Anna Hennecke


Hennecke, A.  2024.  Doing more with less - identifying opportunities for sustainable agricultural intensification with Life Cycle Assessment.  Doctoral Thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn. 


Hennecke, A; Mueller-Lindenlauf, M; García, C; Fuentes, A; Riegelhaupt, E; Hellweg,S.  2016.  Optimizing water-, carbon and land use footprint of bioenergy production in Mexico - Six case studies and nationwide implications.  Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, . Further Information


Hennecke, A., Faist, M., Reinhardt, J., Junquera, V., Neeft, J. and Fehrenbach, H..  2013.  Biofuel greenhouse gas calculations under the European Renewable Energy Directive – A comparison of the BioGrace tool vs. the tool of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels.  Applied Energy, 102   : 55-62   .


García C.A. , A. Fuentes, A. Hennecke, E. Riegelhaupt, F. Manzini and O. Masera.  2011.  Life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions and energy balances of sugarcane ethanol production in Mexico.  Applied Energy, 6   : 2088-2097   .

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Methods
  • Macroeconomic Issues
Research countries
  • Mexico
Doctoral research funded by

IFEU (Institute for Energy and Environmental Research) Heidelberg

GTZ (German Technical Cooperation)

Anna Hennecke

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Biodiversity and Sustainable Land Use

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