Gifawosen Markos Mitta

Research themes
  • Social and Cultural Change and Adaptation
Research countries
  • Ethiopia
Research projects

Labor Unions and Industrial Peace in Ethiopia's Textile and Garment Industries: A Case Study of Hawassa Industrial Park


BA in Governance and Developnent Studies (Jimma University, Ethiopia)

MA in Global Political Economy (University of Kassel, Germany)

MA in Regional and Local Development Studies (Addis Ababa University)


Labor Rights and Working Conditions in the textile and garment sector, Globalization and Development, Theories of Development, Local Economic Development, Qualitative Research

Funding institutions

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)




Thesis title

Labor Rights, Working Conditions, and Workers’ Power in the Emerging Textile and Apparel Industries in Ethiopia: The Case of Hawassa Industrial

Supervisors of
doctoral work

Prof. Dr. Jorg Blasius

Advisor at ZEF

Dr. Till Stellmacher


Mitta, Gifawosen Markos.  2023.  Labor Related Challenges of Textile and Garment Industries in the Ethiopian Industrial Parks: The Perspective of Stakeholders.  In: Gronemeyer, R., Fink, M (eds.): Industrialization in Ethiopia: Awakening - Crisis - Outlooks. Springer VS.   Review

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
and Downloads

Gifawosen Markos Mitta

Junior Researcher

Cultural and Political Change

gifawosen.markos(at) or

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