University Library guided tours in English
October 09, 2009.
The University Library regularly offers guided tours in English for
international staff and students. Please find the announcement for the
up-coming tours attached.
The contact person for international staff at the library is Ms. Gudrun
Roweck. Please feel free to contact her if you have any further
questions about the library or wish to arrange an individual
appointment. She can also arrange for the subject specialist in your
field to give you a personal introduction to the library services. The
subject specialist will help you with information needed and will also
receive your aquisition proposals.
Tel: 73-7403
Kind regards,
Tina Odenthal
Leiterin Welcome Centre - Manager Welcome Centre
Universität Bonn
Dezernat für Internationale Angelegenheiten - International Office
Welcome Centre
Poppelsdorfer Allee 102
53115 Bonn,
Tel.: +49-228-73 6190
Fax: +49-228-73 5891