Valentine Opanga

Research themes
  • Development Politics
Research countries
  • Kenya
Working groups

Collaborative Research Center(Green Futures Project)

Professional experience

Apr- Oct 2022:  Conducted a study on the governance of waterfronts in Nairobi and Daresalaam. This short-term study was part of the Developing Resilient African cities and their urban environMent facing the provision of essential urban SDGs (DREAMS) project

2021-2022: International Climate Protection Fellow (University of Bonn, Geography Department - AG Mueller-Mahn) 

Since 2019: Kenya’s Youth Representative to the Intergovernmental Authority on Development’s Youth and Land Program (Volunteer)

2020-2021: Program Manager Plastic Pollution Governance Framework Network Program at the Center for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy, University of Nairobi

2019-2020: Consultant Environmental Incentives LLC (Nairobi Office), Economics of Natural Capital in East Africa Project

2016-2020: Project Manager Institute for Law and Environmental Governance

2016-2017: Research Assistant at the Committee on the Revision of the Kenya Wildlife Policy of 2002, Center for Advanced Studies in Environmental Law and Policy, University of Nairobi

2013-2018: Research Assistant, the Somali Academy


Master of Arts in Environmental Policy (2015-2018), University of Nairobi

Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (2010-2014), University of Nairobi

Diploma in Public Relations (2008-2010), Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology


Urban governance, Climate Action, Hydro-politics, Natural resource governance , Alternative ways of communicating science

Funding institutions

DAAD through the Development-Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS) Program

Thesis title

The Political Ecology and Governance of Informal Urban Greenspaces in Nairobi

Doctoral research funded by

DAAD through the Development-Related Postgraduate Courses (EPOS) program

Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Detlef Mueller-Mahn

Advisor at ZEF

PD Dr. Eva Youkhana



Opanga Valentine.  2024.  Immersive learning: Engaging with the realities of Nairobi’s informal settlement Korogocho. 


Valentine Opanga.  2024.  A River of Renewal:Pumwani-Majengo Chronicles.  Download [PDF]
Valentine Opanga and Detlef Muellermahn.  Cartel Economies and Urban Governance: The Interplay of Performative Politics, Social Embeddedness, and Land Control in Nairobi's Informal Settlements.  .


Valentine Opanga.  2023.  Spatial Symbolism: A Non-Human Perspective. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

Valentine Opanga

Junior Researcher

Private website:

Cultural and Political Change


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