Prof. Dr. Anna-Katharina Hornidge

Research themes
  • Politics & Democracy
  • Human Rights
Research countries
  • Indonesia
  • Uzbekistan
  • Malaysia
  • Tajikistan
  • Singapore
Research projects

Scientific Coordinator: "Crossroads Asia" (BMBF) Project Leader "Epistemic Cultures and Innovation Diffusion in post-soviet Southern Caucasus AndrewnCentral Asia - Pilot Study: Agricultural Knowledge Systems in Georgia and Tajikistan" (BMBF) Project Leader "Cotton Agriculture in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan" (Open Source Foundation) (11/2013 – 11/2014) Project Leader "Contested Knowledge: Opportunities and Risks of Educational Development in Post-Conflict Situations" (Thyssen Foundation) (06/2012 – 09/2013) Coordinator social science parts "Restructuring of Land and Water Use in Khorezm Region, Uzbekistan" (BMBF)


ZEF Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program (Module 'Transdisciplinary Research') ZEFa Disciplinary Doctoral Program (Modules 'Knowledge in Development', 'Discourse Analysis', 'Institutions & Actors', 'Critical Data Analysis') MA-Course „Society, Globalisation and Development“ (Module "Developing Societies"), Institute for Sociology, University of Bonn MA-Course "Asian Studies" (Module “Knowledge Society and Knowledge Management under ongoing Globalization”) Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, University of Bonn PhD-Student Supervision: 2014 ctd. Gerba Leta Dufera “Innovation Approach for enhanced biomass production”, PhD-Student at the Department of Political and Cultural Change, Center for Development Research and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bonn, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. A.-K. Hornidge, Prof. K. van Assche & Prof. Dr. Ch. Borgemeister. 2014 ctd. Getachew Feye “Reducing food insecurity among family farming households in Ethiopia”, PhD-Student at the Department of Political and Cultural Change, Center for Development Research and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bonn, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. A.-K. Hornidge, Prof. K. van Assche & Prof. Dr. Ch. Borgemeister. 2014 ctd. Lenny Martini “Knowledge Sharing in Creative City”, PhD-Student at the Department of Political and Cultural Change, Center for Development Research and the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A.-K. Hornidge. 2013 ctd. Hugo Rosa da Conceicao “Determinants of incentive-based forest governance in the Amazon: evidence from Brazil, Ecuador, Peru”, PhD-Student at the Department of Economic and Technological Change, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Supervisor: Prof. J. Börner & Prof. A.-K. Hornidge. 2013 ctd. Homa Maddah “The concept of ‘Development’ in Iran”, PhD-Student at the Department of Political and Cultural Change, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A.-K. Hornidge. 2013 ctd. Isaac Mbeche Nyang’au “Strengthening innovation systems of biomass based value webs to improve food security East Africa - Case study of Push-pull technology”, PhD-Student at the Department of Political and Cultural Change, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A.-K. Hornidge & Prof. Dr. Ch. Borgemeister. 2013 ctd. Petra Tiller “Re-Islamisation between State Influences and Global Muslim Networks”, PhD-Student at the Institute of Geography, University of Cologne, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A.-K. Hornidge & Prof. B. Braun, Uni Köln. 2012 ctd. Maximiliano Vila Seoane „The relation between science, technology and innovation policies and sustainable development: The case of Argentina and Brazil”, PhD-Student at the Department of Political and Cultural Change, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A.-K. Hornidge. 2011 ctd. Anna Schwachula „Scientific Cooperation as Instrument of Development Cooperation“, PhD-Student at the Department of Political and Cultural Change, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A.-K. Hornidge. 2011 ctd. Hendricus Andy Simarmata “Adapting to Climate Change: Community Planning for Urban Resilience (Case study: North Coastal of Jakarta)” , PhD-Student at the Department of Political and Cultural Change, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Supervisor: Prof. D. A.-K. Hornidge & Prof. Dr. Ch. Antweiler. 2010 ctd. Andreas Mandler „Local Knowledge and Local Governance in Tajikistan”, PhD-Student at the Department of Political and Cultural Change, Center for Development Research, University of Bonn, Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Conrad Schetter (BICC) & Prof. Dr. A.-K. Hornidge 2010 ctd. Anisiya Kudryavtseva “Water Allocation and Distribution in the Shovot-Kulovot Irrigation System, Khorezm Province, Uzbekistan”, PhD-Student at the Department of Political and Cultural Change, Center for Development Research and the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. C. Schetter & Prof. Dr. A.-K. Hornidge.


2014: Post-doctoral Thesis (Habilitation): "Discourses of Knowledge. Normative, Factual, Hegemonic." Faculty of Philosophy, University of Bonn 2007: Dr. phil. (Sociology), Technical University of Berlin Thesis: "Knowledge Society - Vision and Social Construction of Reality in Singapore and Germany" Supervisors: Prof. Dr. H. Knoblauch, Technical University Berlin; Prof. Dr. Tong Chee Kiong, National University of Singapore 01/2005 – 06/2005 National University of Singapore 2003: Diplom (M.A.) Regional Sciences of Southeast Asia, Economics, World Nutrition Studies, Indonesian, University of Bonn Thesis: “Reshaping Singaporean Chinese Family Businesses: Succession, Conflict & Change” Supervisors: Prof. Dr. S. Gerke, University of Bonn; Prof. Dr. Tong Chee Kiong, National University of Singapore 12/2002 – 02/2003 Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia 07/2001 – 04/2002 National University of Singapore

Funding institutions

Federal Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF), Germany Thyssen Foundation Open Source Foundation


German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), Bonn


Hornidge, A.-K., Shtaltovna, A. and C. Schetter.  2016.  Agricultural Knowledge and Knowledge Systems in Post-Soviet Societies.  Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-0343-2006-1. Bern, Switzerland.


van Assche, Kristof and Anna-Katharina Hornidge.  2015.  Rural Development. Knowledge and Expertise in Governance.  Wageningen Academic Publishers. Wageningen. Further Information


Hornidge, A.-K..  2014.  Discourses of Knowledge. Normative, Factual, Hegemonic.  Habilitation at  Faculty of Arts, University of Bonn. 
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina.  2014.  Wissensdiskurse: Normativ, Faktisch, Hegemonial.  Soziale Welt, 65   : 7-24   . Further Information
Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Mehmood Ul Hassan, Laurens van Veldhuizen.  2014.  Follow the Innovation: Transdisciplinary Innovation Research in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  In: Lamers, John P.A., Asia Khamzina, Inna Rudenko, Paul Vlek (eds.): Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains, Technologies, policies and practices for the lower Amudarya region. Bonn University Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Unipress.   341-362. 
Shtaltovna, A., K. van Assche, A.-K. Hornidge.  2014.  Accounting in Evolving Organisations.  In: Beunen, Raol and Kristof van Assche (eds.): Evolutionary Governance Theory: Theory and Applications. Springer.   267-290. 
Shtaltovna, Anastasiya, Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Peter P. Mollinga.  2014.  Caught in a Web – Travails of a Machine-Tractor-Park in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  In: Lamers, John P.A., Asia Khamzina, Inna Rudenko, Paul Vlek (eds.): Restructuring land allocation, water use and agricultural value chains, Technologies, policies and practices for the lower Amudarya region. Bonn University Press / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Unipress.   317-340. 


Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Kristof van Assche, Anastasiya Shtaltovna.  2014.  Uzbekistan – A Region of World Society (?) Variants of Differentiation in Agricultural Resources Governance.  Soziale Systeme, .


2013 Van Assche, Kristof, Anastasiya Shtaltovna, Anna-Katharina Hornidge.  2013.  'Visible and invisible informalities and institutional transformation. Lessons from transition countries: Georgia, Romania, Uzbekistan.  In: Hayoz, Nicolas and Christian Giordano (eds.): Informality in Eastern Europe. Peter Lang.   89-118. 
Hornidge, A.-K.  2013.  Wissen-fokussierende Wirklichkeiten und ihre kommunikative Konstruktion.  In: Keller, R., H. Knoblauch, J. Reichertz (eds.): Kommunikativer Konstruktivismus - Theoretische und empirische Konturen eines neuen wissenssoziologischen Ansatzes. Wiesbaden: Springer VS Verlag.   205-232. 
Hornidge, A.-K.  2013.  ‘Knowledge’, ‘Knowledge Society’ & ‘Knowledge for Development’.. Studying Discourses of Knowledge in an International Context.  In: R. Keller and I. Truschkat (eds.): Anwendungen der Wissenssoziologischen Diskursanalyse. Theorie und Praxis der Diskursforschung. Wiesbaden: Springer, VS Verlag.   397-424. 
Hornidge, A.-K., L.Oberkircher and A. Kudryavtseva.  2013.  Boundary Management and the Discursive Sphere – Negotiating ‘Realities’ in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  Geoforum, 45.   : 266–274   .
Tischbein, Bernhard, Manschadi, Ahmad M., Conrad, Christopher, Hornidge, Anna-Katharina, Bhaduri, Anik, Ul Hassan, Mehmood, Lamers, John P.A., Awan, Usman K., Vlek, Paul L.G..  2013.  Adapting to water scarcity: constraints and opportunities for improving irrigation management in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 13: 2   : 337–348   .
Turaeva-Höhne, R., A.-K. Hornidge.  2013.  From Knowledge Ecology to Innovation Systems: Innovations in the Sphere of Agriculture in Uzbekistan.  Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice, 15: 2   : 183-193   .


Antweiler, Ch., A.-K. Hornidge.  2012.  Introduction. The Nexus of Agency, Knowledge, and Environmental Change in Southeast Asia.  In: Hornidge, A.-K., Ch. Antweiler (eds.): Environmental Uncertainty and Local Knowledge. Southeast Asia as a Laboratory of Global Ecological Change. Bielefeld: Transcript.   7-20. 
Djanibekov, N., A.-K. Hornidge, M. Ul Hassan.  2012.  From Joint Experimentation to Laissez-faire: Transdisciplinary Innovation Research for the Institutional Strengthening of a Water User Association in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 18:4   : 409-423   .
Eichholz, M., K. van Assche, L. Oberkircher, A.-K. Hornidge.  2012.  Trading capitals? – Analyzing change in land governance in an Uzbek irrigation village.  Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, DOI:10.1080/09640568.2012.708650.   .
Hornidge, A.-K.  2012.  ’Knowledge‘ in Development Discourse: A Critical Review.  In: Hornidge, A.-K., Ch. Antweiler (eds.): Environmental Uncertainty and Local Knowledge Southeast Asia as a Laboratory of Global Ecological Change. Transcript.   21-54. 
Hornidge, A.-K., Ch. Antweiler.  2012.  Environmental Uncertainty and Local Knowledge. Southeast Asia as a Laboratory of Global Ecological Change.  Bielefeld: Transcript. Further Information
Hornidge, A.K. and S. Kurfürst.  2012.  Envisioning the Future, Negotiating Public Space in Hanoi and Singapore.  Internationales Asienforum, 42 /3-4)   : 345-369   .


Hornidge, A.-K.  2011.  “‘Creative Industries’ – Economic Program and Boundary Concept.”.  Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 42(2)   : 253-279   . Further Information
Hornidge, A.-K.  2011.  ‘Knowledge Society’ as Academic Concept and Stage of Development - A Conceptual and Historical Review.  In: Menkhoff, Thomas, Hans-Dieter Evers, Chay Yue Wah and Eng Fong Pang (eds.) (eds.): Beyond the Knowledge Trap: Developing Asia's Knowledge-Based Economies. New Jersey, London, Singapore, Beijing: World Scientific.   87-128 .  Download [PDF]
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Hornidge, A.-K., F. Scholtes.  2011.  Climate Change and Everyday Life in Toineke Village, West Timor – Uncertainties, Knoweldge and Adaptation.  Sociologus - Zeitschrift für empirische Ethnosoziologie und Ethnopsychologie / Journal of Empirical Social Anthropology, 61: 2   : 151-175   .
Hornidge, A.-K., L. Oberkircher, B. Tischbein, G. Schorcht, A. Bhaduri, U. K. Awan, A. M. Manschadi.  2011.  Reconceptualising Water Management in Khorezm, Uzbekistan.  Natural Resources Forum, 35(4)   : 251-348   . Further Information
Hornidge, A.-K., M. Ul-Hassan, P. P. Mollinga.  2011.  Transdisciplinary Innovation Research in Uzbekistan – 1 year of ‘Following The Innovation’.  Development in Practice, 21.6   : 825-838   . Further Information
Oberkircher, L.; A.-K. Hornidge.  2011.  ’Water is Life’ - Farmer Rationales and Water-Saving in Khorezm, Uzbekistan: A Lifeworld Analysis.  Rural Sociology, 76(3)   : 394-421   . Further Information
Ul-Hassan, M., A.-K. Hornidge, L. van Veldhuizen, A. Akramkhanov, I. Rudenko, N. Djanibekov.  2011.  Follow the Innovation: Participatory Testing and Adaptation of Agricultural Innovations in Uzbekistan – Guidelines for Researchers and Practitioners.  Center for Development Research, Bonn. Download [PDF]
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Further Information


Hornidge, A.-K.  2010.  An Uncertain Future – Singapore’s Search for a New Focal Point of Collective Identity and its Drive towards ‘Knowledge Society’.  Asian Journal of Social Sciences, 38.5   : 785-818   . Further Information
Hornidge, A.-K., M. UL-Hassan.  2010.  From 'Plausible Promises' to Transdisciplinary Innovation Research in Uzbekistan - Process Outline and Lessons Learnt. Rural Development News.  Further Information
Scholtes, F., A.-K. Hornidge (Case Study Indonesia).  2010.  Waiting for the Water to come? – Poverty Reduction in Times of Climate Change.  Care International Germany-Luxembourg e.V. and Center for Development Research. Bonn. Download [PDF]
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Further Information


Scholtes, F., A.-K. Hornidge (Fallstudie Indonesien).  2009.  Warten bis das Wasser kommt? Armutsbekämpfung in Zeiten des Klimawandels.  Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung und Care Deutschland-Luxemburg. Download [PDF]
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Further Information


Gerke, S., H.-D. Evers, A.-K. Hornidge (eds.).  2008.  The Straits of Malacca - Knowledge and Diversity.  LIT / Straits G.T.. Berlin, London, Penang. Further Information


Hornidge, A.-K.  2007.  Re-Inventing Society - State Concepts of Knowledge in Germany and Singapore.  Sojourn. Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 22 (2)   : 202-29   .
Hornidge, A.-K.  2007.  Knowledge Society - Vision and Social Construction of Reality in Germany and Singapore.  ZEF Development Studies, Bd. 3, 368 p., 3, ISBN 978-3-8258-0316-2. LIT Verlag, Münster/Hamburg/London LIT-Verlag. Münster. Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
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Anna-Katharina Hornidge

Senior Fellow

Cultural and Political Change


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