Dr. Oyewole Oginni

Country of current residence


Current position

Senior Researcher

Current institute employer

Bonn International Center for Conflict Studies (bicc), Bonn



Website current institute



Political Scientist

Degrees / expertise

Doctor of Philosophy (Political Sociology)

MA (Civil-Military Interaction)

MA (Governance, special focus on transborder security)

MSc. (Forensic Science: Criminal Investigation)


Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Dr. Jörg Blasius (first supervisor), Inistitut fur Politische Wissenschaft und Soziologie, Universitat Bonn. 

Prof Dr. Eva Youkhana (second supervisor), ZEF, Universitat Bonn. 


Oginni, S.O..  2024.  Civilian migration choices in insecure spaces.  .
Oginni, SO.  2024.  Targeted interventions and civilian risk preference in food insecure areas of the Lake Chad Basin.  In: Braun, J.v., B. Iseli, M. Torero, P. Turkson (eds.) (eds.): Food and Humanitarian Crises: Science and Policies for Prevention and Mitigation. The Pontifical Academy of Sciences.   (Open Acess)  Further Information


Oginni, O. S.  2023.  Civilian Loyalty and Agency in insecure spaces. A study of armed conflicts in the Lake Chad Basin region.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn.  Further Information
Oginni, S.O..  2023.  Return to normalcy: transition and futures in insecure spaces.  Futures , 153   : 1-17   . Further Information
Oginni, S.O..  2023.  Prisoner’s dilemma: hedging loyalties in (un)governed space of the Lake Chad Basin.  Armed Forces and Society , : 1-35   . Further Information


Oginni, O.S., M.P. Opoku, W. Nketsia.  2021.  Crisis at the intersection of four countries: Healthcare access for displaced persons in the Lake Chad Basin.  Ethnicity and Health , 35(5)   : 1-17   . Further Information
Oginni, S.O..  2021.  Arrival or return? Temporality and materiality of transit sites in overlapping displacement context in border cities of the Lake Chad Basin region.  Urban Forum , 33(1)   : 1-22   . (Open Access)   Further Information


MP, Opoku; W, Nketsia; OS, Oginni; SN, Benard, SN; B Alupo,.  2020.  Societal perceptions of counterterrorism in Cameroon: The voices of those far from the battlefield.  Journal of Human Rights, 19(2)   . Further Information
OS, Oginni.  2020.  Towards Black Box Forensic Cybercrime Investigation Model (BBFCIM): Beyond the Rule of Thumb.  In: Information Resources Management Association (eds.): Disruptive Technology: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global.   704-723 (Reprinted).  Further Information
OS. Oginni, MP. Opoku & B.A. Alupo.  2020.  Terrorism in the Lake Chad Region: Integration of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.  Journal of Borderlands Studies, 35(5)   : 1-17   . Further Information


MP Opoku, W. Nketsia, E. Agyei-Okyere, OS Oginni & EL Torgbenu.  2019.  Inclusive education in West Africa: predictors of parental attitudes, knowledge and perceived social norms influencing inclusive practices in Ghana and Nigeria.  International Journal of Inclusive Education, 8(23)1-19   . Further Information


BA Alupo, OS Oginni, MP Opoku, EL Torgbenu.  2018.  Psychological experiences of refugees and the response of the community in the Lake Chad region.  Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression, 3(11)   : 215-231   . Further Information
EL.Torgbenu, OS. Oginni, MP. Opoku, W. Nketsia, E. Agyei-Okyere.  2018.  Inclusive practices in Nigeria: Exploring parental attitude, knowledge and perceived social norms influencing implementation.  International Journal of Inclusive Education. , 8(22)   .


OS Oginni, AD Omojowo.  2016.  Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from industries in Cameroon.  Economies, 4(2)   : 1-10   . (Open Access)   Further Information
SO Oginni.  2016.  Reforming Fiscal Policy Towards Inclusive Growth in Africa: From Brown Growth to Green Economy.  OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 5(9)   : 11-28   . Further Information
SO Oginni, JN Moitui.  2016.  African Renaissance and Pan-Africanism, a Shared Value and Identity among African Nationals.  Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies, 9(1)   : 39-58   . Further Information


OS Oginni, AD Omojowo.  2015.  The Implementation of Sustainable Business Model among Industries in Cameroon.  OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 8(11)   : 71-80   . Further Information
SO Oginni, JN Moitui.  2015.  Social Media and Public Policy Process in Africa: Enhanced Policy Process in Digital Age.  Consilience, 1(14)   : 158-172   . (Open Access)   Further Information


JG, El-Maude , A, Mas' ud, N, Mustapha, SO, Oginni.  2014.  Tax Complexity and Tax Compliance in African Self-Assessment Environment.  International Journal of Management Research & Review, 4(5)   : 575-582   . Further Information
OS, Oginni, E Gambo, K Ibrahim.  2014.  Nexus of Gender Pay Gap and Economic Growth: Evidence from Nigeria.  International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research, 3(4)   : 7-12   . Further Information


OS Oginni, JG El-Maude, M Abba, ME Onuh.  2013.  Electronic payment system and economic growth: a review of transition to cashless economy in Nigeria.  International Journal of Science, Engineering, Technology, 2(9)   : 913-918   . Further Information
OS Oginni, M Abba, JG El-maude, IA Arikpo.  2013.  E-banking and bank performance: Evidence from Nigeria.  International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology, 2(8)   : 766-771   . Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Governance
  • Mobility and migration
  • Institutions
  • Social and Cultural Change and Adaptation
  • Methods
  • Theories of Development
  • Development Politics
  • Human Rights
  • Urbanisation
  • Governance and conflict
Research countries
  • Burkina Faso
  • Nigeria
  • Cameroon
  • Mali
  • Niger
  • Liberia
  • Chad
Working groups




Course: WiSe and Sose 2023/24: Western and non-Western approaches to conflict resolution in the Global South (Bachelor and Master) Faculty of Philosophy, Uni Bonn

Course: WiSe and Sose 2022/23: Germany's actornness in conflict resolution in the Global South (Bachelor and Master) Faculty of Philosophy, Uni Bonn

ODSRC (Seminar):

2020 Winter Semester: "Field research in Multilingual settings - cross border analysis in conflict-affected regions" 

2021 Winter Semester: "Field research in Multilingual settings - cross border analysis in conflict-affected regions" 


Doctor of Philosophy (Political Sociology)

MA (Civil-Military Interaction)

MA (Governance, special focus on transborder security)

MSc. (Forensic Science: Criminal Investigation)



Civil-military interactions, governance and migration, security sector reforms, DDR; conflict and post-conflict transition

Funding institutions

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst/German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) 


Research affiliation

Inistitut fur Politische Wissenschaft und Soziologie, Universitat Bonn

Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Dr. Jörg Blasius (first supervisor), Inistitut fur Politische Wissenschaft und Soziologie, Universitat Bonn. 

Prof Dr. Eva Youkhana (second supervisor), ZEF, Universitat Bonn. 

Oyewole  Oginni

Former Junior Researcher

Former Division/Group:
Cultural and Political Change

Office E-Mail:

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