World Development Report 2006 - Online Consultation

October 20, 2004.  

Online Consultation for World Development Report 2006 - Equity & Development


Dear Members of the Researchers Alliance for Development,


the World Bank has launched an online consultation on the World Development

Report 2006 on Equity in Development, in which you are invited to participate

and to engage in an active dialogue addressing crucial development issues. The

objective of this consultation is to seek views and ideas on the report at an

early stage. To sign up, please visit the WDR 2006 website at: and see the details below.


Further, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you as

I've joined the Paris office this week, replacing Ingrid Johansen.

I will contact you soon to give you a detailed overview on the upcoming

activities and the prospective character of the network and

I look forward to a fruitful dialogue.


The online consultation of the Report's Outline, prepared in July 2004, will be

held over six weeks and discussions will cover the three parts of the Outline:

· Oct 12 ? 22 Part I: ?How Unequal is the World?? moderated by M. Menendez

· Oct 25 ? Nov 5 Part II: ?Does Inequality Matter?? moderated by J. Tanner

· Nov 8 ? Nov 19 Part III: ?Institutions and Policies for Greater Equity and Lower Poverty? moderated by C. Montenegro



For the first two weeks, Marta Menendez, who is working with Peter Lanjouw and

Berk Ozler on Part I of the WDR, is moderating the online consultation. The

outline of the report is available on the website, in English, French and


Please note a few process points. Participants are asked to keep their messages

to one page in length maximum, and to not send attachments. Attachments, if any,

should be sent to and not to the consultation. Moderators

will not be able to post messages that are too long or not relevant. Messages

will be posted on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. EDT (even if received on

weekends). A summary of the discussion will be prepared by the moderators each



All interested individuals and parties are welcome to participate! Please spread

the word!






Nina Maqami

Development Policy Dialogue

European Vice-Presidency World Bank

66, Avenue d'Iena - 75116 Paris


Tel. +33 (0) 1 40 69 3027

fax +33 (0) 1 47 23 74 36


Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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