Prof. Dr. Matin Qaim

Research themes
  • Biodiversity
  • Gender
  • Food and nutrition
  • Markets and services
  • Agriculture, land use, climate change
  • Innovation and science policy
  • Health
Professional experience

Matin Qaim is a food systems and development economist with a doctoral degree in agricultural economics from the University of Bonn (2000). Before joining ZEF in 2021 he was Professor of International Food Economics and Rural Development at the University of Goettingen (2007-2021), Professor of International Agricultural Trade and Food Security at the University of Hohenheim (2004-2007), and postdoctoral scientist at the University of California at Berkeley (2001-2003).

Qaim has research and project experience in Europe, the USA, and numerous countries of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Much of his research focuses on sustainable food systems, agricultural development, and the reduction of poverty, hunger, and malnutrition. He has over 250 academic publications, mostly in top disciplinary and interdisciplinary science journals, including Science, various Nature and Lancet Group Journals, and PNAS. He has been recognized as "Highly Cited Researcher" in 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Qaim is member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina), Fellow of the American Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA), and President-Elect of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE). He has served on different high-level expert committees, including for the Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition, FAO, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), the European Commission, The Royal Society, and the German Federal Government and Parliament.

For further details see CV.


Genscherallee 3
53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone: +49(0)228-73-1847
Fax: +49(0)228-73-1869



Liu, Z. L. Kornher, M. Qaim.  2024.  Impacts of Supermarkets on Child Nutrition in China.  Food Policy, 127   : 102681   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rana, M.S., M. Qaim.  2024.  Patterns of Temporary Rural Migration: A Study in Northern Bangladesh.  World Development, 182   : 106718   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rasmussen, L.V., I. Grass, Z. Mehrabi, O.M. Smith, R. Bezner-Kerr, J. Blesh, L.A. Garibaldi, M.E. Isaac, C.M. Kennedy, H. Wittman, P. Batáry, D. Buchori, R. Cerda, J. Chará, D. Crowder, K. Darras, K. DeMaster, K. Garcia, (...), M. Qaim, et al.  2024.  Joint Environmental and Social Benefits from Diversified Agriculture.  Science, 384   : 87-93   . Further Information
von Groß, V., K.T. Sibhatu, A, Knohl, M. Qaim, E. Veldkamp, D. Hölscher, D.C. Zemp, M.D. Corre, I. Grass, S. Fiedler, C. Stiegler, B. Irawan, L. Sundawati, K. Husmann, C. Paul.  2024.  Transformation Scenarios Towards Multifunctional Landscapes: A Multi-Criteria Land-Use Allocation Model Applied to Jambi Province, Indonesia.  Journal of Environmental Management, 356   : 120710   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Zeddies, H.H., G. Busch, M. Qaim.  2024.  Positive Public Attitudes Towards Agricultural Robots.  Scientific Reports, 14   : 15607   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Daum, T., F. Baudron, R. Birner, M. Qaim, I. Grass.  2023.  Addressing Agricultural Labour Issues is Key to Biodiversity-Smart Farming.  Biological Conservation, 284   : 110165   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Knößlsdorfer, I., M. Qaim.  2023.  Cheap Chicken in Africa: Would Import Restrictions be Pro-Poor?.  Food Security, 15   : 791-804   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kubitza, C., V.V. Krishna, S. Klasen, T. Kopp, N. Nuryartono, M. Qaim.  2023.  Labor displacement in agriculture: evidence from oil palm expansion in Indonesia.  Land Economics, in press   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Nuthalapati, C.S., D. Zilberman, M. Qaim, P. Pingali.  2023.  Hybrid Mustard and Biotechnology: Pathways for Doubling Farmers’ Incomes and Nutritional Security.  Economic and Political Weekly, 58(43)   : 47-54   . Further Information
Qaim, M..  2023.  Actual and Potential Effects of New Plant Breeding Technologies.  Indian Journal of Ecology, 50   : in press   .
Shen, J., Z. Zhu, M. Qaim, S. Fan, X. Tian.  2023.  E-Commerce Improves Dietary Quality of Rural Households in China.  Agribusiness, . Further Information


Chrisendo, D., H. Siregar, M. Qaim.  2022.  Oil Palm Cultivation Improves Living Standards and Human Capital Formation in Smallholder Farm Households.  World Development, 159   : 106034   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Debela, B.L., A. Ruml and M. Qaim.  2022.  Effects of Contract Farming on Diets and Nutrition in Ghana.  Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 44   : 911-929   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Khonje, M.G., J. Ricker-Gilbert, M. Muyanga, M. Qaim.  2022.  Farm-Level Production Diversity and Child and Adolescent Nutrition in Rural Sub-Saharan Africa: A Multicountry, Longitudinal Study.  Lancet Planetary Health, 6(5)   : e391-e399   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kovak, E., D. Blaustein-Rejto, M. Qaim.  2022.  Genetically Modified Crops Support Climate Change Mitigation.  Trends in Plant Science, 27   : 627-629   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Mehraban, N. B.L. Debela, U. Kalsum, M. Qaim.  2022.  What About Her? Oil Palm Cultivation and Intra-Household Gender Roles.  Food Policy, 110   : 102276   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Parlasca, M., C. Johnen, M. Qaim.  2022.  Use of Mobile Financial Services Among Farmers in Africa: Insights from Kenya.  Global Food Security, 32   : 100590   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Parlasca, M.C., M. Qaim.  2022.  Meat Consumption and Sustainability.  Annual Review of Resource Economics, 14   : 17-41   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rajkhowa, P., M. Qaim.  2022.  Mobile phones, women's physical mobility, and contraceptive use in India.  Social Science & Medicine, 305   : 115074   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rajkhowa, P., M. Qaim.  2022.  Mobile phones, off-farm employment and household income in rural India.  Journal of Agricultural Economics, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ruml, A., C. Ragasa, M. Qaim.  2022.  Contract Farming, Contract Design, and Smallholder Livelihoods.  Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 66   : 24-43   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Sibhatu K.T., L. Steinhübel, H. Siregar, M. Qaim, M. Wollni.  2022.  Spatial Heterogeneity in Smallholder Oil Palm Production.  Forest Policy and Economics, 139   : 102731   . Further Information


Altman, A., L.J. Fan, C. Foyer, W. Cowling, R. Mittler, M. Qaim, A.P.M. Weber, M. Reynolds, R.K. Varshney, A. Fernie.  2021.  Past and Future Milestones of Plant Breeding.  Trends in Plant Science, 26 (6)   : 530-538   . Further Information
Chrisendo, D., H. Siregar, M. Qaim.  2021.  Oil Palm and Structural Transformation of Agriculture in Indonesia.  Agricultural Economics, 52   : 849-862   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Debela, B.L., E. Gehrke and M. Qaim.  2021.  Links between Maternal Employment and Child Nutrition in Rural Tanzania.  American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 103 (3)   : 812-830   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Jäckering, L., E.-M. Meemken, J. Sellare and M. Qaim.  2021.  Promoting Written Employment Contracts: Evidence from a Randomized Awareness Campaign.  European Review of Agricultural Economics, 48   : 1007-1030   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Knößlsdorfer, I., J. Sellare and M. Qaim.  2021.  Effects of Fairtrade on Farm Household Food Security and Living Standards: Insights from Côte d’Ivoire.  Global Food Security, 29, 100535   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Meemken, E.-M., C.B. Barrett, H.C. Michelson, M. Qaim, T. Reardon, J. Sellare.  2021.  Sustainability Standards in Global Agrifood Supply Chains.  Nature Food, 2   : 758-765   . Further Information
Mehraban, N., C. Kubitza, Z. Alamsyah, M. Qaim.  2021.  Oil Palm Cultivation, Household Welfare, and Exposure to Economic Risk in the Indonesian Small Farm Sector.  Journal of Agricultural Economics, 72 (3)   : 901-915   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Otterbach, S., H.R. Oskorouchi, M. Rogan, M. Qaim.  2021.  Using Google Data to Measure the Role of Big Food and Fast Food in South Africa’s Obesity Epidemic.  World Development, 140, 105368   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Purnhagen, K.P., S. Clemens, D. Eriksson, L.O. Fresco, J. Tosun, M. Qaim, R.G.F. Visser, A.P.M. Weber, J.H.H. Wesseler, D. Zilberman.  2021.  Europe’s Farm-to-Fork Strategy and Its Commitment to Biotechnology and Organic Farming: Conflicting or Complementary Goals?.  Trends in Plant Science, 26 (6)   : 600-606   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Rajkhowa, P., M. Qaim.  2021.  Personalized Digital Extension Services and Agricultural Performance: Evidence from Smallholder Farmers in India.  PLoS ONE, 16   : e0259319   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ruml, A. and M. Qaim.  2021.  Smallholder Farmers’ Dissatisfaction with Contract Schemes in Spite of Economic Benefits: Issues of Mistrust and Lack of Transparency.  Journal of Development Studies, 57 (77)   : 1106-1119   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Ruml, A., M. Qaim.  2021.  New Evidence Regarding the Effects of Contract Farming on Agricultural Labor Use.  Agricultural Economics, 52 (1)   : 51-66   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
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Matin Qaim

Executive Director


Economic and Technological Change


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