University of Bonn's TRA6 funding another ZEF project on how Covid-19 affects Ethiopia

June 22, 2020.  

Another ZEF research project has received a grant by the Transdisciplinary Research Area (TRA) Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Futures (TRA 6) of the University of Bonn in May 2020.

The research on "COVID-19 Risks and Innovations for Sustainable Livelihoods in Ethiopia" was drafted and its proposal submitted by ZEF Senior Researcher Dr. Girma Kelboro Mensuro in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Detlef Müller-Mahn and his colleagues of the Geography Department/Institute of the University of Bonn. The research builds on the established interdisciplinary collaboration between ZEF, the Geography Department/ Institute and Hawassa University in southern Ethiopia.

The aim of the project is to understand how vulnerable groups in rural communities and rural-urban interfaces in Ethiopia are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, and to analyze their coping strategies, resilience and innovative capacities under changing and challenging conditions. Two cases studies, one in northern and one in southern Ethiopia, will be conducted. The study will apply an intersectional perspective to highlight gender- and age-related aspects, and will combine quantitative and qualitative methods to identify new risks resulting from an overlap of already existing and newly emerging vulnerabilities.  

The project has a time frame of six months and will be provided with 21,500 Euros in funds.

More information about TRA-6 funded research in Thailand at ZEF here.


Girma Kelboro Mensuro

Dr. Girma Kelboro Mensuro


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