Janosch Klemm
- Food and nutrition
- Urbanisation
- Markets and services
- Health
- Germany
- Ghana
06/2017 – 03/2022 United Nations World Food Programme, Rome, Italy Food System Specialist, Nutrition Division (NUT), Systems Analysis for Nutrition Team
02/2017 – 05/2017 Save the Children International, Lebanon Acting Education Program Manager (secondment by Mercator Foundation), North Field Office
09/2016 – 12/2016 Save the Children International, London, UK Education in Emergencies Consultant (secondment by Mercator Foundation), Global Education Theme
05/2016 – 08/2016 United Nations World Food Programme, Rome, Italy Consultant, Nutrition Division (NUT), Systems Analysis for Nutrition Team
07/2015 – 11/2015 United Nations World Food Programme, El Salvador Intern, Social Protection and Nutrition Unit
MA Philosophy, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2013-2016)
BA Philosophy and English, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (2009-2013)
Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia
The food environment of urban schools and their role in healthy and sustainable food systems transformation in Germany and Ghana
Institute for Social, Statistical and Economic Research (ISSER), University of Ghana, Ghana
Institute for Nutrition and Food Science (IEL), Universität Bonn
doctoral work
Prof. Dr. Ute Nöthlings
Prof. Dr. Christian Borgemeister
and Downloads
Janosch Klemm_CV_ZEF.pdf [PDF]
Junior Researcher One Health
Ecology and Natural Resources Management