Maryoriet Nicole Rosales Salgado
- Gender
- Honduras
Master of Arts in International Studies with over 10 years of experience in the Development Sector in Honduras.
Gender Inequality, Insecurity and Violence prevention
The Space where we belong; Narratives of space and insecurity in urban Honduras
Confined and often neglected, urban settlements in the Central District of Honduras served as scenarios for a predominant increase in violent acts against women during the Corona Virus Pandemic. For many women in urban settlements the “stay at home” policies implemented to reduce the spread of the virus did not represent the safer option, quite the opposite, it increased their risk of domestic violence .
The ongoing research attempts to illustrate how urban households transform into unsafe spaces for women and girls. Specifically, when intensified by confinement, mobility restrictions and elevated family tensions that exacerbated during the Corona Virus Pandemic. Focusing on open-ended narratives drawn from 1. Residents living in the Los Pinos and San Miguel urban peripheral settlements of the Central District, 2. Experts and front-line domestic violence operators and 3. Domestic violence survivors, the study intends to explore their lived experiences and knowledge.
Of particular interest to the study, the narratives of women and domestic violence survivors are placed as key components throughout the entirety of the work.
Making visible what is not, I intend to express my findings by exploring diverse social positions that have been defined by and through our bodies while extracting insight from our colonial history and its’ living legacy. Therefore, both an intersectional and decolonial feminist approach, or what I define as a “unified” approach of theorizing oppression is utilized to understand domestic violence in urban Honduras.
The thesis analyzes the intersecting social positions that include gender, religion, race, class, and many others. Yet not by adding up or naming the various oppressions, but of finding the ways in which they are intertwined through our bodies and start to undersand ourselves from the complexity of living through these diverse structures of oppression.
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