Dr. Dennis Lucy Avilés Irahola

Research themes
  • Environmental and climate change
  • Biodiversity
  • Theories of Development
  • Decentralization & Reforms
  • Gender
  • Food and nutrition
  • Agriculture, land use, climate change
  • Governance and conflict
Research countries
  • Bangladesh
  • Kenya
  • Malawi
  • Peru
  • Uganda
  • Guatemala
  • Bolivia
  • Colombia
  • Cuba
  • Rwanda
  • Ecuador
Research projects

2019 - present: Doctoral Studies Support Program. Environmental peace-building and development in Colombia (DSSP)

2020 - present. Initiative: International Research Program for the Assessment of Social and Gender Transformation linked to Fire Events in the Amazon Region (IRASAG-Amazon).

2021 - present. Bioeconomy in Cuba (CUBE)

Working groups

ZEF Gender Group Co-founder and co-coordination


Seminars and courses on "Gender and Development from a Feminist Critical Perspective", "Sustainable Agriculture" and "Decolonial theory and practices in Latin America" at ZEF, Uni-Bonn Faculties, and Bolivian Universities.

Tutorship of doctoral candidates

Micely Diaz Spaillat. "Racism as a political weapon: Instrumentalization of anti-Haitianism in the Dominican Republic": Gretchen Gónzaga: "The Sama Dilaut After Haiyan: Cycle of Displacement and Sedentarization in the Philippines"; Altynay Kambekova: "International Development Aid in Central Asia from a Feminist Perspective" (provisional title); Mayra Martin: "On-line social movement campaign of Non- Governmental Organizations (NGOs) claiming together on coronavirus crisis implication for their action. A case study of the Colombian Confederation of NGOs."; Sofía Saleem: "Gender Codes and School Education: Gender Inequality in Secondary School Textbook in Pakistan"; Dayra Blandon: "Community resilience of smallholder farmers to droughts in the dry corridor of Nicaragua: Sociocultural and institutional analysis from a historical perspective"; Maryoriet Nicole Rosales Salgado: "The Space where we belong: Women’s narratives of urban space in Honduras"; Rommel Zambrana Areas: "Adaptation of a methodology to assess urban resilience, Case study  District IX City of Managua, Nicaragua".


Professional experience

More than fifteen years of experience working on development projects, particularly on gender, environment and agriculture. Employers include international agencies such as Oxfam, the World Bank, Friedrich Ebert Stifftung, United Nations agencies and several non-governmental organisations. Four years of academic experience as Senior Researcher. Main areas of expertise: Rural development in the global South, gender mainstreaming and gender-sensitive research.


1. Doctor of Philosophy (Dr. phil), Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelms-Universität Bonn - Germany 2. Specialization on Gender and Development. CIDES, Bolivia 3. Master in Human Ecology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Belgium Postgraduate Programme in Development Sciences 4. BSc. in Agriculture . Major University of San Andrés, La Paz - Bolivia.


Gender in Sustainable Development, Gender in Environmental Conflict.


Holdmann, J., Löhr, K. & Avilés Irahola, D.L.  2023.  Women negotiating peace: a step toward more durable peace?.  ZEF Working Paper Series, . (Open Access)  
Khalid, A. A. Avilés Irahola, D. L., Salifu, A..  2023.  Women’s Autonomy in Maternal Healthcare Decision-making in Urban Ghana.  ZEF Working Paper Series, 219   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Avilés Irahola, D., Mora-Motta, A., Barbosa Pereira, Biber-Freudenberger, L., Bharati, L., Petersheim, C., Quispe-Zuniga, M., Schmitt, C., Youkhana, E.en.  2022.  Integrating scientific and local knowledge to address environmental conflicts: the role of academia.  Hum Ecol, 50   : 911–923   . (Open Access)   Further Information


2021.  Avilés Irahola, D. L. (2021). Gender in ZEF. A report on gender-sensitive research at ZEF.Available at: https://www.zef.de/fileadmin/user_upload/GENDER_IN_ZEF_Report.pdf. 
Eva Youkhana, Rosario Rojas-Robles, Dennis Lucy Avilés Irahola,Alejandro Mora-Motta, Jenny-Paola Santander-Durán.  2021.  Environmental Thinking, Critiques on Development and South-North-South Cooperation Proposals Under Construction..  Gestión y ambiente, No. 1 (24)   : 11-38   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Aviles Irahola, Dennis Lucy.  2015.  Zwischen globalen Strömungen, Klimawandel und Ungleicheit: die Rolle der kleinbäuerlichen Landwirtschaft in der Ernährungssicherheit der Andenländer.  In: Julya Brychcy, Elisabeth Pütz, Audrey Seifert, Kyra Sell (eds) (eds.): Alternative konsum-und productionsformen im globalisierten Lateinamerika. Lateinamerika im Fokus (LatiF).   55-79. 
Aviles Irahola, Dennis Lucy.  2015.  Participación y poder local: un acercamiento a sus límites y potencial..  In: Juan Carlos Torrico Albino (ed) (eds.): Desarrollo Rural y Agroalimentario en Bolivia. Procesos, problemática y perspectivas. Instituto Boliviano de Economía Política Agraria.   179-195. 


Avilés Irahola, D.L., Antezana, I., Salazar, M., Yumisaca, F. and Fonseca C.  2010.  Gender Mainstreaming in three participatory methods: Horizontal Evaluations, Productive Platforms, and Participatory Market Chain Approach.  Guide
Aviles Irahola, Dennis Lucy.  2010.  Descentralización y poder local en Chuquisaca.  Fundación Tierra y Plural Editores.


Aviles Irahola, Dennis Lucy.  2008.  Gender Audit at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture.  Report


Aviles Irahola, Dennis Lucy.  2007.  Policies to Combat Desertification: A Perspective on the Latin American and the Caribbean Region.  In: King, C., Bigas, H. and Adeel, Z. (eds) (eds.): Desertification and the International Policy Imperative. Proceedings of a Joint International Conference. International Network on Water, environment and Health (UNU – INWEH).   184-194. 


Avilés Irahola, D.  2005.  Popular participation, decentralisation, and local power relations in Bolivia.  Thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Cuvilier Verlag, Göttingen   Download [PDF]


2000.  “La tierra, nuestra casa”, “Regiones ecológicas de Bolivia”, “Medio ambiente urbano”, “Problemática ambiental del Río Seco”, “Gestión Urbana”.  Booklets
Aviles Irahola, Dennis Lucy.  2000.  Report of the international seminar “Caminando Juntas hacia un Nuevo Futuro”. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

Dennis Lucy Avilés Irahola

Senior Researcher


Cultural and Political Change


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