Kingsley Nnaemeka Ogbu

Research themes
  • Water resources (management)
Research countries
  • Nigeria

Water resources management

Thesis title

Performance evaluation of hydrologic models under the influence of land use and climate change in a sparsely gauged watershed

Doctoral research funded by

Fiat Panis foundation

Advisor at ZEF

Dr. Bernhard Tischbein



Ogbu, K. N., Rakovec, O., Samaniego, L., Bernhard, T..  2023.  Transferability of hydrologic model parameters for the validation of simulated evapotranspiration variable under data-scarce conditions in Nigeria.  Further Information


Nnaemeka Ogbu, K., O. Rakovec, P. Kumar Shrestha, L. Samaniego, B. Tischbein and H. Meresa.  2022.  Testing the mHM-MPR Reliability for Parameter Transferability across Locations in North–Central Nigeria.  Hydrology, 9(9)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ogbu, K. N., Rakovec, O., Samaniego, L., Okafor, G. C., Tischbein, B., and Meresa, H..  2022.  Evaluating the skill of the mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM) for simulating River Discharge in Sparsely-Gauged Basins in Nigeria.  Further Information
Orakwe, L.C , K.N Ogbu, J.I Ubah, C.P Nwachukwu, R.C Akamonye and U.P Okoro.  2022.  Determination of Hydraulic Roughness Coefficients of Some Vegetated Species in Awka, Nigeria.  ASM Sc. Journal, 17   : 1 - 8   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Meresa, H., B. Tischbein, J. Mendela, R. Demoz, T. Abreha, M. Weldemichael, K. Ogbu.  2021.  The role of input and hydrological parameters uncertainties in extreme hydrological simulations.  Natural Resources Modeling, : 1 - 22   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rholan Houngue, N., K. Nnaemeka Ogbu, A. D. S. Almoradie, M. Evers.  2021.  Evaluation of the Performance of Remotely Sensed Rainfall Datasets for Flood Monitoring in the Transboundary Mono River Catchment, Togo and Benin.  Journal of Hydrology - Regional Studies, (36)   : 1 - 16   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ubah J.I., Orakwe L.C., Okoye N.M. and Ogbu K.N.  2021.  River Sediment Transport Modeling of Ele River using Computational Fluid Dynamics Model of COMSOL Multiphysics Program.  ASM Science Journal, 16   : 1-7   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ubah, J.I.,L. C. Orakwe, K. N. Ogbu, J. I. Awu, I. E. Ahaneku & E. C. Chukwuma.  2021.  Forecasting water quality parameters using artificial neural network for irrigation purposes.  Scientific Reports, 11 (24438)   : 1 -13   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Obasi, A. A., Ogbu, K.N., Orakwe, L.C. and Ahaneku, I.E..  2020.  Rainfall-River Discharge Modeling for Flood Forecasting Using Artificial Nueral Network (ANN).  Journal of Water and Land Development, 44 (I - III)   : 98–105   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ogbu, K.N.; Hounguè, N.R.; Gbode, I.E.; Tischbein, B.  2020.  Performance Evaluation of Satellite-Based Rainfall Products over Nigeria..  Climate, 8   : 103   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ogwo. V, K. N. Ogbu, C. C. Anyadike, O. A. Nwoke and C. C. Mbajiorgu.  2020.  Development and testing of a capacitive digital soil moisture sensor with printed circuit board as probe.  Nigerian Journal of Technology (NIJOTECH), 39 (3)   : 896 - 902   . Further Information


Ndulue, E., I. Onyekwelu, K.N. Ogbu, V. Ogwo.  2019.  Performance evaluation of solar radiation equations for estimating reference evapotranspiration (ETo) in a humid tropical environment.  Journal of Water and Land Development , 42 (VII–IX)   : 124–135   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Ndulue, E.L., Mbajiorgu, C.C., Ezenne, G.I. Ogwo, V. and Ogbu, K.N.  2018.  Hydrological Modeling of Upper Ebonyi Watershed Using the SWAT Model.  International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology, 8(2)   : 120 - 133   . Further Information
Ogwo, V., Mbajiorgu, C.C., Ogbu, K.N., Ezenne, G.I., Ndulue, E.L..  2018.  Streamflow and sediment yield prediction using AnnAGNPS model in upper ebonyi river watershed, south-eastern Nigeria.  Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal , 20 (4)   : 50-62   . (Open Access)  
Okafor, G.C. and Ogbu, K.N.  2018.  Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on the Freshwater Availability of Kaduna River Basin. Journal of Water and Land Development.  38   : 105 - 114   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

Kingsley Nnaemeka Ogbu

Junior Researcher


Ecology and Natural Resources Management


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