Pablo Mac Clay

Degrees / expertise

Master of Business Administration, Agribusiness. Universidad Austral (UA), School of Business Sciences, Rosario.

Bachelor of Science, Economics. Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), School of Economics and Statistics. 

Advisor at ZEF

Prof. Dr. Jan Börner

Dr. Jorge Sellare


Dürr, J., Sili, M.; Mac Clay, P. and Sellare, J..  2024.  Bioeconomic innovations breeding more sustainable innovations: A value chain perspective from Argentina.  Business Strategy & the Environment, . (Open Access)   Further Information
Mac Clay, P..  2024.  Essays on the nexus between technological change, policies, and value chain governance for a transition toward a low-carbon economy.  Doctoral Thesis at  Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bonn.  Further Information


Deciancio, M and Mac Clay, P..  2023.  The Bioeconomy in Argentina: lessons for its development and sustainability..  Further Information
Mac Clay, P. Börner, J. Sellare, J..  2023.  Institutional and macroeconomic stability mediate the effect of auctions on renewable energy capacity..  Energy Policy, 180, 113685   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Mac Clay, P. and Sellare, J..  2022.  Value chain transformations in the transition to a sustainable bioeconomy..
Mac Clay, P., Accursi, F. M., and Harmath, P..  2022.  Surviving as an Argentine Farmer: Factors that Influence Risk Management Strategies..  International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 13(4)   : 425-439   . (Open Access)  


Mac Clay, Pablo; Accursi, Federico and Feeney, Roberto.  2020.  Risk attitudes between Argentine farmers: what determines willingness to take risks?.  International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM), 23 (3/4)   : 255-273   . Further Information
Mohammadi, Z. Mati; Mac Clay, Pablo; Feeney, Roberto; Harmath, Pedro; Keshavarz, Masi and Gunderson, Michael A..  2020.  Characterization of farmers’ management practices and strategies: a comparison between Argentine and U.S. farmers.  International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 23 (2)   : 235-252   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Feeney, Roberto; Accursi, Federico and Mac Clay, Pablo.  2019.  The Impact of Producers' Cognitive Styles on their Purchasing Behavior.  Journal on Food System Dynamics, 10 (5)   : 498-515   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Mac Clay, Pablo and Feeney, Roberto.  2019.  Analyzing agribusiness value chains: A literature review.  International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 22 (1)   : 31-46   . (Open Access)   Further Information


Feeney, Roberto and Mac Clay, Pablo.  2016.  Food security in Argentina: A production or distribution problem?.  International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 19(2)   : 1-32   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Feeney, Roberto; Perez, Carlos and Mac Clay, Pablo.  2016.  Bioceres: AG Biotechnology from Argentina.  Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads
Research themes
  • Renewable energy
  • Sustainable use of natural resources
  • New Technologies
  • Innovation and science policy
Research countries
  • Argentina
Research projects

Transformation and Sustainability Governance in South American Bioeconomies (SABio) is an interdisciplinary research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). It examines key aspects of bioeconomy development and governance in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay, combining approaches from agricultural economics and political sciences to deliver evidence-based policy recommendations to foster sustainable and equitable bio-based transformations. The project is composed of two research groups led by the Center for Development Research (ZEF) at the University of Bonn and by the University of Münster and counts with the support of local scientific partners in the three focal countries.

Additional Information:

Master of Business Administration, Agribusiness. Universidad Austral (UA), School of Business Sciences, Rosario.

Bachelor of Science, Economics. Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), School of Economics and Statistics. 


Economics / Agribusiness

Funding institutions

German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)

Advisor at ZEF

Prof. Dr. Jan Börner

Dr. Jorge Sellare

Pablo Mac Clay

Former Junior Researcher

Private website:

Former Division/Group:
Environmental Policy

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