Gretchen Gonzaga

Research themes
  • Social and Cultural Change and Adaptation
  • Growth, inequality and poverty
  • Gender
  • Migration, mobility and urbanization
Research countries
  • Philippines
Research projects


My research project focuses on the migrant Sama Bajau (also known as Sama [Di]laut) residing in Leyte, Central Philippines. They are formerly sea-based indigenous groups in Southeast Asia. Due to the geographic location in Central Philippines facing the Pacific Ocean, they are frequently threatened by recurrent typhoons. Using an intersectionality lens, I looked at how they recovered after typhoons, particularly Super-Typhoon (Category 5) Rai on December 16, 2021. Their intimate relationship with the seas and islands forged by thousands of years of historical sea nomadism kept them safe and resilient from weather disturbances. Yet in a modernizing postcolonial society, they challenge the classical idea of citizenship defined within bounded territories and guaranteed by a sovereign state.

Professional experience

Member, ZEF Gender Group

Member, Association of Development Communication Educators and Practitioners (ADCEP) Philippines, Inc


2017: MS in Development Communication, Visayas State University, Philippines

2012: BS in Development Communication, Visayas State University, Philippines


Disaster recovery and indigenous studies

Thesis title

Decolonizing Disaster Recovery: Ethnographic Insights into the Sama Badjao’s Post-Typhoon Experiences

Doctoral research funded by


Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Dr. Christoph Antweiler

Advisor at ZEF

Dr. Dennis Lucy Avilés Irahola


Gretchen Gonzaga.  2023.  Die Sama Badjao und der Klimawandel.  Südostatasien Further Information


Gonzaga L, Alesna W, & Cagasan, E.  2022.  Women’s experiences of a livelihood project after Haiyan: A phenomenological study.  International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction , 83(3)   : 103402   . Further Information


Cuadra, L, Aure, MRK, & Gonzaga, L.  2019.  The Use of Tracer Study in Improving Undergraduate Programs in a University.  Asia Pacific Higher Education Research Journal , 6(1)   : 13-25   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

Gretchen Gonzaga

Junior Researcher

Cultural and Political Change


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