Festival "Save the World II - Climate Change"

September 18, 2015 | 18:00 h - September 20, 2015 | 21:00 h


A Festival with Artists and Experts

(Bonn, September 18-20, 2015)


With the festival “SAVE THE WORLD II – Climate Change” the ‘Save the World’ project enters its second round.

Small molecule, big consequences. CO2 emissions have risen at a head-long rate in recent decades, global warming is increasing. Be it water shortages, species dieback or extreme weather, the effects of climate change are many and varied. For this reason SAVE THE WORLD II is focusing on the global climate issue. The festival, which provides scope for a virtual expedition to the year 2030, invites respected artists and scientists along with international experts from the UN and NGOs to take part in a dialogue on climate change to be held on the former industrial site of Halle Beuel.

Among the performing experts is <link>Jan Börner, junior-professor at ZEF, who will perform on Saturday, September 19, and Sunday, September 20, both days at 2:00 and 5:00 p.m.

Visitors of the festival can enjoy a weekend full of performances, concerts, an education program for young people (from age 6), a save-the-climate fair and lots of surprising insights.

As part of the theatrical congress, in "CLIMATE PARCOURS. A UTOPIAN EXPEDITION", six actor-expert teams will explain topics such as species extinction, climate change and our impact on it. Jan Börner will explain, together with Amund Sjolie Sveen (artist and performer), climate theories for dummies.


You can find the complete program for download here:
<link http: www.theater-bonn.de schauspiel programm save-the-world>www.theater-bonn.de/schauspiel/programm/save-the-world/
and our trailer: <link https: vimeo.com>vimeo.com/132932592


Alma van der Veen


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