RAINFOREST - Coproduced transformative knowledge to accelerate change for biodiversity


Biodiversity, transformative change, food and biomass value chains, co-produced knowledge


Austria, Brazil, Cyprus, EU, Germany, Global, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, United Kingdom, United States


The overall objective of RAINFOREST is to contribute to enabling, upscaling and accelerating transformative change in Europe towards reducing biodiversity impacts of major food and biomass value chains. This will be done by closing knowledge gaps, demonstrating the effective co-generation and use of knowledge in stakeholder processes to formulate transformative policy options and related innovative governance arrangements, including government procurement practices and regulations.

Specifically, the aim is to i) co-develop and investigate just and viable pathways for transformative change and policies for their implementation with stakeholders, ii) enhance assessment models to allow for the quantification of biodiversity impacts at different spatial and organizational levels (e.g. company, national and global scales), iii) highlight and exemplify the application of the investigated pathways for transformative change in case studies, iv) investigate and co-generate governance and financial reforms, including public sector procurement, at all scales; v) explain, visualize and communicate the results and tools to a diverse audience.


RAINFOREST combines different approaches and models from social and natural sciences, such as targeted literature reviews, surveys and interviews, desk-based scoping studies, integrated assessment models, life cycle assessment and multiregional input output models. In addition, we will organize multiple workshops and policy business fora to discuss with and learn from various stakeholders in co-generating viable policy options

Main Cooperation Partners

  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU, coordinator)
  • Internationales Institut für angewandte Systemanalyse (IIASA)
  • Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung (SGN)
  • Radboud University Nijmegen (RU)
  • Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (UBO)
  • The Cyprus Institute (CYI)
  • Unilever Innovation Centre Wageningen B.V.
  • Schweiz AG
  • Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP)
  • Bonn.realis e.V. (BR, associated partner)
Main Funding Partners

European Commission

Duration of the Project

Dec. 2022 – Dec. 2025

Project Homepage


Jan Börner

Prof. Dr. Jan Börner


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