ATSAF-Job-News 27-2004
November 29, 2004.
Michigan State Univ.:2 Postdoctoral Positions, Research Associates, Food Safety
Policy Center
The Institute for Animal Production in the Tropics and Subtropics of Hohenheim
University offers a
PhD Position (0.5 Bat IIa)
FARA: Coordinator for the Sub Saharan Africa Challenge Program
1. Michigan State Univ.:2 Postdoctoral Positions, Research Associates, Food Safety
Policy Center
Posting Date: October, 2004
Posting Number: CVM-445, CVM-446
2 visiting research associate positions, Fixed Term, Renewable on annual basis, 100%
time. Salary commensurate with experience and qualifications
DUTIES: Food Safety Policy. The post-doctoral positions will play an important role in
developing inter-disciplinary research in food safety policy at the newly established
Food Safety Policy Center at Michigan State University. The associates will be part of
one or more of the Center's many multi-disciplinary programs integrating microbiology,
toxicology, food and nutrition sciences, social
sciences, and food laws and regulations that relate to the development of food safety
policy. The post-doctoral associates will assist the principal investigators in carrying out
the work associated with the initiation and establishment of the Food Safety Policy
Center at the state, national and international levels. The associates will provide
guidance and assistance to the on going set of studies and will be involved in analysis
and writing about food safety from a policy perspective.
QUALIFICATIONS: Ph.D. The FSPC under the National Food Safety and Toxicology
Center (http://www.foodsafe.msu>http://www.foodsafe.msu ) seeks candidates with
backgrounds in any of the biophysical sciences, health sciences, or social sciences
related to food safety, who will focus on the relationships between and among food
security, food technology, food laws and regulations, and food science as they relate to
food safety and policy. Candidates must be oriented towards examining the linkages
among the biological, medical, economic, political and social dimensions of food safety
policy. Candidates with knowledge of how these issues affect the policy-making
processes within the U.S. and at international levels are particularly welcome. Interest
in how food safety policy could
apply to Michigan is also welcome. All candidates should possess a broad public policy
perspective in one or more areas of risk analysis, food bio-security/terrorism, food
safety science policy, emerging technologies for food production as they relate to food
safety, and food laws and regulation. For more information, please look at FSPC
program and goals
APPLICATIONS: Due December 15, 2004. Position to begin as soon as possible after
hiring. Applicants who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents must provide
documentation evidencing employment authorization in the United States. Send a
statement, addressing how your research and teaching interests would contribute to
the building of inter-disciplinary research and dissemination programs relating to food
safety policy development.Supporting materials should include a vita, transcript, and a
sample of scholarship (e.g. dissertation chapter, journal article, conference paper), and
should be sent to:
Food Safety Policy Center
165 National Food Safety and Toxicology Center Michigan State
University East Lansing Michigan 48824-1302
Questions about this position may be directed to:
Ewen Todd, Director, National Food Safety and Toxicology Center at Michigan State
University, via email. Applications may be submitted electronically to Dr. Todd
(<> ).
craig k harris
department of sociology
michigan agricultural experiment station
national food safety and toxicology center
institute for food and agricultural standards
michigan state university
Source: Richard P. Haynes, Editor-in-chief "Agriculture and Human Values"
PO Box 118545, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-118545
The Institute for Animal Production in the Tropics and Subtropics of Hohenheim
University offers a
PhD Position (0.5 Bat IIa)
in the framework of its DFG funded research project SFB 564 "Sustainable Land Use
and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia/The Uplands
Program". The position will start in January 2005 and will be free for a duration of 1.5
years. Provided a continuation of the SFB 564 for a 3rd phase, the position can be
extended for another 1.5 years. The position can be filled directly.
The candidate will work within the sub-project "Efficiency of smallholder animal
husbandry depending on intensity of management and genetic potential of livestock in
mountainous regions of Northern Vietnam: Development of community driven breeding
programs using genotypes with high productive adaptability". The research work will be
conducted in the uplands of NW Vietnam together with smallholder livestock keepers
in the frame of an established research cooperation with the National Institute of
Animal Husbandry Hanoi and the Sub-Department of Animal Health Son La province .
The position will thus be based in Germany and Vietnam. After an adjustment phase in
Germany, the candidate will spend about 9 months in the project area.
Background and aim of the project During the first project phase (7/2000 to 6/2003), a
comprehensive analysis of smallholder livestock production systems in the project
area was carried out focusing on pig production and covering a gradient in terms of
distance to town, altitude, and pig production intensity. Results suggested a possible
improvement of smallholder pig production through village breeding programs. In a
second phase (7/2003 to 6/2006), On-farm Performance Testing Schemes OPTS for
pigs were established in order to determine productive adaptability and resource use
efficiency of different genotypes under field conditions potentially to be integrated into
the village breeding programs. OPTS have become a tool for regular herd monitoring
by farmers, and provide the basis for the breeding program.
In order to rank different pig production systems regarding their factor use efficiency,
pigs' performances will be aggregated into herd productivity indices using bio-
economic herd models. Efficient systems will be identified and production strategies to
increase efficiency of other systems will be derived. An assessment of the policy and
market environment together with the socio-cultural compatibility of proposed
improvement options will be determined in order to assess adoption chances by local
farmers. The successful candidate will optimise the bio-economic herd model. In
addition, the candidate will optimise the breeding program, integrating local pig
populations into a crossbreeding design.
Qualification of the candidate
The successful candidate
- holds a M.Sc. degree (or M.Sc. equivalent) in agriculture or a related discipline,
- has a strong background in animal breeding and biometrics, modelling experience in
regard to breeding programs and bio-economic evaluation would be an asset,
- is fluent in spoken and written English (knowledge of Vietnamese would be an asset),
- is familiar with fieldwork in tropical countries,
- has the capability to work in a mutual dialogue and on equal terms with farmers,
- has the capability to work in an interdisciplinary and multicultural environment,
- has the capability to work for a longer period in a harsh environment (uplands of
North Vietnam).
Interested candidates should send a letter of application, CV, copies of university
certificates (B.Sc. and M.Sc.), English language proficiency proof, and, if available,
copies of references about previous occupations and a list of publications to:
Prof. Dr. Anne Valle Zárate
Institute for Animal Production in the Tropics and Subtropics (480a)
Universität Hohenheim
70593 Stuttgart
Electronic applications should be sent to: (Mrs. Ute Lemke) (secretary Mrs. Keller)
Applications will be evaluated continuously. The position announcement will be open
until a suitable candidate is identified.
Information is available on the websites of the University (, the
Faculty of Agricultural Sciences ( and the
research program "The Uplands Program" (
For further information please contact Mrs. Ute Lemke (
FARA is the apex organization for agricultural research for development in Africa. Its
primary functions are advocacy and constituency building, advancing information and
knowledge sharing and promoting partnerships for African agricultural research for
development. FARA's major stakeholders are the sub regional organizations (SROs),
the national agricultural research systems, the international agricultural research
centres, advanced research institutes, investors and policy makers. FARA is the
technical arm of NEPAD for the research components of its Comprehensive Africa
Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP). FARA became operational in July
2002 when its secretariat was established in Accra, Ghana.
FARA is seeking to employ a Coordinator for the Sub Saharan Africa Challenge
Program (SSA CP) who will be responsible to the Executive Secretary. The overall
responsibility of the Coordinator is the successful implementation of the SSA CP
following the IAR4D principles. He/She should be able to maintain the SSA CP
program governance and management with effective use of resources and yet,
facilitate the participation of many different stakeholders and support implementation of
difficult institutional changes. He/She should be able to liaise with the SROs who in
turn will be resourced and relied upon to oversee and support the Pilot Learning Team
in their respective regions. The Programme Coordinator is responsible for the
facilitation and mentoring service and providing cross-team linkages for sharing
experiences through methodology analysis and dissemination and information and
knowledge management.
The Program Coordinator will;
- Manage the Programme Coordination Unit;
-·Report and account to the Programme Steering Committee;
-·Report to the SROs;
-·Administratively report and account to FARA's Executive Secretary;
-·Comply with FARA's and investors' financial and performance audit requirements;
-·Report and account to investors through the Programme Steering Committee; and
-·Coordinate the Programme wide activities and support to the Pilot Learning Teams.
The Programme Coordination Unit will have a small permanent staff that will enable it
to function efficiently at any level of funding without becoming an excessive burden.
- PhD or equivalent degree in agriculture or related subject
- Citizenship of an African country and experience in more than one region of Africa.
- At least 7 years experience with an outstanding record of achievement in scientific
research management, preferably experience with integrated natural resource
management at the same time knows how to handle donor relations.
- An ability to work in English, but with oral and written fluency in either English or
- Ability to work effectively in a multi-cultural environment.
- An ability to make presentations and write well under pressure and a commitment to
meeting deadlines.
FARA offers competitive international terms of employment and is an equal opportunity
employer and encourages applications from women.
Please send (preferably via e-mail) comprehensive curriculum vitae and names of
three referees to:
Dr. Monty Jones, Executive Secretary, FARA, PMB CT 173, Accra, Ghana
Fax: +233 21 773676; Email:
Applications are accepted until 30 January 2005 or until a suitable candidate is
identified. More details are available at
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