A. Javier Miranda Arana

Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Dr. Jan Börner


Miranda Arana, J..  2021.  Economic and policy mechanisms affecting land use decisions in the Brazilian agricultural frontier.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Miranda Arana; A.J., J. Boerner, M. Kalkuhl and B. Soares-Filho.  2019.  Land speculation and conservation policy leakage in Brazil.  Environmental Research Letters, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Miranda, J. and J. Börner.  2019.  Land prices and expected deforestation in Brazil: The role of infrastructure and forest conservation policy. Rural 21 53(4):42:43. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Governance
  • Land use and food security
  • Sustainable use of natural resources
  • Environmental Impact Analysis
  • Agriculture, land use, climate change
  • Governance and conflict
Research countries
  • Brazil
Research projects
Shaping Environmental Policies for Sustainable Tropical Forest Bioeconomies
Funding institutions

Robert Bosch Foundation

Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Dr. Jan Börner

A. Javier Miranda Arana

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Economic and Technological Change

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