Dr. Job Kihara Maguta

Country of current residence


Current position

Senior Scientist

Current institute employer



Agricultural Engineer


Soil Scientist

Degrees / expertise

Master of environmental studies (Agroforestry and rural development), Kenyatta university Kenya, 2002


Bachelor of Environmental studies (planning and management), Kenyatta University Kenya, 1998

Professional experience

March 2003-present: African Network for soil Biology and Fertility (AfNet) of the TSBF institute of CIAT (Position: Assistant Scientific Officer).


July 2001-March 2003: Natural Resources Monitoring, Modeling and Management (NRM3) (Position: GIS/ Data Analyst).


August 2003-May 2004: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Department of Biomechanical and agricultural engineering (Position: Part-time lecturer).


May 2001-Febraury 2003: Broadcasts on Environmental Education and Awareness on National Radio (Coro FM).


Kihara, J., A. Bationo, D.N. Mugumdi, C. Martius and P.L.G. Vlek.  2012.  Conservation tillage, local organic resources and nitrogen fertilizer combinations affect maize productivity, soils structure and nutrient balances in semi-arid Kenya.  In: A. Bationo, B. Waswa, J.M. Okeyo, F. Maina and J. Kihara (eds.): Innovations as key to the green revolution in Africa.. Springer, Dordrecht.   155-168. 


Kihara, J., A. Bationo, D. N. Mugendi, C. Martius and P. L. G. Vlek.  2011.  Fertilizer combinations affect maize productivity, soil structure and nutrient balances in semi-arid Kenya.  Nutr Cycl Agroecosyst, . Further Information


Maguta, J.  2009.  Conservation tillage in Kenya: the biophysical processes affecting its effectiveness.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Andrén, O., Kihara, J., Bationo, A., Vanlauwe, B. and T Kätterer.  2007.  Soil Climate and Decomposer Activity in Sub-Saharan Africa Estimated from Standard Weather Station Data: A Simple Climate Index for Soil Carbon Balance Calculations.  AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment, Vol 35 (5)   : 379–386   . Download [PDF | 331.89KB]
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Bationo, A., Waswa, B., Kihara, J. and Kimetu, J. (Editors).  2007.  Advances in integrated soil fertility management in sub Saharan Africa: challenges and opportunities.  Springer London, Limited. UK. Further Information


Kimetu, J. M., Mugendi, D. N., Bationo, A., Palm, C. A., Mutuo, P. K., Kihara, J., Nandwa, S. and Giller K..  2006.  Partial balance of nitrogen in a maize cropping system in humic nitisol of Central Kenya.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 76   : 261-270   . Download [PDF]
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Mafongoya, P. L., Bationo, A., Kihara, J., and Waswa, B. S..  2006.  Appropriate technologies to replenish soil fertility in southern Africa.  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, : 76:137-151   . Download [PDF]
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Bationo A, J. Kimetu and J.Kihara.  2004.  Improving human welfare and environmental conservation by empowering farmers to combat soil fertility degradation.  Abstracts of the International Symposium of the African Network for Soil Biology and Fertility (AfN Nairobi.
Kihara, J., J. Kimetu, A. Bationo, J. Mukalama and B. Vanlauwe.  2004.  Optimum management of low quality organic resources in Ferralsols of Western Kenya.  Paper presented in Tanzania, Soil Science Society of East Africa 22nd conference
Kihara, J., J.M. Kimetu, B. Vanlauwe, A. Bationo and J. Mukalama.  2004.  Increasing land productivity and optimising benefits in legume-cereal rotations through nitrogen and phosphorus management in western Kenya.  Paper presented in AfNet Symposium in Yaounde, Cameroon


Kihara, J.  2002.  Effects of tree nursery growing media and farmers’ management techniques on seedling quality in Mount Kenya region.  Master of Science Thesis at  Kenyatta University, Nairobi. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Institutions
Research countries
  • Kenya
Professional experience
March 2003-present: African Network for soil Biology and Fertility (AfNet) of the TSBF institute of CIAT (Position: Assistant Scientific Officer). July 2001-March 2003: Natural Resources Monitoring, Modeling and Management (NRM3) (Position: GIS/ Data Analyst). August 2003-May 2004: Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Department of Biomechanical and agricultural engineering (Position: Part-time lecturer). May 2001-Febraury 2003: Broadcasts on Environmental Education and Awareness on National Radio (Coro FM).

Master of environmental studies (Agroforestry and rural development), Kenyatta university Kenya, 2002


Bachelor of Environmental studies (planning and management), Kenyatta University Kenya, 1998

Doctoral research funded by

BMZ through GTZ & DAAD

Cooperation partners

Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) Institute of CIAT

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Ecology and Natural Resources Management

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