Jun.-Prof. Wolfram Barfuss

Research themes
  • Governance
  • Knowledge
  • Institutions
  • Sustainable use of natural resources
  • Methods
Professional experience

Wolfram Barfuss is a sustainability system scientist with a doctoral degree in theoretical physics from the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the Humboldt University Berlin (2019). Before joining ZEF in 2023, he was a postdoctoral scientist at the Tübingen AI Center at the University of Tübingen (2021-2023), the School of Mathematics at the University of Leeds (2020-2021), and the Max Planck Insitute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig (2019-2020).

Barfuss heads the Argelander chair of the University of Bonn's Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA) Sustainable Futures. The Argelander professorships are high-profile tenure-track assistant professor positions newly created within the scope of the German Excellence Initiative. The research focus is Integrated System Modeling for Sustainability Transitions. The BarfussLab is a young, strongly evolving, interdisciplinary team crossing the boundaries of various research fields to identify critical leverage points to tackle collective action challenges for sustainability. How? Through collective learning for a sustainable future. Barfuss's work has been published in numerous high-profile academic journals and is occasionally taken up by the media.

Wolfram Barfuss is a founding member of the Earth Resilience and Sustainability Initiative, a joint undertaking led by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Princeton University, and the Stockholm Resilience Centre. He is also a member of the German Physical Society, the TRAs Modeling and Individuals and Societies, the Center for Earth System Observation and Computational Analysis (CESOC), and the Cluster of Excellence PhenoRob. 

For further details, see curriculum vitae.


Anderies, J. M. , W. Barfuss, J.F. Donges, I. Fetzer, J. Heitzig and J. Rockström.  2023.  A modeling framework for World-Earth system resilience: exploring social inequality and Earth system tipping points.  Environ. Res. Lett., 18   : 095001   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Sawicki, J., R. Berner, S.A.M. Loos, M. Anvari, R. Bader, W. Barfuss, N. Botta, N. Brede, I. Franovic, D. J. Gauthier, S. Goldt, A. Hjizadeh, P. Hövel, O. Karin, P. Lorenz-Spreen, C. Miehl, J. Mölter, S. Olmi, E. Schöll.  2023.  Perspectives on adaptive dynamical systems.  Chaos, 33   : 071501   . (Open Access)   Further Information

Please find further publications on google scholar.  Further Information

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
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Wolfram Barfuss

Junior Professor

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Integrated System Modeling


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