Jochen Dürr

Research themes
  • Agriculture, land use, climate change
Research projects

NutriHAF-Africa: Diversifying agriculture for balanced nutrition through fruits and vegetables in multi-storey cropping systems in Ethiopia and Madagascar 2016-2018

ProciNut: Production and Processing of Edible Insects for Improved Nutrition 2018-2021

STIRVE and Transform2Bio: Research on the Bioeconomy in Argentina, 2021-2023

Professional experience

Dr. Jochen Dürr comes from Tübingen, Germany, and holds a Master degree in agricultural economics from the University of Hohenheim and a PhD degree in economics from the Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences/University of Kassel, Germany. His PhD-thesis is on “The contribution of agriculture to economic development in Guatemala”. During five years he worked for the German Development Cooperation at the Federal University of Pará, Brazil, and another five at the Guatemalan Institute of Agrarian and Rural Studies (IDEAR). Throughout these years he conducted extensive field research, (co)authored a series of books and articles, and worked closely with peasant organizations and movements. His main research areas are rural development, value chains and agricultural policies from a critical political economy perspective.


Diplom (Master), at the University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany Post-Master studies at the Seminar for Rural Development (SLE), Humboldt-University Berlin Dr. rer. pol., at the Department of Development Economics, Migration and Agricultural Policy, Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, University of Kassel, Germany


Research themes• Agricultural value chains• Rural development• Food and nutrition security• Agricultural politics• Ecological Economics• Trade and developmentResearch countries• Brazil• Guatemala• Ethiopia• Madagascar


Dürr, J., Sili, M., Mac Clay, P., & Sellare, J..  2024.  Bioeconomic innovations breeding more sustainable innovations: A value chain perspective from Argentina. ..  Business Strategy and the Environment, .
Oliveira, G. M., Ziegert, R. F., Pacheco, A., Berning, L., Sotirov, M., Dürr, J., ... & Börner, J..  2024.  Blind spots in the EU’s Regulation on Deforestation-free products.  Nature Ecology & Evolution , 8(8)   : 1382-1383   . Further Information


Aung, M. T. T. ; Dürr, J; Borgemeister, C.; Börner, J..  2023.  Factors affecting consumption of edible insects as food: entomophagy in Myanmar.  Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 9 (6)   : 721 - 739   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Thu Thu Aung, M., Dürr, J., Klink-Lehmann, J., & Borgemeister, C..  2023.  Predicting consumers’ intention towards entomophagy using an extended theory of planned behavior: evidence from Myanmar.  International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, . Further Information


Dürr, J.; Sili, M..  2022.  New or Traditional Approaches in Argentina’s Bioeconomy? Biomass and Biotechnology Use, Local Embeddedness, and Sustainability Outcomes of Bioeconomic Ventures.  Sustainability, 14, 14491   . (Open Access)  
Sili, M.; H. Dürr.  2022.  Bioeconomic Entrepreneurship and Key Factors of Development: Lessons from Argentina.  Sustainability, 14 (4)   : 2447-   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Dürr J. ; Ratompoarison C..  2021.  Nature’s “Free Lunch”: The Contribution of Edible Insects to Food and Nutrition Security in the Central Highlands of Madagascar.  Foods. 2021, 10(12):2978   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kriesemer, S.K.; Keding, G.B.; Huluka, A.T.; Dürr, J..  2021.  Leafy Vegetables under Shade? Performance, Consumer Acceptance, and Nutritional Contribution of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) Leaves in the Yayu Coffee Forest Biosphere Reserve in Southwest Ethiopia.  Sustainability, 13   . Further Information
Meysing, A., S. Forneck, A. Razafindrakotomamonjy and J. Dürr.  2021.  Why socio-economic and attitudinal factors cannot predict entomophagy in rural areas of Madagascar.  Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, DOI: 10.3920/JIFF2021.0086   . Further Information


Piñeiro, V., Arias, J. and Dürr, J. et al..  2020.  A scoping review on incentives for adoption of sustainable agricultural practices and their outcomes.  Nature Sustainability, 3   : 809-820   . (Open Access)   Review


Dürr J., H. Andriamazaoro, S. Nischalke, N. Preteseille, A. Rabenjanahary, N. Randrianarison, C. Ratompoarison, A. Razafindrakotomamonjy, P. Straub, I. Wagler.  2019.  "It is edible, so we eat it": Insect supply and consumption in the central highlands of Madagascar.  International Journal of Tropical Insect Science,   . Further Information


Dürr, J..  2018.  Women in agricultural value chains: unrecognized work and contributions to the Guatemalan economy.  Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, 3 (2)   : 20-35   .


Dürr, J..  2017.  Global value chains and traditional supply chains: Evidence from Guatemala.  Development Policy Review, doi: 10.1111/dpr.12348   .
Dürr, J..  2017.  The contribution of vegetable value chains to the Guatemalan economy.  European Journal of Horticultural Sciences, 82 (6)   : 311–318   .
Dürr, J..  2017.  Agricultural Growth Linkages in Guatemala: New Insights from a Value Chain Approach.  Journal of Development Studies, 53 (8), 2017   : 1223-1237   .


Dürr, J..  2016.  Sugarcane and oil palm expansion in Guatemala and its consequences for the regional economy.  Journal of Agrarian Change, 17 (3), 2017   : 557-570   . Further Information


Jochen Dürr.  2016.  The political economy of agriculture for development today: the "small versus large" scale debate revisited.  Agricultural Economics, 47   : 671-681   .


Dürr, J..  2015.  Diez mitos y realidades sobre las cadenas agroalimentarias en Guatemala.  Revista Estudios Sociales, 79   : 75-95   .


Dürr, J..  2014.  Agro-extractivist value chains and regional development: the case of the Lower Tocantins River in the Brazilian Amazon.  Novos Cadernos NAEA, 17/2   : 77-93   .


Baldizón, R.; Dürr, J.; Rosales, S..  2011.  Caficultura campesina orgánica y convencional. Su importancia para las familias productoras de Sololá.  GIZ/IDEAR/CONGCOOP/CCDA. Guatemala.


Dürr, J.; Rosales, S..  2009.  La intervención del Estado en mercados de granso básicos: Consideraciones teóricas para el caso de Guatemala.  Revista Territorios , 4   : 53-76   .


Alonso, A.; Alonzo, F.; Dürr, J..  2008.  Caña de azúcar y palma africana: combustibles para un nuevo ciclo de acumulación y dominio en Guatemala.  IDEAR/CONGCOOP. Guatemala.

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
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Jochen Dürr

Senior Researcher


Environmental Policy


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