Dr. Fazlullah Akhtar

Research themes
  • Governance
  • Water resources (management)
  • Land use and food security
  • Agriculture, land use, climate change
  • Governance and conflict
Research countries
  • Afghanistan
  • Uzbekistan
  • Pakistan
Additional Information:



PhD (Engineering)

M.Sc (ARTS-Land and Water Management)

B.Sc (Agri. Engineering)


Water Resource Management


Akhtar, Fazlullah; Azizi, Abdul Haseeb; Borgemeister, Christian; Tischbein, Bernhard; and Awan, Usman Khalid..  2024.  The Changing Face of Snow Cover in Afghanistan: Opportunities for Development Interventions.  Exploring Hope: Case Studies of Innovation, Change and Development in the Global South. Emerald Publishing Limited.   177-182.  Further Information
Azizi, Abdul Haseeb; Akhtar, Fazlullah; Kusche, Jürgen; Tischbein, Bernhard; Borgemeister, Christian; and Oluoch, Wyclife Agumba.  2024.  Machine learning-based estimation of fractional snow cover in the Hindukush Mountains using MODIS and Landsat data.  638   . Further Information
Azizi, Abdul Haseeb; Akhtar, Fazlullah; Tischbein, Bernhard; Borgemeister, Christian; and Wang, Qiuyu.  2024.  Assessing long-term water storage dynamics in Afghanistan: An integrated approach using machine learning, hydrological models, and remote sensing.  Journal of Environmental Management, 122901 (370)   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 19.33MB]
Further Information
Do, Son K.; Akhtar, Fazlullah; Goffin, Benjamin; Aryal, Aashutosh; Tran, Thanh-Nhan-Duc; Lipscomb, Molly; and Lakshmi, Venkataraman..  2024.  Assessing terrestrial water storage variations in Afghanistan using GRACE and FLDAS-Central Asia data.  Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 101906 (55)   . Further Information
Mehmood, Kashif; Tischbein, Bernhard; Mahmood, Rashid; Borgemeister, Christian; Flörke, Martina; Akhtar, Fazlullah.  2024.  Analysing and evaluating environmental flows through hydrological methods in the regulated Indus River Basin.  Ecohydrology, . Further Information


Akhtar, F..  2023.  Book Review: Berit Bliesemann de Guevara / Morten Bøås (eds): Doing Fieldwork in Areas of International Intervention: A Guide to Research in Violent and Closed Contexts.  Further Information
Akhtar, F., Shah, U.  2023.  The Spectre of Climate Change-Induced Migration in Afghanistan.  In: Amit Ranjan; Rajesh Kharat; Pallavi Deka (eds.): Environment, Climate Change and Migration in South Asia . Taylor & Francis.   18.  Further Information
Gupta, Raju Kumar; Akhtar, Fazlullah; Jinadasa, Shameen; Paudel, Shukra Raj; and Rahman, M Feisal.  2023.  https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acsestwater.3c00248.  Further Information
Khan, S.; Dilawar, S.; Hassan, S.; Ullah, A; Yasmin, H; Ayaz, T.; Akhtar, F.; Gaafar, ARZ ; Sekar, S.; Butt, S.  2023.  Phytoremediation of Cu and Mn from Industrially Polluted Soil: An Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Approach.  WATER, 19 (15)   : 3439   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Akhtar, F., Azizi, A.H., Shah, U., Borgemeister, C., Tischbein, B., Awan, U.K.  2022.  The Application of Remote Sensing for Water Resources Management in Data-Scarce Watersheds in the Hindu Kush Himalaya Region.  In: Parida, B.R., Pandey, A.C., Dev Behera, M., Kumar, N. (eds.): Handbook of Himalayan Ecosystems and Sustainability, Volume 2 - Spatio-Temporal Monitoring of Water Resources and Climate. CRC Press, Boca Raton.   205-222.  Further Information
Akhtar, F., Borgemeister, C., Tischbein, B., Awan, U.K..  2022.  Metrics Assessment and Streamflow Modeling under Changing Climate in a Data-Scarce Heterogeneous Region: A Case Study of the Kabul River Basin.  Water, 14(11)   : 1697   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Akhtar, F., R. A. Nawaz; M. Hafeez; U. K. Awan, C. Borgemeister, B. Tischbein.  2022.  Evaluation of GRACE derived groundwater storage changes in different agro-ecological zones of the Indus Basin.  Hydrology, 605   : 127369   . Further Information
Azzam, A., Zhang, W., Akhtar, F., Shaheen, Z., Elbeltagi, A..  2022.  Estimation of green and blue water evapotranspiration using machine learning algorithms with limited meteorological data: A case study in Amu Darya River Basin, Central Asia.  Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 107403(202)   : 1-14   . Further Information


Akhtar, F., U. K. Awan, C. Borgemeister, B. Tischbein.  2021.  Coupling Remote Sensing and Hydrological Model for Evaluating the Impacts of Climate Change on Streamflow in Data-Scarce Environment.  Sustainability, 13(24)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Haseeb Azizi, A., F. Akhtar.  2021.  Analysis of spatiotemporal variation in the snowcover in Western Hindukush-Himalaya region.  GEOCARTO INTERNATIONAL, : 1-17   . Further Information
Tischbein, B., M. Bekchanov, J.P. Lamers, N. Kumar, K. Schwärzel, L. Zhang, T. Avellán, U.K. Awan, F. Akhtar, A. Bhaduri, J.J. Bogardi, Y. Wang, P. Yu, A. Bui, M. Nevado Amell, L. Tesch, L.L.B. Pedros, R. Mariano, S. B. & K. Brüggemann.  2021.  Examples of Water and Land Use Management.  In: Bogardi, J.J., J. Gupta, K.D. Wasantha Nandalal, L. Salamé, R.R.P. van Nooijen, N. Kumar, T. Tingsanchali, A. Bhadui, A.G. Kolechkina (eds.): Handbook of Water Resources Management: Discourses, Concepts and Examples. Springer.   565-617.  Further Information


Jalil, A., Akhtar, F., Awan, U.K.  2020.  Evaluation of the AquaCrop model for winter wheat under different irrigation optimization strategies at the downstream Kabul River Basin of Afghanistan.  Agricultural Water Management, 240   . Further Information
Khilgee, FA; Tischbein, B; Akhtar, F..  2020.  Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on the Streamflow at Chaghasrai Watershed in Afghanistan.  Further Information


Akhtar F. and U. Shah.  2019.  Emerging Water Scarcity Issues and Challenges in Afghanistan.  In: A. Ranjan (eds.): Water Issues in Himalayan South Asia: Internal Challenges, Disputes and Transboundary Tensions. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.   Further Information


Akhtar F., U.K. Awan, B. Tischbein and U.W. Liaqat.  2018.  Assessment of Irrigation Performance in Large River Basins under Data Scarce Environment—A Case of Kabul River Basin, Afghanistan.  Remote Sensing, 6(10)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Jalil, A., Akhtar, F..  2018.  Performance Evaluation of the Irrigation System in Lower Kabul River Basin, Afghanistan.  Further Information


Akhtar F, U.K. Awan, B. Tischbein, U.W. Liaqat.  2017.  A phenology based geo-informatics approach to map land use and land cover (2003-2013) by spatial segregation of large heterogenic river basins.  Applied Geography, 88   : 48-61   . Further Information
Akhtar, F..  2017.  Water Availability and Demand Analysis in the Kabul River Basin, Afghanistan.  Doctoral Thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Further Information


Tischbein, B., Awan, U.K., Akhtar, F., Kamalov, P., Manschadi, A M..  2014.  Improving irrigation efficiency in the lower reaches of the Amu Darya River.  In: Lamers JPA, Khamzina A, Rudenko I, Vlek PLG (eds.): Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains. Technologies, policies and practices for the lower Amudarya region. V&R unipress, Bonn University Press.   388.  Further Information


Akhtar F., B. Tischbein, U.K. Awan.  2013.  Optimizing Deficit Irrigation Scheduling Under Shallow Groundwater Conditions in Lower Reaches of Amu Darya River Basin.  Water Resources Management , 27 (8)   : 3165-3178   . Further Information
Fazlullah Akhtar, Bernhard Tischbein, Usman Khalid Awan.  2013.  Irrigation Application Efficiency in the Lower Reaches of the Amu Darya Basin.  Download [PDF]
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Fazlullah Akhtar, Bernhard Tischbein, Usman Khalid Awan.  2012.  Maize Yield Response to Deficit Irrigation Using the AquaCrop Model under Shallow Groundwater Conditions in Uzbekistan.  Download [PDF]
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Fazlullah Akhtar, Bernhard Tischbein, Usman Khalid Awan.  2011.  Using the AquaCrop Model to Optimize Deficit Irrigation Scheduling of Cotton in Uzbekistan.  Download [PDF]
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Fazlullah Akhtar

Senior Researcher


Ecology and Natural Resources Management


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