"Pragmatist and a big coup : Matin Qaim receives Schlegel professorship at the University of Bonn"

November 02, 2021.  

"Pragmatist and a big coup : Matin Qaim receives Schlegel professorship at the University of Bonn"

News Article in General-Anzeiger, November 1, 2021

Original text: Thomas Kölsch

Translation: Mareike Graepel

"Ecology versus economy, productivity versus nature conservation: Matin Qaim believes that such contradictions are completely unnecessary. In fact, always emphasising them is a fundamental problem. "We have to think both together," demands the agricultural economist, who has held the Schlegel Professorship for Economic and Technological Change at the University of Bonn for a month and is also the new Director at the Centre for Development Research (ZEF)."

Read full article here.

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