption pathways during and after conflict: Evidence from Northern Uganda.  World Development, 147   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Adong, A., L. Kornher, O.K. Kirui and J von Braun.  2021.  Conflict exposure and food consumption pathways during and after conflict: Evidence from Northern Uganda.  World Development, 147 (2)   : 105636   .
Adzawla, W. and Baumüller, H.  2021.  Effects of livelihood diversification on gendered climate vulnerability in Northern Ghana.  Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23   : 923–946   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ahumada, J. M., D. López-Giral, A. Núñez-Mejía.  2021.  ¿Seguir o desafiar al mercado? Políticas de desarrollo productivo en los casos de Finlandia y Chile.  Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies, : 24   . (Open Access)   Review
Altman, A., L.J. Fan, C. Foyer, W. Cowling, R. Mittler, M. Qaim, A.P.M. Weber, M. Reynolds, R.K. Varshney, A. Fernie.  2021.  Past and Future Milestones of Plant Breeding.  Trends in Plant Science, 26 (6)   : 530-538   . Further Information
Arneth A., L. Olsson, A. Cowie, K. Erb, M. Hurlbert, W. Kurz, A. Mirzabaev and M Rounsevell.  2021.  Restoring degraded lands.  Annual Review of Environmental Resources, 46:569-599   . Further Information
Baumüller, H., Admassie, A., Hendriks, S., Tadesse, G. and von Braun, J.  2021.  From Potentials to Reality: Transforming Africa’s Food Production.  Peter Lang. Berlin. Further Information
Bekele RD, A Mirzabaev, D Mekonnen.  2021.  Adoption of Multiple Sustainable Land Management Practices among Irrigator Rural Farm Households of Ethiopia.  Land degradation and development,   .
Bonuedi, I., Gerber, N. and Kornher, L..  2021.  Intervening in Cash Crop Value Chains for Improved Nutrition: evidence from Rural Sierra Leone.  The Journal of Development Studies, DOI: 10.1080/00220388.2021.1945043   . Further Information
Bonuedi, I., L.Kornher and N. Gerber.  2021.  Agricultural seasonality, market access, and food security in Sierra Leone.  Food Security, DOI: 10.1007/s12571-021-01242-z   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Chen, Q..  2021.  District or distributed space heating in rural residential sector? Empirical evidence from a discrete choice experiment in South China.  Energy policy, 148 (Part A)   . Further Information
Chichaibelu, B.C., M. Bekchanov, J. von Braun and M. Torero.  2021.  The global cost of reaching a world without hunger: Investment costs and policy action opportunities.  Food Policy, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Chrisendo, D., H. Siregar, M. Qaim.  2021.  Oil Palm and Structural Transformation of Agriculture in Indonesia.  Agricultural Economics, 52   : 849-862   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Cisneros, E., J. Börner, S. Pagiola and S. Wunder.  2021.  Impacts of conservation incentives in protected areas: The case of Bolsa Floresta, Brazil.  Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 111   . Further Information
Debela, B.L., E. Gehrke and M. Qaim.  2021.  Links between Maternal Employment and Child Nutrition in Rural Tanzania.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 103 (3)   : 812-830   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Debnath, R., R. Bardhan, S. Darby, K. Mohaddes, M. Sunikka-Blank, A.C.V. Coelho and A. Isah.  2021.  Words against injustices: A deep narrative analysis of energy cultures in poverty of Abuja, Mumbai and Rio de Janeiro.  Energy Research & Social Science, 72   . (Open Access)   Further Information

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