Press Release by University of Bonn "Reduced meat diet has many advantages"

by Juliana Paris/ZEF

December 06, 2021.  

"Reduced meat diet has many advantages". Study by the University of Bonn compares the impact of different diets on health, animal welfare and the environment

Which diet is better: moderately reduce meat consumption and eat more fruit, vegetables and wholegrain products, as recommended by the German Nutrition Society? Follow our southern neighbors' example and eat more fish and seafood? Or even switch completely to a vegan diet? A new study by the University of Bonn shows that the answer to these questions is not as clear-cut as one might think - depending on which impacts one closely looks. The results are published in the journal Science of The Total Environment."

The study was funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Publication:Juliana Minetto Gellert Paris, Timo Falkenberg, Ute Nöthlings, Christine Heinzel, Christian Borgemeister & Neus Escobar: Changing dietary patterns is necessary to improve the sustainability of Western diets from a One Health perspective. Science of the Total Environment.

Read full Press release here in English and in German

News Articles on this topic here:

in "Studie zeigt Vorteile fleischarmer Ernährung"

in Paris Guardian: "Reduced meat diet has several advantages: Study"

in TheBeet.: "Study: the Less Meat You Eat the Better for Human Health and the Environment"

in Laborpraxis Vogel: “Wie Diäten auf Gesundheit, Tierwohl und Umwelt wirken Fleischverzicht und andere Ernährungsformen im Vergleich”

in idw: „Studie der Uni Bonn: Fleischarme Kost hat viele Vorteile“

in Proplanta: „Studie zeigt Vorteile fleischarmer Ernährung“

in Flipboard: "Vegan oder mediterran essen? Wie beide Ernährungsformen in Hinblick auf Tierwohl und die Umwelt abschneiden"

Business Insider: "Vegan oder mediterran essen? Wie beide Ernährungsformen in Hinblick auf Tierwohl und die Umwelt abschneiden"

in: "Vegan oder mediterran essen? Wie beide Ernährungsformen in Hinblick auf Tierwohl und die Umwelt abschneiden"

Read also interview with Healio here:



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