Economic and Technological Change (ECON)
Name | Position | Expertise | |
Gallant, Dr. Katharina | Researcher Project Management | kgallant(at) | |
Gatzweiler, Prof. Dr. Franz W. | Senior Fellow* | gatzweiler(at), | |
Getahun, Dr. Tigabu Degu | Senior Researcher | tigyget14(at),, | Interdisciplinary Researcher, Expertise on Impact Evaluation , Firm... |
Gileva-Scholz, Katerina | Admin Project Manager | kgilevas(at) | |
Glatzel, Dr. Katrin | Senior Researcher | kglatzel(at) | Food systems research and policy, food systems mapping, policy... |
Grimm, Prof. Dr. Michael | Senior Fellow* | michael.grimm(at) | |
Grote, Prof. Dr. Ulrike | Senior Fellow* | grote(at) | |
Gulati, Dr. Ashok | Senior Fellow* | agulati(at) | |
Gupta, Shweta | Junior Researcher | shweta.gupta(at) | Sustainable agricultural intensification in South Asia; Quantitative... |
Guthoff, Jonas | Junior Researcher | jguthoff(at) |