Workshop on Effectiveness of forest conservation initiatives

December 11, 2013.  

December 10-12, 2013. Around 50 experts from all over the world meet in Barcelona, Spain, to evaluate the effectiveness of forest conservation initiatives.

The workshop brings together advanced research teams and policy makers, who review and discuss innovative methodological strategies to evaluate forest conservation policy instruments, such as: protected areas, community forest management, payments for ecosystem services (PES) schemes, forest tenure reform, and regulatory enforcement.

The workshop organizers and participants aim at:

1. Critically assessing the potential and limitations of innovative research on the effectiveness of conservation policy instruments.

2. Promoting specialized exchange between research teams evaluating the impact of forest conservation policies.

3. Identifying opportunities for collaboration between research teams and selected policy makers and donor representatives.

4. Developing recommendations on how impact evaluations can be better integrated into conservation policy design and implementation.

You can download the workshop program.



Jan Börner

Prof. Dr. Jan Börner


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