Jaqueline Hildebrandt

Research themes
  • Environmental and climate change
  • Health
Research countries
  • Germany
  • Ghana

Public Health, M.Sc.
Health Care Management, B.Sc.

Thesis title

Added value of One Health implementation within primary health care in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (Ghana) and the Rhine Ruhr Metropolis (Germany)

Cooperation partners


Hildebrandt J, Metzendorf MI, Jakob T.  2021.  Evaluating the potential of the German database Current Contents Medizin (CC MED) as a source for the Cochrane COVID-19 Study Register.  GMS Med Inform Biom Epidemiol. , 17(3)   : Doc12   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kastaun S, Leve V, Hildebrandt J, Funke C, Klosterhalfen S, Lubisch D, Reddemann O, McRobbie H, Raupach T, West R, Wilm S, Viechtbauer W, Kotz D.  2021.  Training general practitioners in the ABC versus 5As method of delivering stop-smoking advice: a pragmatic, two-arm cluster randomised controlled trial..  ERJ Open Research, 7(3)   . Further Information
Kastaun S, Viechtbauer W, Leve V, Hildebrandt J, Funke C, Klosterhalfen S, Lubisch D, Reddemann O, Raupach T, Wilm S, Kotz D.  2021.  Quit attempts and tobacco abstinence in primary care patients: follow-up of a pragmatic, two-arm cluster randomised controlled trial on brief stop-smoking advice - ABC versus 5As.  ERJ Open Research, 7(3)   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Kastaun S, Hildebrandt J, Kotz D.  2020.  Electronic Cigarettes to Vaporize Cannabis: Prevalence of Use and Associated Factors among Current Electronic Cigarette Users in Germany (DEBRA study).  Substance Use & Misuse, 7(55)   : 1106-1112   . Further Information


Kastaun S, Leve V, Hildebrandt J, Funke C, Becker S, Lubisch D, Viechtbauer W, Reddemann O, Hempel L, McRobbie H, Raupach T, West R, Kotz D.  2019.  Effectiveness of training general practitioners to improve the implementation of brief stop-smoking advice in German primary care: study protocol of a pragmatic, 2-arm cluster randomised controlled trial (the ABCII trial).  BMC Family Practice, 20(107)   . Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

Jaqueline Hildebrandt

Junior Researcher One Health

+49-228-73-+49 228 732839

Ecology and Natural Resources Management


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