Dr. Carolina Tobón Ramírez

Research themes
  • Governance
  • Water resources (management)
  • Environmental and climate change
  • Knowledge
  • Sustainable use of natural resources
Research countries
  • Colombia
Research projects

Doctoral Studies Support Program (DSSP)

Participatory monitoring of biodiversity loss in Colombia: Alternatives for understanding and resolving environmental conflicts (BMBF)



Introduction to Scientific Work (Undergrad., Geography Department, Human Sciences Faculty, National University of Colombia)

Sustainability Indicators and Social Metabolism (with González, M.P in Economic Assessment Diplomate, Institute of Environmental Studies, National University of Colombia)

Transport Phenomena (Undergrad., Environmental Engineering Faculty, Central University)

Additional information

Doctoral Studies Support Program (DSSP)


Doctorate Candidate of Geography (Human Sciences Faculty, National University of Colombia)

MSc Environment and Development (Institute of Environmental Studies, National Univesity of Colombia)

B.A in Chemical Engineering (Engineering Faculty National University of Colombia)


Tobón, C., Zamora, D., Ángel, M. and E. Youkhana..  2021.  Deforestation in Tinigua National Natural Park: Socio-environmental consequences of the Peace Agreement in Colombia. (ZEF Working Paper 210).  Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

CTR_CV.pdf [PDF | 957.18KB]

Carolina Tobón Ramírez

Senior Researcher


Cultural and Political Change


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