Dr. Quang Bao Le

Research themes
  • Land use and food security
  • Environmental and climate change
  • Ecosystem services
  • Sustainable use of natural resources
  • Biodiversity
  • Methods
  • Environmental Impact Analysis
Research countries
  • Burkina Faso
  • Brazil
  • Ethiopia
  • Ghana
  • Indonesia
  • Malawi
  • Uzbekistan
  • Vietnam
  • Thailand
  • Tajikistan
  • Colombia
  • Senegal
  • Togo
Additional Information:

Geographer / Agricultural Livelihood Systems Expert - RALSP / ICARDA, Cairo

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Professional experience

With a coupled human–environment system (HES) perspective, for years my research has focused on the development and application of multi-agent system (MAS) models to investigate land-use (including livelihoods) systems' transitions in relation to ecosystem services, food security and regional/global change drivers. The aim is to develop HES-based tools to support the transdisciplinary identification of critical leverage points for effective interventions and pathways of community-landscape transition towards improved food productivity/profitability, ecosystem services and social equity. I have researched into the analysis and simulation of adaptive land-use decisions, integration of ecological models into MAS models of social–ecological systems, and the feedbacks of long-term trends in land degradation or development into nature–society relationships. Recently, my research interests have extended to an understanding of factors and mechanisms accounting for vulnerability and resilience of rural landscape systems in the face of global changes and viable social–ecological mechanisms for effective restoration of degraded lands. I am also conducting regional, continental and global assessment of land degradation and improvement (including restoration). In these large-scale works the HES perspective is still hold but the foci are rather spatio-temporally explicit assessment of land degradation/improvement and the identification of related social-ecological domains. The later work involves the delineation of spatial clusters of boundary setting factors/potential drivers of land degradation/improvement across the globe. These clusters will serve as matrices for selecting spectra of representative case areas for process-based HES studies, and as spatial strata for generalization of site-specific knowledge generated. Depending on concrete research aspects, my geographic focus includes selected developing countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), Southeast Asia (SEA) and sub-continental/large region whole (SSA, SEA, global dryland) and whole globe.


Ph.D. in Geography, Ecology and Natural Resources Management (ZEF, University of Bonn) M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences (Chiang Mai University and Saarland University), Forestry Engineer (Hue University)


Biradar, C., Xiao, X., Zhang, G., Zhang, Y., Low, F., Fliemann, E., Dong, J., Wagle, P., Conrad, C., de By, R., Sterk, G., Ziadat, F., Omari, J., Atassi, L., Tulaymat, F., Vlek, P., Le, Q.B., Patil, P., Mahboob, G., Singh, M., Dosov, B., Louhaichi, M..  2015.  Quantification of Land Degradation and Productivity of Agro-ecosystems under Changing Climate and Land Use. Presentation at the 3rd UNCCD Conference, 12-19 March 2015, Cancun, Mexico.  Further Information
Diwediga, B., Wala, K., Folega, F., Dourma, M., Woegan, Y.A., Akpagana, K., Le, Quang Bao.  2015.  Biophysical and anthropogenous determinants of landscape patterns and degradation of plant communities in Mo hilly basin (Togo).  Ecological Engineering, 85   : 132-143   . Download [PDF]
Further Information
Le, Quang Bao.  2015.  Farming system models for supporting farm resilience: research needs, gaps and promising approaches.  In: Gritti, E.S., Wery, J. (eds.): Multi-functional Farming Systems in a Changing World. European Society of Economy (ESA) and Agropolis International.   85-86. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4093.0326.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
Pohl, C., Wuelser, G., Bebi, P., Bugmann, H., Buttler, A., Elkin, C., Grêt-Regamey, A., Hirschi, C., Le, Q.B., Peringer, A., Rigling, A., Seidl, R., Huber, R.  2015.  How to successfully publish interdisciplinary research: learning from an Ecology and Society Special Feature.  Ecology and Society, 20   : DOI: 10.5751/ES-07448-200223   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Tamene, L., Le, Q.B.  2015.  Estimating soil erosion in sub-Saharan Africa based on landscape similarity mapping and using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE).  Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 102 (1)   : 17-31   . Further Information
Tendall, D.M., Joerin, J., Kopainsky, B., Edwards, P., Shreck, A., Le, Quang Bao, Kruetli, P., Grant, M., Six, J.  2015.  Food system resilience: Defining the concept.  Global Food Security, 6   : 17-23   . Download [PDF]
Further Information
Thiombiano, B.A., Le, Quang Bao.  2015.  Soil nutrient balance, economic performance and scenarios for closing nutrient gaps in heterogeneous smallholder farm systems in south-western Burkina Faso.  In: Gritti, E.S., Wery, J. (eds.): Multi-functional Farming Systems in a Changing World. European Society of Economy (ESA) and Agropolis International.   467-468. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1471.5928.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
Thiombiano, B.A., Le, Quang Bao.  2015.  Farm type-specific adoption behaviour in sustainable soil nutrient management: the case of smallholder farms in Ioba province, Burkina Faso.  In: Gritti, E.S., Wery, J. (eds.): Multi-functional Farming Systems in a Changing World. European Society of Economy (ESA) and Agropolis International.   219-220. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.5141.6082.  (Open Acess)  Further Information
Tran, Minh-Tien., Tran, Thu-Minh, Nguyen, Bich-Thu, Le, Quang Bao.  2015.  Spatially explicit assessment of nutrient demands for promoting efficient regional fertilizer-use management in Vietnam.  Global Environmental Research, 19   : 43-48   . Download [PDF]


CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).  2014.  Ecosystem Services and Resilience Framework.  International Water Management Institute (IWMI) - CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE). Colombo, Sri Lanka. DOI: 10.5337/2014.229. Further Information
Kim, I., Le, Q.B., Park, S.J., Tenhunen, J., Koellner, T.  2014.  Driving forces in archetypical land-use changes in a mountainous watershed in East Asia.  Land, 3 (3)   : 957-980   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Le, Q.B., Nkonya, E., Mirzabaev, A.  2014.  Biomass Productivity-Based Mapping of Global Land Degradation Hotspots.  ZEF-Discussion Papers on Development Policy, 193   : p. 64. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2465799 (Indexed by ISI Web of Science: <Go to ISI>://CABI:20143328326)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Le, Q.B., Scholz, RW.  2014.  The Yen Chau—Hiep Hoa Case Study: Avoiding P Fertilizer Overuse and Underuse in Vietnamese Smallholder Systems.  In: Scholz, R.W., Roy, A.H., Brand, F.S., Hellums, D.T., Ulrich, A.E (eds.): Sustainable Phosphorus Management: A Global Transdisciplinary Roadmap. Springer, Dordrecht.   123-128.  Download [PDF | 78.70KB]
Müller, B., Balbi, S., Buchmann, C. M., de Sousa, L., Dressler, G., Groeneveld, J., Klassert, C.J., Le, Q.B., Millington, J.D.A., Nolzen, H., Parker, D.P., Polhill, J.G., Schlüter, M., Schulze, J., Schwarz, N., Sun, Z., Taillandier, P., Weise, H.  2014.  Standardized and transparent model descriptions for agent-based models: Current status and prospects.  Environmental Modelling and Software, 55   : 156-163   . Further Information
Nguyen, T.T, Koellner, T., Le, Q.B., Lambini, C.C., Choi, I., Shin, H-J., Pham, V.D.  2014.  An economic analysis of reforestation with a native tree species: The case of Vietnamese farmers.  Biodiversity and Conservation, 23   : 811-830   . Further Information
Scholz , R.W., Le, Q.B.  2014.  A Novice’s Guide to Transdisciplinarity.  In: Scholz, R.W., Roy, A.H., Brand, F.S., Hellums, D.T., Ulrich, A.E (eds.): Sustainable Phosphorus Management: A Global Transdisciplinary Roadmap. Springer, Dordrecht.   118-122.  Download [PDF | 197.22KB]
Tamene, L., Le, Q.B.  2014.  Developing a landscape planning and management tool to help tackle land and water degradation in data scarce regions.  Water Resources Management, 28 (2)   : 407-424   . Further Information
Thiombiano, A.B., Le, Q.B.  2014.  Support building resilient smallholder farms to climate change: I. Livelihood profile and nutrient management in the Loba province, Burkina Faso.  In: Aenis, T., Knierim, A., Riecher, M.-C., Ridder, R., Schobert, H., Fischer, H (eds.): Farming Systems Facing Global Challenges: Capacities and Strategies. International Farming System Association (IFSA).   Download [PDF | 579.20KB]
Further Information
Villamor, G.B., Le, Q.B., Djanibekov, U., van Noordwijk, M., Vlek, P.L.G.  2014.  Biodiversity in rubber agroforests, carbon emissions and rural livelihoods: Multi-agent, multi-dimensional simulation tool to preview policy scenarios in lowland Sumatra.  Environmental Modelling and Software, 61   : 151-165   . Further Information
Vu, M.Q., Le, Q.B., Frossard, E., Vlek, P.L.G..  2014.  Socio-economic and biophysical determinants of land degradation in Vietnam: An integrated causal analysis at the national level.  Land Use Policy, 36   : 605 - 617   . Further Information
Vu, M.Q., Le, Q.B., Vlek, P.L.G.  2014.  Hotspots of human-induced biomass productivity decline and their social-ecological types toward supporting national policy and local studies on combating land degradation.  Global and Planetary Change, 121   : 64-77   . Further Information
Yarime, M., Carliell-Marquet, C., Hellums, D.T., Kalmykova, Y., Lang, D. J., Le, Q.B., Malley, D.,Morf, L.S., Matsubae, K., Matsuo, M., Ohtake, H., Omlin, A., Petzet, S., Scholz, R.W., Shiroyama, H., Ulrich, A.E., Watts, P.  2014.  Dissipation and recycling: What losses, what dissipation impacts, and what recycling options?.  In: Scholz, R.W., Roy, A.H., Brand, F.S., Hellums, D.T., Ulrich, A.E (eds.): Sustainable Phosphorus Management: A Global Transdisciplinary Roadmap. Springer, Dordrecht.   247-274.  Download [PDF | 465.49KB]


Brand, F., Seidl, R., Le, Q.B., Brändle, J., Scholz, R. W.  2013.  Constructing consistent multiscale scenarios by transdisciplinary processes: The case of mountain regions facing global change.  Ecology and Society, 18 (2)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Huber, R., Briner, S., Peringer, A., Lauber, S., Seidl, R., Widmer, A., Gillet, F., Buttler, A., Le, Q.B., Hirschi, C.  2013.  Modelling feedback effects between vegetation dynamics, farm structural change and policy development in the pasture woodlands of the Swiss Jura Mountains.  Ecology and Society, 18 (2)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Kopainsky, B., Le, Q.B., Spörri, A.  2013.  Resilience in Food Value Chains - A Feasibility Study. Swiss Federdal Institute of Technology Zurich, Zurich.  Download [PDF | 1.62MB]
Nkonya, E., Braun, J.V., Mirzabaev, A., Le, Q.B., Kwon, H., Kirui, O.  2013.  Economics of land degradation initiative: methods and approach for global and national assessments.  -Discussion Papers on Development Policy, 183   : p. 41. DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2343636 (Indexed by ISI Web of Science: <Go to ISI>://CABI:20143039416)   . (Open Access)   Further Information
Seidl, S., Brand, F., Stauffacher, Krütli, P., Le, Q.B., Spörri, A., Meylan, G., Moser, C., Gonzales, M.B., Scholz, R.W.  2013.  Science with Society in the Anthropocene.  AMBIO, 42 (1)   : 5-12   . Further Information
Villamor, G.B., Djanibekov, U., Le, Q.B., Vlek, P.L.G.  2013.  Modelling the socio-ecological system dynamics of rubber agroforests to design reward mechanisms for agro-biodiversity conservation.  In: Piantadosi, J., Anderssen, R.S. and Boland J (eds.): MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand.   1861–1867.  Further Information


Feitosa, F. F., Le, Q.B. , Vlek, P. L. G., Monteiro, A. M. V., Rosemback, R..  2012.  Countering urban segregation in Brazilian cities: Policy-oriented explorations using agent-based simulation.  Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 39   : 1131 – 1150   . Further Information
Fensholt, R., Langanke, T., Rasmussen, K., Reenberg, A., Prince, S.D., Tucker, C., Scholes, R.J., Le, Q.B., Bondeau, A., Eastman, R., Epstein, H., Gaughan, A.E., Hellden, U., Mbow, C., Olsson, L., Paruelo, J., Schweitzer, C., Seaquist, J., Wessels, K.  2012.  Greenness in semi-arid areas across the globe 1 1981-2007 - an Earth Observing Satellite based analysis of trends and drivers.  Remote Sensing of Environment , 121   : 144-158   . Further Information
Langanke, T., Fensholt, R., Rasmussen, K., Reenberg, A., Prince, S.D., Scholes, B., Tucker, C., Le, Q. B., Bondeau, A., Eastman, R., Epstein, H., Gaughan, A.E., Hellden, U., Mbow, C., Olsson, L., Paruelo, J., Schweitzer, C., Seaquist, J., Wessels, K.  2012.  Global Dryland Greenness. Trends, Drivers and Policy Implications.  Global Land Project - International Project Office. Copenhagen. ISBN: 1904-5069. Further Information
Le, Q. B., Feitosa, F.F.  2012.  Comparison of two common empirical methods to model land-use choices in a multi-agent system simulation of landscape transition: Implication for a hybrid approach.  In: Seppelt, R., Voinov, A.A., Lange, S., Bankamp, D (eds.): Managing Resources of a Limited Planet- Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs).   2537-2544. ISBN: 978-88-9035-742-8.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF | 147.28KB]
Further Information
Le, Q. B., Scholz, R.W., Seidl, R., Vu, Q.M., Tran, T.M.  2012.  Phosphorus use and management strategies: Exploring scenarios of smallholder’s soil fertility, food production and livelihood with a multi-agent system model.  In: Seppelt, R., Voinov, A.A., Lange, S., Bankamp, D (eds.): Managing Resources of a Limited Planet- Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs).   2140-2147. ISBN: 978-88-9035-742-8.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF | 186.86KB]
Further Information
Le, Q. B., Tamene, L., Vlek, P.L.G.  2012.  Multipronged assessment of land degradation in West Africa to assess the importance of atmospheric fertilization in masking the processes involved.  Global and Planetary Change, 92-93   : 71-81   . Further Information
Le, Q.B.  2012.  Relevant theoretical and empirical aspects for considering human decision-making represented in agent-based models for natural resource management.  In: Seppelt, R., Voinov, A.A., Lange, S., Bankamp, D (eds.): Managing Resources of a Limited Planet - Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs).   2666-2668. ISBN: 978-88-9035-742-8.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF | 56.74KB]
Further Information
Le, Q.B., R. Seidel and R.W. Scholz.  2012.  Feedback loops and types of adaptation in the modelling of land-use decisions in an agent-based simulation. Environmental Modelling and Software.  Environmental Modelling and Software, 27-28   : 83-96   . Further Information
Miyasaka, T., Le, Q.B., Okuro, T., Zhao, X., Scholz, R.W., Takeuchi, K.  2012.  An agent-based model for assessing effects of a Chinese PES programme on land-use change along with livelihood dynamics, and land degradation and restoration.  In: Seppelt, R., Voinov, A.A., Lange, S., Bankamp, D (eds.): Managing Resources of a Limited Planet - Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs).   2292-2299. ISBN: 978-88-9035-742-8.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF | 577.67KB]
Seidl, R., Le, Q.B.  2012.  Modelling human-environment systems in transdisciplinary processes.  In: Seppelt, R., Voinov, A.A., Lange, S., Bankamp, D (eds.): Managing Resources of a Limited Planet- Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs).   1811-1818. ISBN: 978-88-9035-742-8.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF | 537.89KB]
Further Information
Villamor, G.B., Le, Q.B., Vlek, P.L.G., Noordwijk, M.V.  2012.  Modelling human-landscape system dynamics to support reward mechanisms for agro-biodiversity conservation.  In: Seppelt, R., Voinov, A.A., Lange, S., Bankamp, D (eds.): Managing Resources of a Limited Planet: Pathways and Visions under Uncertainty. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs).   2243-2250. ISBN: 978-88-9035-742-8.  (Open Acess)  Download [PDF | 1.21MB]
Further Information
Vu, M.Q., Le, Q.B. , Scholz, R.W., Vlek, P.L.G.  2012.  Detecting geographic hotspots of human-induced land degradation in Vietnam and characterization of their social-ecological types.  IEEE International, 6220-6223   . Further Information


Feitosa, F.F., Le, Q.B., Vlek, L.G..  2011.  Multi-agent simulator for urban segregation (MASUS): A tool to explore alternatives for promoting inclusive cities.  Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 35 (2)   : 104-115   . Further Information
Scholz , R.W., Gallati, J., Le, Q.B., Seidl, R.  2011.  Integrated systems modeling of complex human–environment systems.  In: Scholz, R.W (eds.): Environmental Literacy in Science and Society: From Knowledge to Decisions. Cambridge University Press.   341-372.  Download [PDF | 920.53KB]
Further Information
Tsegai, D., Le, Q.B.  2011.  District-level spatial analysis of migration flows in Ghana: Determinants and implications for policy.  Regional Science Policy & Practice, 3 (2)   : 87-100   . Further Information
Villamor, G.B., van Noordwijk, M., Le, Q.B., Lusiana, B., Matthews, R., Vlek, P.L.G..  2011.  Diversity deficits in modelled landscape mosaics.  Ecological Informatics, 6 (1)   : 73 - 82   . Further Information


Le, Q. B., Park, S. J. and Vlek, P. L. G.  2010.  Land Use Dynamic Simulator (LUDAS): A multi-agent system model for simulating spatio-temporal dynamics of coupled human–landscape system 2. Scenario-based application for impact assessment of land-use policies.  Ecological Informatics, 5 (3)   : 203-221   . Further Information
Le, Q. B., Seidl, R., Scholz, R.W.  2010.  Modeling the adaptation of land-use decisions to landscape changes using an agent-based system: A case study in a mountainous catchment in central Vietnam.  In: David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova (eds.): Modelling for Environment’s Sake. International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs).   1524 – 1531. 
Vlek, L.G., Le, Q.B., Tamene, L.  2010.  Assessment of land degradation, its possible causes and threat to food security in sub-Saharan Africa.  In: Lal, R. and Stewart, B.A. (eds.): Soil Quality and Food Security. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.   57-86. 


Landmann, T., Machwitz, M., Le, Q.B., Desta, L.T., Vlek, P., Dech, S., Schmidt, M.  2008.  A land cover change synthesis study for the GLOWA Volta Basin in West Africa using time trajectory satellite observations and cellular automata models.  IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2008, Vol. 3   : 640 - 643   . Further Information
Le, Q.B, Park, S.J., Vlek, P.L.G. and Cremers, A.B..  2008.  Land-Use Dynamic Simulator (LUDAS): A multi-agent system model for simulating spatio-temporal dynamics of coupled human-landscape system. I. Structure and theoretical specification.  Ecological Informatics, 3 (2)   : 135-153   . Further Information


Le, Q. B.  2005.  Multi-Agent System for Simulation of Land-use and Land-cover Change: a Theoretical Framework and Its First Implementation for an Upland Watershed in the Central Coast of Vietnam.  Doctoral thesis at  Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, University of Bonn.  Cuvillier Verlag   Further Information


Beckman, M., Le, V. A., Le, Q. B.  2002.  Living with the Floods: Coping and Adaptation Strategies of Households and Local Institutions in Central Vietnam.  Stockholm Environment Institute. Stockholm. ISBN: 91 88714 81 0. Download [PDF | 2.58MB]
Bhuiyan, S.H., Le, Q.B.  2002.  Decentralizations and natural resource management: A Colombian case.  Journal of Politics Administration and Changes, 37   : 43-67   .
Le, Q. B.  2002.  Forest management in Hong Ha commune and practical lessons learned.  In: Le, V. A. (eds.): Community-Based Natural Resource Management on the Uplands. Agricultural Publish House, Hanoi, Vietnam.   99 – 120 (in Vietnamese). 


Le, Q.B., Maxwell, J.F., and Elliott, S.D.  2000.  Changes in forest plant species composition and bio-indicators for ecological impacts of soil contamination by heavy metals.  Research Results in Agricultural and Forest Sciences for the Period 1995 – 1999 in Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry. Agricultural Publish House, Hanoi, Vietnam.   415 – 422 (in Vietnamese). 
Le, Q.B., Maxwell, J.F., Elliott, S.D.  2000.  Changes in forest plant species composition and bio-indicators for ecological impacts of soil contamination by heavy metals.  In: Le Duc Huy (eds.): Research Results in Agricultural and Forest Sciences for the Period 1995 – 1999 in Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry. Agricultural Publish House, Hanoi, Vietnam.   415 – 422 (in Vietnamese). 


Le, Q. B..  1998.  Plants as Potential Indicators for Soil Contamination by Heavy Metals in Kup Kap Valley, Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.  M.Sc. Research Thesis at  Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University. 


Le, Q. B.  1993.  Testing Acacia Species and Provenances for Reforestation of Bare Lands and Denuded Hills in Dong Ha, Quang Tri Province.  Forestry Engineer Research Thesis at  Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry. 

Additionals, Curriculum Vitae
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Quang Bao Le

Senior Fellow

Ecology and Natural Resources Management

q.le(at)cgiar.org; q.le@alumni.ethz.ch; qble.ludas@gmail.com

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