Dr. Tina Beuchelt

Research themes
  • Land use and food security
  • Growth, inequality and poverty
  • Sustainable use of natural resources
  • Gender
  • Human Rights
  • Agriculture, land use, climate change
  • Health
Research countries
  • Burkina Faso
  • Ethiopia
  • Kenya
  • Guatemala
  • Malaysia
  • Mexico
  • Bolivia
  • Madagascar
Research projects

INTERFACES - Supporting Pathways to Sustainable Land Management in Africa - a project that supports four BMBF-funded regional projects in their endeavor to drive change for sustainable land management in Sub-Saharan Africa through impact-driven support activities which build on networking, knowledge management, science communication, social learning processes and capacity development, and by complementary transfer  analyses and research. Link: INTERFACES

Fortschrittskolleg 'One Health and urban transformation' - A transdiciplinary graduate school seeking integrated interventions to attain optimal health for humans, animals, plants and the environment. Link: One Health

Former Projects:

FSS I Project: Implementation of food security criteria within biomass sustainability standards - Aim of the FSS │ Project is to implement and complement the recently developed rights-based food  security criteria (see ESSZert project) in food insecure regions in Africa, Latin-America and Asia. Link: FSS I Project

NutriHAF-Africa - Diversifying agriculture for balanced nutrition through fruits and vegetables in multi-storey cropping systems. Link: NutriHAF-Africa

BiomassWeb - Improving food security in Africa through increased system productivity of biomass-based value webs. Link: BiomassWeb project

ESSZert - Developing food and nutrition security criteria for biomass standards and certifications. Link: ESSZert

Sustainable Public Procurement in Germany/NRW - A research and transfer network with inter- and transdisciplinary research agenda. Link: Sustainable Public Procurement in NRW

Working groups

Co-coordindator of  ZEF's Gender Group


* Gender and environment
* Gender and sustainable development
* Conducting gender-sensitive research
* Poverty and development strategies
* Farm and project management and evaluation

Additional Information:

For publications visit also my Google Scholar Profile and my ORCID Profile

Member of Advisory Boards / Ethics Advisory Committees

* Advisory Board of the Food Security Standard 
* Scientific Advisory Committee’ of the ‘Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management’ (SASSCAL)
Ethics Advisor for the EU Horizon Europe project  "BioMonitor4CAP“ . https://biomonitor4cap.eu/en/.

Project Leadership

* ZEF Project Leader (2022-2026): INTERFACES
* ZEF Project Leader (2017-2020): FSS I Project
* ZEF Project Leader (2014-2015): ESSZert
* ZEF Project Scientific Coordinator (2014-2017): BiomassWeb project
* CIMMYT-International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (2011-2013): Leader of the Socio-Economic Component of MasAgro


* Member of the Council for Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research (ATSAF)
* Member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)
* Member of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
* Member of the Association for Women's Rights in Development (AWID)
* Member of the
European Association for Gender Research, Education and Documentation (ATGender)
* Member of the Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien // Gender Studies Association (Germany)
* Member of the Women’s & Gender Research Network NRW 

* Member of the Transdisciplinary Research Area Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Futures (TRA6)

Latest news of our ZEF Gender Group:

Check out our activities: Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow: International Women's Day 2022 on March 8, 2022!

Check out our latest Blog post: Why rural development cannot happen whilst Gender-based violence remains endemic across the world

Check out our pased event on Gender-based Violence and Rural Development Outcomes on Nov 25, 2021, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Watch the video: https://bit.ly/ZEFGG-Event

Tutorship of doctoral candidates

Cécile Poitevin. Thesis Title: Power, gender-based violence and smallholder farmers’ adaptation pathways in Ghana. INTERFACES Project

Fernando Rodríguez-Camayo. Thesis Title: How can food security and resilience to climate change of smallholders be addressed in specialty coffee value chains? The case of the dry corridor in Honduras. Joint project with International Center for Tropical Agriculture - CIAT.

Sanjana Rajasekar. Thesis Title: The Interaction between Formal and Informal Social Protection in promoting Resilience to Food Insecurity in Ahmedabad, India. One-Health Project together with the H-BRS Prof. Dr. Katja Bender.

Panrawee Praditsorn. Thesis Title: Build Capacity for Smart Communities and Schools to Prevent Childhood Overweight and Obesity in Thailand: Impact Evaluation of the Nutrition Training Programme. One-Health Project

Joshua Musyoki Muloi. Thesis Title: Regenerative Agriculture Transition by Smallholder : A Case of Makueni County, Kenya.

Supervision of
ongoing doctoral theses

Faith Kudzai Chihumbiri. Thesis Title: Determining the factors for improving resilience in access to and management of water, energy and food in Namibian smallholder farming communities with contrasting socio-economic and environmental profiles. Co-Supervisor with Department of Agricultural Sciences and Agribusiness (DASA), Namibia University of Science & Technology

Irene Ampaabeng. Thesis Title: Understanding Gender Norms, Power Dynamics and Emerging Tenure Issues for Sustainable Land Management in Ghana: A Case Study of Tamale. Co_supervisor with School of Development Studies, University of Cape Coast. INTERFACES Project

Professional experience

German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn, Germany

International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), Mexico

Food Security Center (FSC), University of Hohenheim, Germany

Institute of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics and Subtropics, University of Hohenheim, Germany

International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Colombia & Nicaragua


Doctoral degree (Dr. sc. agr.) at the Institute of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics and Subtropics, University of Hohenheim, Germany

M.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences, Food Security and Natural Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics, University of Hohenheim

B.Sc. in Agricultural Sciences, University of Hohenheim

Funding institutions

(i) German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
(ii) German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
(iii) DAAD
(iv) Landesregierung NRW


Room No: 1.011 
E-mail: beuchelt(at)uni-bonn.de

Research partners

Main partners:
* German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS)
* Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA)
West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (WASCAL)
Southern African Science Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management (SASSCAL)
University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (H-BRS)
SDD University of Business and Integrated Development Studies (UBIDS)
* International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Colombia
* Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (Mexico)

Transdisciplinary partners:
* Welthungerhilfe, Germany
* WWF, Germany
* ISCC - International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (Cologne/Germany)
* Cotton made in Africa (CmiA)
* Rainforest Alliance (RA)

Further research partners:
* Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie (WI)
* Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)
* CIMMYT (Mexico)
* University of Hohenheim, Germany


Beuchelt, Tina D., Schneider, Rafaël, and Gamba, Liliana.  2022.  Integrating the Right to Food in Sustainability Standards: A Theory of Change to Move Global Supply Chains from Responsibilities to Impacts.  Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 44   : 1864–1889   . (Open Access)  


Beuchelt, T.D. and M. Nassl.  2019.  Applying a Sustainable Development Lens to Global Biomass Potentials.  Sustainability, 11   : doi:10.3390/su11185078   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 691.79KB]
Further Information


Beuchelt, T.D. and S. Nischalke.  2018.  Adding a gender lens in quantitative development research on food and non-food biomass production: A guide for sex-disaggregated data collection.  ZEF Working Papers No. 170, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn, Germany, . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Nischalke, S.M., Abebe, M., Assefa, B., Keding, G.B., Kriesemer, S.K., Randrianarison, N., and T.D. Beuchelt.  2018.  Gender challenges in horticultural research in Ethiopia and Madagascar.  Acta Hortic. , 1205   : 137-146   . Further Information


Beuchelt, T.D.  2017.  Buying green and social from abroad: Are biomass-focused voluntary sustainability standards useful for European public procurement?.  ZEF Working Papers No. 156, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn, Germany (peer-reviewed), . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 3.22MB]
Beuchelt, T.D., Mohr, A. and R. Schneider.  2017.  The human Right to Food and sustainable soil management: linking voluntary agricultural sustainability standards with food security.  In: Ginzky, H., Heuser, I., Tianbao Qin, Ruppel, O. and P. Wegerdt (eds.): International Yearbook on Soil Law and Policy. Spinger.   237-262.  Review
Nischalke, S.M., Abebe, M., Assefa Wondimagegnhu, B., Kriesemer, S.K., and T.D. Beuchelt.  2017.  Forgotten Forests? Food Potential of Ancient Coffee Forests and Agroforestry Systems in the Southwestern Ethiopian Mountains, Seen Through a Gender Lens.  Mountain Research and Development, 37 (3)   : 254-262   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 886.56KB]
Further Information


Beuchelt, T.  2016.  Gender, Social Equity and Innovations in Smallholder Farming Systems: Pitfalls and Pathways.  In: Franz W. Gatzweiler und Joachim von Braun (eds.): Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development. Springer.   181-198.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF | 251.41KB]
Camacho-Villa, T.C., Almekinders, C., Hellin, J., Martinez-Cruz, T.E., Rendon-Medel, R., Guevara-Hernández, F., Beuchelt, T.D. and B. Govaerts.  2016.  The evolution of the MasAgro hubs: responsiveness and serendipity as drivers of agricultural innovation in a dynamic and heterogeneous context.  Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 22 (5)   : 455-470   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF]
Further Information
Mohr, A., Beuchelt, T., Schneider, R. and D. Virchow.  2016.  Solving Trade-Offs Between Food Security and Biomass Use: Rights-Based Food Security Criteria for Biomass Sustainability Standards and Certifications.  Biomass & Bioenergy, 89   : 133–145   . (Open Access)   Download [PDF | 1.21MB]
Virchow, D., Beuchelt, T., Kuhn, A. and M. Denich.  2016.  Biomass-Based Value Webs: A Novel Perspective for Emerging Bioeconomies in Sub-Saharan Africa.  In: Franz W. Gatzweiler and Joachim von Braun (eds.): Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development. Springer.   225-238.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF | 223.90KB]


Mohr, A., Beuchelt, T., Schneider, R. and D. Virchow.  2015.  Rights-Based Food Security Criteria for Biomass Sustainability Standards and Certifications. ZEF Working Papers No. 143, Center for Development Research (ZEF), Bonn, Germany (peer-reviewed).  Download [PDF]
Further Information


Beuchelt, T., Camacho Villa, C.T., Göhring, L., Hernández Rodríguez, V.M., Hellin, J., Sonder, K. and O. Erenstein.  2014.  Social and income trade-offs of conservation agriculture practices on crop residue use in Mexico’s central highlands.  Agricultural Systems, 134   : 61-75   .
Hellin, J., T. Beuchelt, C. Camacho, L. Badstue, B. Govaerts, L. Donnet and J. Riis-Jacobsen.  2014.  An innovation systems approach to enhanced farmer adoption of climate-ready germplasm and agronomic practices. CAPRi Working Paper No. 116. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (peer-reviewed).  CAPRi Working Paper No. 116. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute.(peer-reviewed) Download [PDF]
Further Information
Virchow, D., Beuchelt, T., Denich, M., Loos, T.K., Hoppe, M. and A. Kuhn.  2014.  Biomass-based value webs – a new perspective for emerging bioeconomies in developing countries. Rural 21, Vol 48(3), pp. 16-18.  Download [PDF]
Further Information


Beuchelt, T. and L. Badstue.  2013.  Gender, nutrition- and climate-smart food production: Opportunities and trade-offs.  Food Security, Vol 5 (5)   : 709–721   . Download [PDF]
Beuchelt, T. and M. Zeller.  2013.  The role of cooperative business models for the success of smallholder coffee certification in Nicaragua: A comparison of conventional, organic and Organic-Fairtrade certified cooperatives.  Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, Vol 28 (3)   : 195-211   .
Camacho Villa, C. T., Beuchelt, T., Hernández López, V., Hellin, J. and K. Sonder.  2013.  Situación social y económica en relación con el manejo y usos de los rastrojos en la región Valles Altos (Chapter 3).  In: Reyes-Muro, L., Camacho-Villa, T. C. and F. Guevara-Hernández (eds.) (eds.): Rastrojos: manejo, uso y mercado en el centro y sur de México. Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias. Libro Técnico Núm. 7. Pabellón de Arteaga, Aguascalientes, México.   94-135.  Further Information
Hellin, J., Erenstein, O., Beuchelt, T., Camacho, C. and D. Flores.  2013.  Maize stover use and sustainable crop production in mixed crop–livestock systems in Mexico.  Field Crops Research, Vol 153   : 12–21   .
Ramírez-López, A., Beuchelt, T., and M. Velasco-Misael.  2013.  Factores de adopción y abandono del sistema de agricultura de conservación en los Valles Altos de México [Factors for adoption and abandonment of conservation agriculture systems in the high valleys of Mexico].  Agricultura, Sociedad, y Desarrollo, Vol 10 (2)   : 195-214   . Download [PDF | 1.36MB]


Beuchelt, T.  2012.  Analyzing Organic and Fairtrade Certification Schemes: Participation and Welfare Effects on Small-Scale Farmers in Coffee Value Chains.  Cuvillier Verlag. Göttingen, Germany.
Beuchelt, T. and D. Virchow.  2012.  Food sovereignty: A useful concept for international policies to fight global hunger and poverty?.  Agriculture and Human Values, Vol 29 (2)   : 259-273   .


Beuchelt, T. and D. Virchow.  2011.  Carbon labels – pitfalls for developing countries? Rural 21, Vol 45(2), pp. 39-41.  .   Further Information
Beuchelt, T. and M. Zeller.  2011.  Profits and poverty: Certification's troubled link for Nicaragua's organic and fairtrade coffee producers.  Ecological Economics, Vol 70 (7)   : 1316-1324   .


Beuchelt, T., Kiemen, A. and M. Zeller.  2010.  Value adding through certification? – Insights from the coffee sector in Nicaragua.  In: Van Trijp, H. and P. Ingenbleek (eds.): Markets, marketing and developing countries. Wageningen Academic Publishers. Wageningen, the Netherlands.   115-120. 
Fischer, I., Beuchelt, T., Dufhues, T. and G. Buchenrieder.  2010.  Risk-Management networks of ethnic minorities in Vietnam.  Asia-Pacific Development Journal, Vol 17 (2)   : 93-118   .
Kiemen, A. and T. Beuchelt.  2010.  Certification as an upgrading strategy for small-scale farmers and their cooperatives: A value chain analysis for Nicaraguan coffee. Research in Development Economics and – Policy Discussion Paper Series No.2/2010 , Universität Hohenheim, Germany.  Download [PDF | 240.42KB]
Zeller, M., Beuchelt, T., Fischer, I. and F. Heidhues.  2010.  Linkages between poverty and sustainable agricultural and rural development in the uplands of Southeast Asia.  In: Tscharntke, T., Leuschner, C., Veldkamp, E., Faust, H., and E. Guhardja (eds.): Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.   511-527. 


Beuchelt, T.  2008.  Support Networks of Rural Households. A Case Study of Risk-Management in Northern Vietnam.  Margraf Publishers. Weikersheim, Germany.
Beuchelt, T. and M. Zeller.  2008.  Book Review: McGillivray, Mark (ed.). 2007. Human Well-Being: Concept and Measurement.  Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, Vol. 47 (1)   : 70-71   .


Beuchelt, T. and I. Fischer.  2006.  What do Vietnamese Farmers do when a Crisis Occurs? Covering Lack of Resources through Social Networks.  In: Buchenrieder, G. and T. Dufhues (eds.): Making rural households’ livelihoods more resilient – The importance of social capital and the underlying social networks. Leibniz-Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa (IAMO). Halle (Saale), Germany.   45-57.  Download [PDF]

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

Tina Beuchelt

Senior Researcher


Ecology and Natural Resources Management


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