New ZEF ProciNut project
August 30, 2018.
The new ProciNut project (Processing of edible insects for improved nutrition) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food, began in July 2018. The project aims to better utilize the nutritional and economic potentials of edible insects in Myanmar and Madagascar. Through testing different processing techniques of local insect species (e.g. insect flours, dried insects) the team of international scientists will help to expand commercial small-scale farm activities as well as processing to produce safe and nutritious end products. The project’s objective is to close seasonal nutritional gaps, increase nutritional security of households and improve the income stability of poor women in particular.
A South-South-Cooperation between South East Asia (Myanmar, Thailand) and eastern Africa (Madagascar) stands at the heart of the three year endeavour. The mutual exchange of advanced knowledge of the organized sector of insect rearing and processing (i.e. mini farms) from South East Asia will facilitate a knowledge transfer and capacity development of farmers, extension agents and policy makers across continents. Given the gender-sensitive participatory action research approach it will be ensured that the needs and preferences of poor women are considered, gender harms avoided and the adoption potential of best practices increased.
Project Details <link https: projects external-link-new-window internal link in current>here.