Dr. Aseffa Seyoum

Country of current residence


Current position

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

Current institute employer

Arizona State University



Website current institute
Professional memberships

Agricultured Economics Society of Ethiopia Ethiopian Economics Association


Agricultural Economist


The focus of his research is agriculture and natural resources management policies particularity climate smart agriculture and transaction of genetic resource.


Seyoum, A.  2009.  Microeconomics of Wild Genetic Resources Conservation in SW Ethiopia: Forest Zoning and Economic Incentives for Conservation.  Doctoral thesis at  Humboldt Univ. Berlin.  Shaker Verlag, Aachen   Further Information


Seyoum A., B. Emana, F. Gatzweiler and B. Legesse.  2008.  Determinants of collaborative conservation costs of Coffea arabica’s wild population in montane rainforests of Southwestern Ethiopia.  In: Kontoleon, A., Pascual, U., and M. Smale (eds.): Agrobiodiversity, Conservation and Economic Development. Routledge: London, New York.   Chap. 17. 


Seyoum, A.  2007.  Economic Value of Afromontane Natural Forest in Shaka Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia: A Clue for Advocacy and Informed Decision Making.  In: Mesresha Fenta (eds.): Forests of Sheka: Multidisciplinary casestudies on impact of landuse/landcover change , Southwest Ethiopia. MELICA Mahiber.   183-218. 
Seyoum, A., B. Emana, F. Gatzweiler and B. Legesse.  2007.  Comparative Analysis of In-Situ Conservation Costs of Forest Coffee in Southwestern Ethiopia.  In: Getinet Alemu and Getachew Yoseph (eds.): proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Ethiopian Economy. Vol.II. Ethiopian Economic Association.   253-284. 


Emana, B. and A. Seyoum.  2006.  Emerging Land Rental Markets and Transaction Costs in Rural Ethiopia. Research Report Submitted to Council for Development of Social Science Research in Africa. 
Seyoum, A., B. Emana, F. Gatzweiler and B. Legesse.  2006.  Determinants of Collaborative Conservation Costs of Coffea arabica's Wild Populations in Montane Rainforest of Southwestern Ethiopia. Paper presented on 8th BioEcon Conference: The Economic Analysis of Ecology and Biodiversity, Cambridge, UK.  Further Information


Seyoum, A.  2005.  Conservation Costs of Wild Population of Coffea arabica in Montane Rainforest of Ethiopia.  Master thesis at  Alemaya University. 


Hudie, B., P. Asrat and A. Seyoum.  2004.  Barley Based Farming System in Gassera Area of Bale Highlands.  In: T. Zegeye, L. Dadi and D. Alemu (eds.): Agricultural System Analysis and Constraints Identification. Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization (EARO).  
Ketama, M, A. Seyoum and P. Asrat.  2004.  Participatory On-farm Evaluation of Barley Production Packages in the Highlands of Bale.  In: Tesfaye Zegeye, Legesse Dadi and Dawit Alemu (eds.): Agricultural Systems Analysis and Constraints Identification. Proceedings of the workshop held to discuss the socio-economic research results of 1998-2002. EARO.   pp. 107-113. 
Ketama, M., A. Seyoum and P. Asrat.  2004.  Profitability of Some Crops in Bale Highlands.  In: T. Zegeye, L. Dadi, and D. Alemu (eds.): Agricultural Technology Evaluation, Adoption and Marketing. Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organization (EARO).   59-71. 


Seyoum, A.  Use Value of Forest Coffee and Challenges to Enhance Its Livelihood Contribution Via Certification and Benefit Sharing on Genetic Resources. Forum for Environment, Public Meeting Paper. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Knowledge
  • Ecosystem services
Research countries
  • Ethiopia
Research projects
Conservation and use of the wild populations of Coffea Arabica in the montane rainforests of Ethiopia project (CoCE)
Doctoral research funded by

DAAD shortterm, BMBF

Aseffa Seyoum

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

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