ATSAF- Allg. News 15-2007
December 06, 2007.
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Mit den besten Gruessen,
Nicole Flick, Volker Hoffmann
1. 200 zusätzliche Stellen für Professorinnen an den Hochschulen
2. Technology alone will not solve energy crisis
3. Uni. Göttingen/Germany and Uni. Canterbury/New Zealand offer
an integrated bi-national Master´s programme in International
Nature Conservation.
4. Zero tillage reduces irrigation demand in South Asia
5. Brazil launches US$23 billion science plan
6. Crop research 'must switch to climate adaptation'
200 zusätzliche Stellen für Professorinnen an den Hochschulen
Bund und Länder haben sich am Montag auf ein Programm
geeinigt, dass in
den kommenden fünf Jahren 200 neue Stellen für Professorinnen
an den
deutschen . Hochschulen schaffen soll. Dafür stellt das
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) insgesamt
75 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung, die Länder beteiligen sich anteilig
an dem Gesamtvolumen von 150 Millionen Euro. Das Programm
und seine Finanzierung wurden auf der diesjährigen Sitzung der
Bund-Länder-Kommission für Bildungsplanung und
Forschungsförderung in Bonn beschlossen.
Quelle vbiol Newsletter 43-2007
Technology alone will not solve energy crisis
d=232&language=1 The world must not miss its second chance to
take a
radically different approach to energy consumption.
Source: SciDev.Net Weekly Update: 12 - 19 November 2007
Uni. Göttingen/Germany and Uni. Canterbury/New Zealand offer
an integrated bi-national Master´s programme in International
Nature Conservation.
Admission criteria are previous special experiences and expertise
international nature conservation and a six semester Bachelor
degree in
Biodiversity and Ecology or equivalent fields.
The students study one semester at Georg-August-Universität
Göttingen/Germany and one at Lincoln University/New Zealand
and have to
attend one practical semester. The studies focus on international
in nature conservation, with a broad basis in conservation biology.
main rationale of the programme is learning by contrasts between
and circumstances to meet contemporary demands of local,
regional and
global nature conservation issues. The content and structure of the
has been endorsed by an advisory board consisting of
professionals working
at international conservation organisations.
In order to distribute information on this Master´s Program more
widely, I
would be happy if you could publish the text of the attached file on
homepage or in your Newsletter.
For further information see the internet:
Source and contact: Dr. Matthias Waltert, Department of
Conservation Biology,
Centre for Nature Conservation, Georg-August-Universität, Von-
Siebold-Strasse 2
7075 Göttingen/Germany
phone: +49-551-392313
fax: +49-551-399234
Zero tillage reduces irrigation demand in South Asia
age=1 In a report released last month, the World Bank highlights a
trick to save on irrigation while boosting crop yields in South Asia.
Source: SciDev.Net Weekly Update: 5 - 12 November 2007
Brazil launches US$23 billion science plan
The plan will increase human resources in scientific research
[RIO DE JANEIRO] A new science plan, aiming to strengthen the
role of science, technology and innovation in sustainable
development, has been launched by Brazil. Brazilian president Luiz
Inácio Lula da Silva presented the four-year 'Plan of Action for
Science, Technology and Innovation' yesterday (20 November) in
Brasilia. The government will invest almost US$23 billion, half from
the Ministry of Science and Technology and half from the
ministries of Mines and Energy, Health, Education, Agriculture, and
the National Bank of Economic and Social Development.
Scientific institutions, parliamentarians and ministries have been
discussing the plan since the beginning of the year. It has four
strategic priorities.
The first is to expand and consolidate the National System of
Science, Technology and Innovation, which includes increasing
human resources in scientific research and improving research
and educational infrastructure.
Promoting innovation in the industry sector is the second priority.
Next year, federal agencies will offer approximately US$267 million
of tax-rebates and funds to companies to develop research and
The last two priorities are to support research and innovation in
strategic areas, particularly biotechnology, biofuels and
biodiversity; and to foster science popularisation and education.
Luiz Antonio Rodrigues Elias, executive secretary at the Ministry of
Science and Technology, told SciDev.Net that the merit of the plan
is to consider not only what must be done in the science sector but
also incorporate the developments and needs of other sectors
associated with science, such as health, education and
agribusiness. "This is an integrated and horizontal plan," he says.
"Besides looking at the science dimension, it creates a system of
articulated governance among the diverse ministries."
Carla Almeida , 21 November 2007, Source: SciDev.Net
Crop research 'must switch to climate adaptation'
Crops must be made more resilient to drought
[HYDERABAD] Climate-change and crop experts have called for a
paradigm shift in agricultural research to focus on making plants
more resilient to global warming rather than on increasing yields.
Martin Parry, co-chair of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change and William Dar, director-general of the
International Centre for Research in Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
in Hyderabad, India, said the focus of crop research should be
reoriented towards adaptation to environmental stress, such as
rising temperatures and water scarcity.
"Adaptation is crucial. Drought-proofing of crops by developing
heat-resistant varieties is probably one of the key elements," said
Parry at an international symposium on climate change yesterday
(22 November).
Dar said changes in climate will alter populations and the
geographic spread of pests and pathogens, which also need to be
countered with more resistant plant varieties.
Experts from ICRISAT urged governments and international donor
agencies to invest more in crop research in view of the adverse
projections on agriculture due to global warming. They said focus
should shift to crops such as pearl millets and sorghum that grow
in arid and semi-arid tropics.
Refocusing research in this way would have implications in training
programmes for plant breeders and agricultural education
systems, they say.
Production of rice, staple food of billions, most of whom live in poor
countries, will be the most affected by global warming, as higher
temperatures shift the time of pollination and affect grain formation,
said Dyno Keatinge, ICRISAT deputy director-general.
Increased frequency of droughts as a result of global warming will
reduce crop production, with most of the people vulnerable to
hunger being in Africa, said Parry. He warned that the world is
already starting to witness global warming, with a half-degree
Celsius rise in average global temperatures in the past century,
and a further 0.6 degree increase expected from the world's
present levels of greenhouse-gas emissions.
Colin Chartres, director-general of the International Water
Management Institute in Sri Lanka, said it is time for climate
scientists to scale down global-warming models to be more region-
specific, and even river-basin-specific, in order to determine
appropriate water-management strategies in agriculture.
Dar said ICRISAT's strategy looks at climate change in two time
frames: a short-to-medium-term strategy to help farmers cope
better with rainfall variability, and a medium-to-long-term strategy
to adapt crops such as pearl millet, sorghum, chickpea, groundnut
and pigeon pea to grow in a warmer world.
T. V. Padma, 23 November 2007, Source: SciDev.Net
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