Water resources management in the Indus basin of Pakistan - challenges and opportunities

November 14, 2013 | 16:00 h - 18:00 h

Water management in the Indus basin is facing severe challenges. An increasing water demand mainly driven by the intensification of irrigated agriculture needs to be fulfilled by limited water resources expected to become more variable due to climate change. Irrigated agriculture is by far the biggest water user in the basin and therefore under high pressure to become more effective and productive. Options towards higher productivity include improved water management technologies, adequate strategies to cope with water scarcity and concepts integrating the management of surface and groundwater resources. Following presentations focus on these options:

“Strategies for coping with water scarcity in the Indus basin of Pakistan”

by Mr. Habib Ullah Bodla (Chief Engineer PMIU-Punjab Irrigation Department)


“Challenges and opportunities of the integrated management of surface and groundwater resources in the Indus basin of Pakistan”

Dr. Usman Khalid Awan (Researcher at IWMI Lahore -Water Resources Management and Hydrology; ZEF-Alumni)


“Water resources management technologies for irrigated agriculture of the Indus basin of Pakistan”

by Prof. Dr. Rai Niaz Ahmad (Vice Chancellor Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi


Researchers from the Arid Agriculture University in Rawalpindi, University of Agriculture in Faisalabad, Punjab Irrigation and Power Department, International Water Management in Lahore, University of Wuerzburg and ZEF are cooperating on the issue of irrigation scheduling in a project funded by DAAD.


The session will be moderated by Dr. Bernhard Tischbein/ZEF



Bernhard Tischbein

Dr. Bernhard Tischbein


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