
October 22, 2004.  

gtz-ecosan-newsletter - short-term information October/2004


Dear ecosan-friends,


this is a "special edition" of the gtz-ecosan-newsletter, in which we would like to give you a short-term information on the following events, which will

take place before the next regular issue of the newsletter will be distributed:


- Partner-event on ecological sanitation scheduled for 30th November at Global Wash Forum

- 3rd International Conference on Ecological Sanitation (23-27 May 2005, Durban, South

Africa): Deadline for submission of abstracts extended to 12th November 2004

- Internet-Online-Course on Sustainable Aquacultures (Nov. 8-12, 2004)

- Internet-Online-Course on Ecological Sanitation (Dec. 6-10, 2004)

- CREPA Network Research Forum - Community Sanitation, Hygiene and Water for Poverty

Reduction (6 - 10 December 2004, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)

- Call for papers for the 3R Congress (Recovery, Recycling, Re-integration) 2005

- Seminar on constructed wetlands and ecological engineering (15 - 16 November 2004,





partner-event on ecological sanitation in the afternoon of Tuesday 30th November at the "WSSCC - Global WASH Forum" 2004, Senegal



At the up-coming first Global WASH Forum in Dakar (29th November - 3rd December) organised by the "Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council"

(WSSCC) a partner event on ecological sanitation is currently being planned by a range of international organisations (GTZ, EcoSanRes, EcoSan Club, WASTE,

The Agricultural University of Norway, WECF, CREPA, the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine etc.) for the afternoon of Tuesday 30th November. This

event will highlight the importance of hygiene promotion and hygienic practice in ecological sanitation projects and should bring the practitioners of

eco-sanitation and those of hygiene promotion together in order to learn from each other and to integrate best practises from both fields, which currently

often still go separately.


We hope that through this event we can reinforce the importance of hygiene in sanitation systems which seek to safely collect, treat and reuse the

resources represented by wastewater and excreta, and strengthen the cooperation between hygiene promotion and ecological sanitation professionals.


Other side events currently planned by other organisations will look at further aspects of ecological sanitation, including the management of feacal sludge

and the use of wastewater in irrigation.


!!! For more information on the side event on ecological sanitation contact: <>


General objectives of the "First Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Forum" are:

(a) to draw lessons on how successful water, sanitation and hygiene programs, sector reforms and development partnerships are in leading to the eradication

of poverty, and

(b) to strengthen regional and national partnership initiatives aimed at attaining the goals of the World Summit on Sustainable Development.


Under the wider theme "Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for all - Solutions and actions; local and national" the Global WASH Forum will focus on four main



* Finance (Is it true that the main barrier to the achievement of 'WASH' services is a

lack of resources? How can we mobilize resources at the local level?)

* Coalitions (How can real progress begin to happen? How can genuine collaborative

partnerships begin to happen at the local level?)

* Local government (How can the capacity and strength of local authorities and local

organisations be developed to reach the MDGs in relation to WASH issues?)

* Policy (What can governments do? Why is progress so slow? What policy and

institutional changes are required to provide for community managed approaches? What

changes are required to put WASH at the centre of the development agenda?)



!!! For detailed information on the Global WASH Forum please go to:





3rd International Conference on Ecological Sanitation (23-27 May 2005, Durban, South Africa)

Deadline for submission of abstracts extended to 12th November 2004



The Theme of the 3rd International Conference on Ecological Sanitation (23-27 May 2005, Durban, South Africa) is "Ecological Sanitation: A sustainable,

integrated solution". The conference website is now available. Apart from giving information on the conference it will soon allow online registration and

online submission of abstracts.


!!! The deadline for submission of abstracts has been extended to 12th November 2004.


Persons wishing to make oral presentations at the conference are invited to submit abstracts according to the guidelines and MSWord template (please

download the documents from <> ). The abstracts should be for papers dealing with themes A or B below.



A. Optimising choices for urban and rural settings: This theme includes aspects such as

design, promotion, education, finance, O&M, etc.

B. Health issues for urban and rural settings: This theme includes aspects such as O&M,

re-use, environmental conservation, etc.



!!! For detailed information on the 3rd International Conference on Ecological Sanitation visit:





Internet-Online-Course on Sustainable Aquacultures (November 8-12, 2004)


The online course "Sustainable Aquacultures" (Nov. 8-12, 2004) provides on overview about the concept of sustainable aquacultures and an insight into

referring experiences of the Kalyani International Centre of Ecological Engineering. The course managers are B.B.Jana and J.Heeb.


!!! A course description is available for download at





Internet-Online-Course on Ecological Sanitation (December 6-10, 2004)


The online course "Ecological Sanitation: Sustainable Toilet solutions - an e-learning course" (Dec. 6-10, 2004) will provide practical knowledge about the

ecosan framework and ecosan toilet systems as a basis for work as a decision maker, planner, developer, etc.


!!! A course description is available for download at





CREPA Network Research Forum - Community Sanitation, Hygiene and Water for Poverty Reduction (6 - 10 December 2004, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)



The objective of the Forum is to share the experiences gained through CREPA's research projects on ecological sanitation, waste sludge management,

greywater by small bore sewers and microfinance with national, regional and international actors in the sanitation and water sectors and to discuss

alternative viable sanitation solutions, hygiene measures and water supply in rural, peri-urban and urban areas.

CREPA is the regional network for low-cost water supply and sanitation, covering 17 countries in West and Central Africa, 16 francophone and one



P r o g r a m m e

The main conference takes place the 6 - 8 December and will in half-day sessions treat the following aspects:

Session 1: Strategies for promoting hygiene and environmental sanitation: Socio-economic perceptions, gender equity and poverty alleviation

Session 2: Technical options for management of waste water and excreta

Session 3: Recycling of water and nutrients in the urban and rural contexts: Hygiene and agricultural reuse

Session 4: Financing water and sanitation in Africa: Local initiatives, public private partnerships

Panel debate: How to reach the millennium development goals: Strategies and Actions


During the 9 - 10 December the 12 pilot projects, conducted in 7 West African countries, will be presented more in detail.


Abstracts are welcome

Abstracts and articles for oral and poster presentations are welcome on the four themes outlined. The content must be relevant and address the problems and

possibilities for the achievement of the MDGs on sanitation and hygiene. Abstracts should be received by Crepa as soon as possible and will be reviewed and

accepted by a scientific committee. Full articles should follow the instruction provided by CREPA and be submitted no later than 20 November. Only

abstracts and articles in electronic form are considered.


Dates and Venue

6 - 10 December 2004 at CGP (Caisse Générale de Péréquation) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.


Registrations will be received until 15 November. More information and a registration form is available on the CREPA web site, for on-line registration or

to print.


!!! Contact Amah Klutsé or Hervé Tiendrébéogo via <>

!!! For further Information visit: <>



Call for papers for the 7th World Congress on 3R (Recovery, Recycling, Re-integration), September 25 - 29, 2005, Beijing / China



Organiser: Chinese Academy Science (CAS), China, and State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), China


The 3R Congress (Recovery, Recycling, Re-integration) 2005 intends to propose sustainable solutions and an effective dialogue between decision-makers and

resource management professionals in industrial, political, academic, social, financial and environmental sectors.

Emphasis will be on technology and know-how transfer as well as on providing comprehensive global and local solutions for efficient management of natural

resources, recovery of material and waste.

Engineering and financing issues of international projects will be given special attention.


Closing date for the "Call for papers" is October 30th 2004 (period extended from September 30th).

However, as first step, only a short abstract will be needed.

If the time is to short or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Schelker via E-mail:


Yet there is no session for ecological sanitation foreseen in the programme.

However, we will ourselves submit an abstract to make ecological sanitation a topic at the conference.


!!! For more information please visit:



!!! Download the "Call for papers"





Seminar on constructed wetlands and ecological engineering (15 - 16 November 2004, Germany)



A Seminar on constructed wetlands and ecological engineering with the title "Praxiserfahrungen mit naturnahen Verfahren der Abwasserbehandlung in Europa

und Übersee" will take place from 15 - 16 November 2004 at the Technische Hochschule Stuttgart (Germany). The seminar is held in German language. Seminar

fee is 220 Euro (50 Euro for Students).


!!! Contact: Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Klaus Mueller // Tel.: 0049 (0) 711 / 1 21 - 28 46 // Fax: 0049 (0) 711 / 1 21 - 29 13 // Email: <



!!! For more information and to download the programme-pdf click on "Actuell/Jobs" at the website: <> and select

the second item in the column "Seminare" [1,7 MB].




The GTZ ecosan team:



Christine Werner, Florian Klingel, Patrick Bracken, Suse Becker


Div. 44, Water and Solid Waste Management

ecosan project - ecologically and economically sustainable wastewater management and sanitation systems

Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH

Postfach 5180

D-65726 Eschborn, Germany

Phone: ++49-6196-79-4221

Fax: ++49-6196-79-80-7458



Christine Werner <>

Florian Klingel <>

Patrick Bracken <>

Susanne Becker <>




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Günther Manske

Dr. Günther Manske


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