Jiaxin Tan
P.R. China
State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization
Social Scientist
2012 MSc.Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science, Lund University, Sweden
2013-2014 Research Assistant in the Asian-Pacific Center for Water Security, Tsinghua University (in cooperation with Asian Development Bank)
doctoral work
Prof. Dr. Solvay Gerke - Director of ZEF A (on leave)
Dr. Franz W. Gatzweiler - Executive director of ICSU-IAMP-UNU Programme on Urban Health and Wellbeing
Dr. Irit Eguavoen - Senior researcher of ZEF A
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- Human Rights
- China
2012 MSc.Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science, Lund University, Sweden
Delta Information system for Geoenvironmental and Human Habitat transition (DELIGHT) - Yellow River Delta, China
Foundation Fiat Panis
doctoral work
Prof. Dr. Solvay Gerke - Director of ZEF A (on leave)
Dr. Franz W. Gatzweiler - Executive director of ICSU-IAMP-UNU Programme on Urban Health and Wellbeing
Dr. Irit Eguavoen - Senior researcher of ZEF A