ZEF Public Lecture: Transdisciplinarity, tempocoupling, and the role of culture in zoonosis research

June 13, 2024 | 13:30 h - 14:30 h

We'd like to invite you to ZEF's Public Lecture!

Title: Transdisciplinarity, tempocoupling, and the role of culture in zoonosis research

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Denise Margaret Matias (Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development; ZEF Associate Researcher)

How to join

The lecture will be held in hybrid mode (zoom and in-person at ZEF). 
You can join us in-person at ZEF, ground floor, Conference Room, Genscherallee 3, 53113 Bonn,
or online via Zoom: https://uni-bonn.zoom-x.de/j/68086424817?pwd=ewNLovjSxbzHD0P8yhBNiGyxz6P4Ug.1


The general public became familiar with the term and definition of zoonosis during the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of the pandemic, several responses to mitigate zoonotic risk has been put forward. Often cited are stricter biodiversity conservation and wildlife protection but there are also suggestions to educate people who traditionally consume wildlife for food. This implicit condemnation of culture also manifested explicitly in the form of racism especially against Asians during the height of the pandemic. If the world is to avoid a pandemic, it also needs to work against Orientalism and ensure research is inclusive, equitable, and just. (Link to paper: here)

About the speaker

Denise Margaret Matias is a Professor at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development. Prior to joining BRI, Denise held research and postdoctoral positions at ISOE in Frankfurt, ICTA-UAB in Barcelona, and DIE in Bonn. She graduated with a PhD in Agricultural Sciences from the University of Bonn in 2017 and is a ZEF alumna and ZEF associated researcher. More info at her ZEF profile page https://bit.ly/matiasdenise. More info at her ZEF webpage https://bit.ly/matiasdenise 


Fazlullah Akhtar

Dr. Fazlullah Akhtar


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