Edna Agyepong

Country of current residence


Current institute employer

University of Energy and Natural Resources, Ghana



Degrees / expertise

2009 - 2011: MSc. Regional Development Planning and Management - TU Dortmund and Universidad Austral de Chile

2003 - 2007: BSc. Planning - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology

Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Dr. Sabine Tröger, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Bonn

Prof. Dr. Patrick Sakdapolrak, Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, University of Vienna

Advisor at ZEF

Dr. Wolfram Laube


Agyepong, E.  2022.  Displacement, 'land scarcity', and processes of societal transformation: Social constructions and dynamics of 'land access' around Ghana's Bui Dam.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Math. & Nat. Science, University of Bonn. 


Edna Agyepong.  2013.  Securing land tenure in ethnically-diverse societies - A comparative study of the laws and land policies of Chile and Ghana.  SPRING Research Series. Germany.

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Agriculture, land use, climate change
Research countries
  • Ghana

2009 - 2011: MSc. Regional Development Planning and Management - TU Dortmund and Universidad Austral de Chile

2003 - 2007: BSc. Planning - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology


Regional Development Planning and Management, Institutional Development, Community Relations etc.

Doctoral research funded by

BMZ via DAAD; Foundation fiat panis

Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Dr. Sabine Tröger, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Bonn

Prof. Dr. Patrick Sakdapolrak, Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung, University of Vienna

Advisor at ZEF

Dr. Wolfram Laube

Edna Agyepong

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Cultural and Political Change

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