Hiwot Wolde Adebo

Research themes
  • Migration, mobility and urbanization
Research countries
  • Ethiopia
  • South Africa
Professional experience

Lecturer, Researcher


BA in Development Management

MA in Social Policy for Development


Migration, Social policy, Children and Youth , Development

Funding institutions


Thesis title

Navigating through the Roughness: Ethiopian Migrants’ Lived Experiences and Migration Decision Making in South Africa

Thesis abstract

Migration decision making is a complex process not only because it involves various actors in addition to the actual migrant, but also because it is a result of a series of decisions. From the inception of the migrating idea till the moving action takes place migrants/potential migrants are required to make a number of decisions that may include if they actually have to relocate; where to go, when to leave, how to finance their journey, and whom to contact. Researchers divide this decision-making process into three phases namely: pre-decisional, planning, and the moving phase. However, the realization of the moving plan would not guarantee migrants to settle in their new aspired destination. As migration is a never-ending process and there is no such thing called a true ‘destination’, migrants may happen to need to revise their prior decisions and make a new one whether to stay, return or move on. This research will be looking at the decision-making process and the contributing factors in the context of migrants’ living environment at the receiving end. The study mainly focuses on Ethiopian migrants who have been through a lot because of xenophobic violence against African migrants and the high rate of crime in South Africa. Using social Navigation theory, Network theory and the concept of trans-location Positionality, the research tries to understand migrants’ lived experience in their host environment. This ethnographic study aims at achieving a deeper understanding of the target population’s situation through a closer look at their stories, challenges, and overall struggle with the socio-political system in the country.

Supervisors of
doctoral work

PD. Dr. Eva Youkhana

Advisor at ZEF

Dr. Girma Kelboro

There are no publications of this person.

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

Junior Researcher

Cultural and Political Change


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